ID пользователя 2935770

Гражданство китаец / китаянка | Подробнее ⇩

Полное имя Jing

Город/Область/Регион Taiyuan/ Shanxi

Страна Китай

Начало дек. 2023 - июнь 2024

Продолжительность программы 12-24 месяцы

Я хорошо владею следующими языками: Английский (B1), Мандарин (Родной)

Заходил(а) 10 нояб. 2023

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Письмо семье

Hi, thanks for reading my letter, it’s pleasure to meet you here.

My name is Jing. You can also call me Jane. I am 22 years old and I come from China. I graduated from university this year, and my major is pharmaceutical engineering. Although it isn’t an education-related major, I used to have several childcare experiences.

I have taught a 7-year-old child, a 5-year-old child, and a 7-month-old child successively. I am very gentle and attentive, good at encouraging and guiding children. I enjoy interacting with them in a relaxed manner, but I can also be firm when necessary.

I can cook different types of Chinese food, such as stir-fried dishes, dumplings, noodles, etc. I would like to share our local food with you. I also obtained my driver's license this year.

Although I've never been an au pair before, I believe I am suitable for the role. I am an independent individual, having lived alone for 4 years and traveled solo multiple times, I can adapt quickly to life abroad. I am responsible, reliable, adept at caring for and accompanying children, and enjoy spending time with them. I am dedicated to providing a safe and cultured environment for them. Based on these, I am competent for this job. You should choose me as your au pair.
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Опыт работы с детьми

Since November 2020, I have been responsible for taking care of a 7-year-old boy whose mother met me through a teacher in an interest class. This job continued until May 2023. I accompanied him from the age of 7 to the age of 10 and established a deep relationship with him. As our birthdays fall in the same month, we exchange gifts every year. During his school days, my main role was to tutor him, helping him with his daily homework and providing explanations in advance for upcoming lessons. I also supervised his physical exercise, which included activities like skipping rope and basic basketball training. On weekends and holidays, in addition to overseeing his learning tasks, I accompanied him for meals. We engaged in various enjoyable activities such as solving puzzles, doing crafts, and watching English children's animations. Occasionally, we went shopping together at the supermarket or played basketball in the community.

During the first half of 2023, I worked as a babysitter for a 5-year-old boy. His parents are friends of my cousin, and I would arrive at his home at 9:30am every Saturday to take care of him until around 4:30pm. Our activities would include painting, crafting, building blocks, and playing with his toys. At noon, I would prepare nutritious lunches for him together with his mother. Since he has a good appetite, his mother would arrange activities like playing ball and running to ensure his physical well-being. In the afternoon, I would usually accompany him to the community to engage in these activities. As he is still in kindergarten, I would only need to assist him with simple learning activities such as reading picture books and reciting ancient poems. He frequently expresses to us, “I really enjoy playing with Jane, I feel very happy.”

In the summer vocation of 2023, I used to be a babysitter of a 7 months old girl. Because the girl's parents and I are neighbors, they are very confident that I take care of her. My schedule is to arrive at the neighbor's house at 8am, help the child dress and wash, change the child into a new diaper, prepare milk powder, feed the child, and then play with the child until 10am. After finishing my meal at home at 12 noon, I will go to my neighbor's house again. The mother of the little girl needs to prepare lunch, and I am responsible for taking care of the child. I change the diaper for the little girl firstly, then I make milk powder for her to eat, and finally I play with her until she falls asleep. I need to keep an eye on her and ensure her safety at all times.

I want to be an au pair because this program will enable me to learn more English that children need to use in daily interactions. And this program will allow me to engage with children from diverse cultural backgrounds, enhancing my understanding of children and increasing my competitiveness in the education industry.
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Личная информация

Не куритУмеет плавать - ДаУмеет ездить на велосипеде - ДаЕсть водительские права - да и опыт вождения

Умеет плавать

Умеет ездить на велосипеде

Есть водительские права да и опыт вождения

Есть братья/сестры

Есть действительный паспорт

Не курит

Закончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи

Род вашей деятельности студент

Образование высшее образование

Language Knowledge

Мандарин: Родной язык
Английский: Средний (B1)

Спортивные увлечения  hike, horse ride

Религиозные взгляды Атеизм

Религия Au Pair не играет большой роли

Диетические предпочтения не придерживаюсь диеты

Есть проблемы со здоровьем No.

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Информация о работе

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату - ДаСогласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные - ДаСогласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных - Да

Страны, в которых я хочу работать США

Предпочтительный тип населенного пункта Большой город, Пригород

Продолжительность программы 12-24 месяцы

Самый ранний срок начала работы дек. 2023

Самый поздний срок начала работы июнь 2024

Согласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату

Согласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных

Я могу заботиться о детях в возрасте Новорожденные, 1-5 лет, 6-10 лет, 11-14 лет

Опыт работы с детьми в течение последних 2-х лет 800 + часов

За сколькими детьми вы могли бы присматривать? 2

Согласен(а) работать с родителем-одиночкой Да, с матерью-одиночкой

Согласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами

Согласен(а) работать с людьми с ограниченными возможностями

Предпочитаемый возраст учеников

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