Nr. użytkownika 2166390

Narodowość Tajska, Chińska | Więcej »

Imię i nazwisko Noree

Miejscowość/Region Nonthaburi/

Państwo Tajlandia

Start czerwiec 2022 - grudzień 2024

Preferowany czas trwania programu 12-24 miesiące

Języki na poziomie komunikatywnym: mandaryński (C1), angielski (B1), tajski (Język ojczysty)

Ostatnie logowanie 26 wrzesień 2023

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Profil odwiedzony przez 0 Rodziny Goszczące w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
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My name is Noree. You can call me Nono, a 25 years old Nurse from Thailand. I'm a cheerful person with a good smile. I live in a province nearby Bangkok called “Nonthaburi”, which is a province that is surrounded by canals and rivers.
When I graduated, I earned a scholarship for a bachelor's degree in nursing at Thai Red Cross college of nursing. When I was a nursing student, I really like pediatric nursing care subject very much because I love taking care of children and I believe that I am good at it base on my A grade. I have practiced babysitting experiences such as bathing, feeding, child development, baby walking, and speaking. and playing with them. As most of the children are sick, they tend to be fussy and less cooperative. But because I get along with children easily, most of the children liked me and cooperated in the nursing procedures. I have earned the trust of children's parents and have been frequently praised by them. After I graduated, due to the condition of my scholarship. I was recruited to work at the emergency department ,where people know as the toughest department of all. Since then, I have had opportunities to experience all the conditions of patients, from their births to the end of their lives. With this department, I have been saving countless lives and resuscitating patients. The experiences have groomed me to be calm and be able to handle any situations. Also, be quick enough to response to any incidents. I have earned First Aid care and CPR advance life support certificate that wound become handy once there is any accident happens.

I am interested in the Aupair program in USA. The reason why I would like to be an Au pair, firstly I expect to improve my English language for my future career and graduation which require good English skill. However, I found out that my skill doesn’t good enough. I think Au pair program can help me to reach my goal by take some interesting English courses, learning with native speaker, so I would like to be a part of an American family. Secondly this program gives me a chance to gain the wonderful experience. I am equipped with every skill I think necessary to become an Aupair, such as learning cultures, language, childcare skills. I am confident that I am responsible, fast learner, gentle, and kind. I love children, and I believe I can take care of children to grow up happily. I think childhood is the most important period of life. They need someone who can take care of them and give them advice, along with letting them develop themselves in the appropriate manners, and grow up to be a healthy person both physically and mentally.
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Doświadczenie w opiece na dziećmi

My supervisor in the department often assigns me to take care of child- related cases. For example, most children tend to have convulsions because of high fever. When I screen any child with very high fever, I will urgently hand on and will do sponge bath to prevent the child from having convulsion. If a child has convulsion, he/she will have the risk of delayed brain development. Most parents do not know this fact, and they are afraid to do sponge bath when their children have fever and cry. They need to know that if they do sponge bath correctly, it will help to reduce the fever effectively. So, I need to teach all the parents the procedures so that they can take care of their children on their own when they leave the hospital. No matter how much work it is, I still love children very much. Their cuteness always makes me feel happy. I also be a nurse teacher at an international kindergarten. and my duty is to babysit many students at the kindergarten. Sometimes, I take babysitting jobs for those parents who are busy with their work. One of my proudest children is Kaew, a 4 years old girl. I have been assigned to look after her during weekends since she was 10 months old. I fed her, changed diapers for her, told her bedtime stories, put her to sleep, played with her, sing and dance together. When she was sick, I would give her medicines and would do sponge bath before taking her to the hospital. There were two moments that still had been unforgettable for me. The first was when she called my name for the first time, and the second was when she took her first step of walking. Now, she can run and climb around, but I still have to be careful to prevent her from getting any accident. When she falls or has a wound, I will always be her personal nurse. We have done many activities together such as swimming, reading books, singing, watching movie, painting, or baking cake. Now, she is in kindergarten. I drop her off and pick her up from school. She is so cute. When I saw her laughing and smiling happily, it makes me feel happy too. I can say that I love Kaew as if she is my real younger sister.
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Dane osobowe

Nie palęMam kurs pierwszej pomocy - TakPotrafię pływać dobrze - TakPotrafię jeździć na rowerze - TakPosiadam prawo jazdy - Tak, z doświadczeniem

Potrafię pływać dobrze

Potrafię jeździć na rowerze

Posiadam prawo jazdy Tak, z doświadczeniem

Mam rodzeństwo

Mam ważny paszport

Nie palę

Mam kurs pierwszej pomocy

Aktualne zajęcie pielęgniarka

Wykształcenie Uniwersytet

Znajomość języków

tajski: Język rodzimy, Od 24 Rok
mandaryński: zaawansowany (C1), Od 24 Rok
angielski: średniozaawansowany (B1), Od 12 Rok

Czy uprawiasz sport? Jaki?  Swimming, skate, biking, driving, badminton

Religia Ateizm

Religia jest dla Ciebie: nieistotna

Czy przestrzegasz specjalnej diety? Brak specjalnej diety

Mam problemy ze zdrowiem / alergie No

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Kryteria Pracy

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie - TakMogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi - TakAkceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi - TakMogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi - Tak

Preferowane kraje Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki

Preferowany region Duże miasto, Miasto

Preferowany czas trwania programu 12-24 miesiące

Najwcześniejszy start czerwiec 2022

Najpóźniejszy start grudzień 2024

Akceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie

Mogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi

Preferowany wiek dziecka mniej niż 1 rok, 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat, 11-14 lat, więcej niż 15 lat

Doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi więcej niż 800 godzin

Iloma dziećmi możesz się zająć? 2

Czy możesz pracować z samotnym rodzicem? Tak, z matką lub z ojcem

Mogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi

Mogę zaopiekować się osobami niepełnosprawnymi

Preferowana grupa wiekowa uczniów

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O mnie

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