ID пользователя 2899137

Гражданство итальянец / итальянка | Подробнее ⇩

Полное имя Francesca

Город/Область/Регион Trento/ Трентино-Альто-Адидже

Страна Италия

Начало февр. 2024 - апр. 2024

Продолжительность программы 2-8 месяцы

Я хорошо владею следующими языками: Английский (B2), Испанский (B1), Итальянский (Родной)

Заходил(а) 4 День (-я,-ей) назад

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Профиль добавлен в 0 списка избранных за последние 3 недели
Профиль посетили 5 семей за последние 3 недели
% отвеченных сообщений

Письмо семье

Dear family,
I am Francesca, an Italian girl of almost 22 years who lives in Trento, a small town in northern Italy
In March 2024 I will complete my first university course, earning my bachelor’s degree in social work. Before enrolling at university again in October 2024, to pursue specialization, I would like to have an experience as an AuPair.
I am a rather sunny, sociable and outgoing person. I am very curious and I always like to have something to do. However I am still a student and at the moment my routine revolves around studying.
I am also a quite organized person even if sometimes I am a bit laggard in things that concern me.
I am a person able to adapt to different contexts and able to handle different situations.
My summer job as a lifeguard has led me to be a careful and responsible person. Moreover, my university experience of traineeship in more delicate social contexts, taught me to recognize when it is necessary to be a more calm, patient and sensitive person.

I graduated in 2020 from the High School of Human Sciences, so I have basic knowledge of psychology, pedagogy, sociology and anthropology. In September of the same year I enrolled at the University in the course of Social Work, and I will graduate in February/March 2024. In the autumn of 2024, I would like to re-enrol to university to pursue the specialization.
During my years of study, I participated to several initiatives and projects, that allowed me to grow and form my person. According with my fields of study, these experiences have been especially in social and educational contexts.
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Опыт работы с детьми

Compared to my experience with children:
I have often taken care of my siblings, especially when they were younger and also of my cousins, but more rarely (this is my experience with children aged 3-6 years).
For several months, in 2020, I worked as Babysitter for a family with two children aged 9 and 12.
I participated for almost two years to an after-school/homework initiative for children between 6 and 14, in which I helped them do their homework.
Finally, in the summer months of the last 5 years, I worked as a lifeguard in the pools, spas and lake of my city. I also reported this work experience because, although it is not a child care experience as it is that of the babysitter, I often had to supervise and sometimes even entertain children in the pool. This work experience has taught me to be a very attentive and responsible person, and to know how to identify risk situations in a place that can become quite dangerous, especially for children. In addition, this experience gave me the first aid training (I have first aid certification and the qualification for the use of the defibrillator).

I have carried out other activities over the years, especially of a social and cultural nature, which I do not report because they go beyond what the figure of au pair (I could share then, if interested).

I want to try this kind of experience because it would perfectly reconcile my willingness to travel with that of taking care of children.
I have experience as a babysitter and educator, I like to take care of children and contribute to their growth; in fact, in a few years, I would like to work in the socio-educational field and I am studying at university to make this happen.
On the other hand, I love to travel, because it allows me to discover and know new things. Travelling means finding myself living in different contexts and having to adapt, get out of my comfort zone and grow. (I saw it with the Erasmus experience that I completed a few months ago and with the experiences abroad I’ve had in the past years).
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Личная информация

Не куритЗакончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи - ДаУмеет плавать - ДаУмеет ездить на велосипеде - ДаЕсть водительские права - да и опыт вождения

Умеет плавать

Умеет ездить на велосипеде

Есть водительские права да и опыт вождения

Есть братья/сестры

Есть действительный паспорт

Не курит

Закончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи

Род вашей деятельности студент

Образование высшее образование

Language Knowledge

Итальянский: Родной язык
Английский: Выше среднего (B2), С 10 Год
Испанский: Средний (B1), С 1 Год
Немецкий: Начальный (A2), С 5 Год

Спортивные увлечения  Sci, Nuoto, Pattinaggio, Pallavolo

Религиозные взгляды Атеизм

Религия Au Pair не играет большой роли

Диетические предпочтения не придерживаюсь диеты

Есть проблемы со здоровьем No

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Информация о работе

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату - ДаСогласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные - ДаСогласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных - Да

Страны, в которых я хочу работать Австралия, Канада & Новая Зеландия

Предпочтительный тип населенного пункта Большой город, Пригород, Небольшой город, Деревня

Продолжительность программы 2-8 месяцы

Самый ранний срок начала работы февр. 2024

Самый поздний срок начала работы апр. 2024

Согласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату

Согласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных

Я могу заботиться о детях в возрасте Новорожденные, 1-5 лет, 6-10 лет, 11-14 лет, Старше 14 лет

Опыт работы с детьми в течение последних 2-х лет 100 - 200 часов

За сколькими детьми вы могли бы присматривать? 3

Согласен(а) работать с родителем-одиночкой Да, с матерью-одиночкой

Согласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами

Согласен(а) работать с людьми с ограниченными возможностями

Предпочитаемый возраст учеников

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Обо мне

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