I am Grace am kenyan living in a city called Nairobi am twenty two years old single with no kid I can also speak german A2 level, and very fluent in English.i come from a family of five i would really love to be an aupair because i really love kids and to be around kids just ...
Dear host family, Warm greetings. I am Lucy. I am 23years. I would want to join your family as an AU pair and be part of it. I love children. Spending time with them, making live memories such as outdoor activities, singing together, dancing, reading stories thrills me a lot. I ...
Drodzy gospodarze, jestem Lynn, 18-letnia dziewczyna o narodowości kenijskiej. Jestem pierworodną w rodzinie trojga dzieci. Moje rodzeństwo ma 13 i 6 lat. Bycie zawsze za nie odpowiedzialnym dało mi poczucie odpowiedzialności i niezależności. Jestem pracowita, ...
Greatings I am grateful that you visited my page, I am mercy from kenya I would feel humbled if hosted and worked for you,I love learning and getting to know different cultures beyond my comfort zone, I love children and having fun and happy moments with them gives me a ...
My name is Dora from Kenya, and I am thrilled by the opportunity of joining the au pair program I am a lawyer by profession and an author too. I have written an anthology of short stories titled "The fight I had to fight." I am a christian in terms of religion. My hobbies ...
I Simply love children and enjoy helping them learn and grow at every stage of their lives to bring out their best in them since am also a mother it makes me dedicated in this. My passion in life has always been serving humanity and the community as I do this it gives me true ...
Dear Host Family Name, I am writing to express my interest in being your Au Pair & Nanny. Having been a nanny for quite some time now, I do consider the task of nurturing and taking care of kids to be great. I have always been passionate about working ...
Hello! Am Thelma from Kenya. I am 22 years old.I would love to join you and your family as an Au-Pair. I love taking care of kids, playing with them. Am an easy going person. I would also love to exchange culture and learn more through your family.
I am a 25 years old girl and I live in a small town in Kenya, a beautiful country in Africa. I am an open-minded, hard-working, easy-going, dedicated, trustworthy, helpful, patient, and responsible person. I love taking care of kids and elderly and their health, safety, and ...
Cieszymy się, że możemy Ci przedstawić Irene (25L) pochodzącą z Kenia, która chciałaby pomóc Twojej rodzinie jako Au Pair & Wirtualna opieka nad dziećmi. Posiada wykształcenie na poziomie: Liceum i posiada doświadczenie w pracy jako handlarka.
Eylem Zana, 25 Eylem Zana (25), nauczycielka, z Turcja poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair & Niania w Austria, Belgia, Irlandia, Holandia, Szwajcaria
Emily, 23 Emily (23), kelnerka, z Wielka Brytania poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair & Niania w Australia, Francja, Włochy, USA
Arina, 22 Arina (22), artystka, z Rosja poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair w Australia, Francja, Niemcy, Włochy, USA
Andrea, 29 Andrea (29), , z Hiszpania poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair & Mieszkanie za opiekę w Hiszpania, Francja, Niemcy, Holandia, Szwajcaria
Abigail, 23 Abigail (23), pracownik socjalny, z Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair & Niania w Kostaryka, Dominikana, Puerto Rico, Meksyk, Hiszpania
Teresa, 21 Teresa (21), animatorka, z Hiszpania poszukuje pracy jako Au Pair & Niania w Kanada, Francja