ID пользователя 3011262

Гражданство австриец / австрийка, турок / турчанка | Подробнее ⇩

Полное имя Damla

Город/Область/Регион Dornbirn/ Форарльберг

Страна Австрия

Начало март 2024 - март 2024

Продолжительность программы 12-24 месяцы

Я хорошо владею следующими языками: Английский (B2), Немецкий (Родной), Турецкий (Родной)

Заходил(а) 10 День (-я,-ей) назад

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Письмо семье

Dear Future Au Pair Parents,

I'm Damla, a 22-year-old from charming Dornbirn, Austria. With a passion for art, a heart full of responsibility as a big sister, and a love for childcare, I'm thrilled at the prospect of becoming a cherished member of your family. I look forward to sharing adventures, laughter, and creating precious moments together. Let's embark on this beautiful journey together!

I live with my wonderful mom and my three younger siblings. My sister, Didem, has turned 18 and doubles as my best friend; often, people mistake us for twins. My two boys, Mustafa (10) and Musab (soon to be 7), and I share a home with a fortunate touch—a garden where we spend countless summer days. My mom, a trained office clerk and technical draftsman, brings a mix of administrative expertise and artistic flair to our lives. On the other side, my dad, who is a farmer in Cyprus, even tends to a beehive, which I find incredibly interesting and impressive. Despite not living with us, I maintain a meaningful connection with him.

Since my 18th birthday, I've held a driver's license, and I'm proud to say I've never been in an accident (fingers crossed). This experience has not only granted me independence but has also reinforced my sense of responsibility.

I prioritize daily physical activity, engaging in Pilates, yoga, fitness, or running. Sports are a cornerstone of my life, complemented by a commitment to a wholesome diet, both physically and mentally. My artistic side shines through my love for drawing, and friends often turn to me for creative opinions and ideas.

Exploring new spots, whether cafes or undiscovered places, is a true joy. Quality time with my family and my two best friends, who are like family to me, is incredibly fulfilling. I have a profound bond with my family, and moments with them are treasured. I hope to replicate this connection with my future au pair family, creating a second home where we all feel comfortable.

On a lighter note, I have a keen interest in photography, both capturing moments for others and creating my own visual stories. Additionally, I have a genuine passion for fashion, always staying attuned to the latest trends and styles.

In my role at the dental practice, I primarily work with children, as my second boss specializes in pediatric anesthesia. This not only exposes me to the world of pediatric care but also allows me to deepen my connection and care for our little patients.

This inclination towards nurturing and responsibility isn't coincidental. With my mother having six siblings and me being surrounded by numerous younger cousins, I've always carried that distinctive "mom" feeling. Caring for my own siblings, especially as a child, taught me the profound value and fulfillment that comes with playing a supportive role in childcare.

My native language is Turkish, spoken often at home. German is also prevalent in our daily interactions. While English isn't emphasized much in Austria, our family, including my mom and the younger ones, can comfortably communicate if someone approaches us for directions. I have a very basic understanding of Arabic, mainly due to my former boyfriend, but it's limited to the essentials.

As a Muslim, I also read the Quran, which allows me to have a basic understanding of reading Arabic. While my Arabic skills are limited, I can navigate through the Quranic text. This adds another layer to my cultural and linguistic background.((But I don't mind if I'm not working in a Muslim household; it doesn't hinder me.))

My motivation to be part of the Au Pair program is woven from the threads of my deep love for cultural exchange and the genuine joy I find in making a positive impact on children's lives. I yearn to discover a second family, one that shares the core values of openness and respect, creating a harmonious bond where laughter and understanding flow freely. It's the belief that this experience will not only enrich the lives of the children but also sculpt my own journey in delightful and diverse ways. The prospect of sharing moments, traditions, and daily life is a magical key to fostering profound connections. In this Au Pair role, I see an enchanting opportunity to view the world through another family's eyes while sprinkling my own experiences and values into the shared story.

In terms of my expectations from the host family, I hope for an open and supportive environment where we can create a harmonious living experience together. Clear communication is important to me, as well as the opportunity to bring my personality and culture into the family. I aspire to be perceived not only as an au pair but also as a respected member of the family. The exchange of ideas and traditions, along with the shared creation of experiences, are central to what I envision for this journey. I look forward to not only caring for the children but also building a deep connection with my host family.

In the next section, it's important for me to mention that I strictly adhere to a halal diet and am also comfortable with a vegetarian diet, as I don't consume much meat anyway. Additionally, I value setting clear expectations for working hours and discussing the weekly salary. I'm an organized person and prefer to establish these details upfront. Regarding visitors, it would be great if my family or friends could stay with me in the host family's au pair household. Ideally, I'd like to have weekends off, but I'm flexible and open to assisting if needed. I believe in clear communication and setting expectations from the beginning to ensure a smooth and positive experience for everyone involved.
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Опыт работы с детьми

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Личная информация

Не куритЗакончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи - ДаУмеет плавать - ДаУмеет ездить на велосипеде - ДаЕсть водительские права - да и опыт вождения

Умеет плавать

Умеет ездить на велосипеде

Есть водительские права да и опыт вождения

Есть братья/сестры

Есть действительный паспорт

Не курит

Закончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи

Род вашей деятельности ассистент стомато́лога

Образование профтехучилище

Language Knowledge

Немецкий: Родной язык, С 22 Год
Английский: Выше среднего (B2), С 15 Год
Турецкий: Родной язык, С 22 Год

Спортивные увлечения  Ja

Религиозные взгляды Мусульманство

Религия Au Pair не играет большой роли

Диетические предпочтения не придерживаюсь диеты

Есть проблемы со здоровьем Nein

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Информация о работе

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату - ДаСогласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные - ДаСогласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных - Да

Страны, в которых я хочу работать Объединенные Арабские Эмираты

Предпочтительный тип населенного пункта Большой город

Продолжительность программы 12-24 месяцы

Самый ранний срок начала работы март 2024

Самый поздний срок начала работы март 2024

Согласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату

Согласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных

Я могу заботиться о детях в возрасте Новорожденные, 1-5 лет, 6-10 лет, 11-14 лет, Старше 14 лет

Опыт работы с детьми в течение последних 2-х лет 800 + часов

За сколькими детьми вы могли бы присматривать? 4

Согласен(а) работать с родителем-одиночкой Да, с матерью или отцом

Согласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами

Согласен(а) работать с людьми с ограниченными возможностями

Предпочитаемый возраст учеников

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Обо мне

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