au pair

Jobs after the Au Pair stay

por JuliaTempo de leitura: 2 min.
Jobs after the Au pair stay - What should I do in life?
The Au Pair program might be the best time of your life. You will learn a new language, meet new interesting people and immerse into a whole new culture. As exciting it can be to work as an Au Pair, you stay will eventually end. And it’s always good to be prepared for the future.
This is why we introduce our new series about jobs after the Au Pair stay to you! Of course you’re free to choose whatever profession you like, but the Au Pair experience will qualify you for some fields in particular. May it be child-related, about languages or sharing your experience with others, there’s a lot to discover and the choices are endless. We hope that you’ll see our list as an inspiration to do your own research about which field and which job would fit to you. Each week we will add an article about a certain profession. So keep on reading and let us know in the comments which job you would like to execute after your Au Pair year!

The childminder

You love children! This is why you want to become an Au Pair in the first place. Of course you also like to discover a new environment but spending time with kids, being a role model and playing games with them makes you really proud and happy. If that description fits your motives then have a look at our list!
  • Kindergarten teacher
  • School teacher
  • Paediatric nurse
  • Midwife
  • Music teacher
  • Paediatric doctor
  • Children's entertainer

The language nerd

Languages are your passion! You can’t imagine how it must feel like to only speak one single language. You feel that different languages and cultures enrich your life and it’s your dream to mediate between nations by speaking like a native in several languages. If this is the source of your motivation to become an Au Pair, you should pursue your path and fulfil your passion in your professional life. These jobs fit your interest:
  • Interpreter
  • Translator
  • Tourism manager

The indecisive

You don’t really know what you want to do in life yet. That’s why you took a gap year: you want to experience something different to become aware of what you really want. What characterizes you is that you have a lot of different interests but not one special passion in particular. It’s hard to decide in which job you would like to work if you don’t have a clue what fascinates you at all. Becoming an Au Pair will give you the time to think about yourself and will confront you with aspects of life you haven’t thought about before. If you feel this way, more general jobs would work for you. Let’s present some fields which could just be right for you:
  • Working in NGOs
  • Writer
  • Blogger
  • Photographer
  • Social media manager
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