ID пользователя 3060264

Гражданство американец / американка (США) | Подробнее ⇩

Полное имя Shelby

Город/Область/Регион Platteville/ Висконсин

Страна США

Начало май 2024 - авг. 2024

Продолжительность программы 3-12 месяцы

Я хорошо владею следующими языками: Английский (Родной)

Заходил(а) 2 День (-я,-ей) назад

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Профиль добавлен в 1 списка избранных за последние 3 недели
Профиль посетили 20 семей за последние 3 недели
% отвеченных сообщений

Письмо семье

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Shelby, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming an au pair with your family.

Allow me to introduce myself further. I am a passionate and adventurous individual who has always had a love for travel and cultural exchange. In 2022, I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad on Semester at Sea, where I explored various countries and immersed myself in diverse cultures. This experience not only fueled my desire to travel but also ignited my interest in working closely with children.

Also in 2022, I worked as a camp counselor at Camp Manito-wish YMCA, where I had the privilege of leading outdoor activities and fostering a supportive environment for children. One of the most memorable experiences during my time at the camp was organizing and leading an overnight canoeing trip for the youngest campers. This experience taught me valuable skills in communication, leadership, and adaptability, which I believe are essential qualities for an au pair.

While I have never been in a situation with a host family as an au pair, I have friends who have had incredibly positive experiences, and their stories have inspired me to pursue this opportunity. I am eager to embark on this journey of cultural exchange, exploration, and personal growth.

I am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your family as an au pair. My experience working with children, combined with my enthusiasm for travel and cultural exchange, makes me well-suited for the position. I am responsible, reliable, and genuinely enjoy spending time with children, and I am committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for them.

Thank you for considering my application to become a part of your family as an au pair. I am excited about the possibility of joining your family and contributing to the well-being and happiness of your children. I am available to discuss further details and answer any questions you may have.

Warm regards,

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Опыт работы с детьми

As an au pair, my experience was incredibly enriching and rewarding. Living abroad with a host family provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture, learn a new language, and develop meaningful relationships with both the family and the local community.

One of the main reasons I wanted to become an au pair abroad was my love for working with children and my desire to experience different cultures firsthand. My experience as a camp counselor and my involvement in various volunteer programs at local summer schools and overnight camps had already exposed me to the joys and challenges of working with children in diverse settings. However, becoming an au pair allowed me to deepen this experience by living with a family and being fully immersed in their daily lives.

Working as a camp counselor provided me with valuable skills in communication, leadership, and problem-solving, which were essential in my role as an au pair. Whether it was organizing activities, resolving conflicts, or simply providing emotional support, my experience at camp prepared me well for the challenges of caring for children in a different country.

Volunteering at local summer schools and overnight camps further solidified my passion for working with children and reinforced the importance of cultural exchange and global understanding. I realized that by becoming an au pair abroad, I could not only continue to pursue my passion for working with children but also gain a deeper appreciation for different cultures and perspectives.

Overall, my experience as an au pair was incredibly fulfilling, and it allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. It provided me with the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of children while also broadening my horizons and expanding my cultural awareness. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been an au pair abroad, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who shares a love for travel, cultural exchange, and working with children.
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Личная информация

Не куритЗакончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи - ДаУмеет плавать - ДаУмеет ездить на велосипеде - ДаЕсть водительские права - да и опыт вождения

Умеет плавать

Умеет ездить на велосипеде

Есть водительские права да и опыт вождения

Есть братья/сестры

Есть действительный паспорт

Не курит

Закончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи

Род вашей деятельности студент

Образование колледж

Language Knowledge

Английский: Родной язык

Спортивные увлечения  Basketball, Pickleball, Softball, Volleyball, Swim

Религиозные взгляды Католицизм

Религия Au Pair не играет большой роли

Диетические предпочтения не придерживаюсь диеты

Есть проблемы со здоровьем Diabetes

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Информация о работе

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату - ДаСогласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные - ДаСогласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных - Да

Страны, в которых я хочу работать Австралия, Италия & США

Предпочтительный тип населенного пункта Большой город, Пригород, Небольшой город

Продолжительность программы 3-12 месяцы

Самый ранний срок начала работы май 2024

Самый поздний срок начала работы авг. 2024

Согласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату

Согласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных

Я могу заботиться о детях в возрасте 1-5 лет, 6-10 лет, 11-14 лет, Старше 14 лет

Опыт работы с детьми в течение последних 2-х лет 800 + часов

За сколькими детьми вы могли бы присматривать? 2

Согласен(а) работать с родителем-одиночкой Да, с матерью или отцом

Согласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами

Согласен(а) работать с людьми с ограниченными возможностями

Предпочитаемый возраст учеников

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Обо мне

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