互惠生ID号 2589153

我的国籍是 意大利人 | 阅读更多 ⇩

全名 Erika

城市/省 Livorno/托斯卡纳大区

国家 意大利

开始 十一月 2023 - 十二月 2024

我想呆多久? 12-17 月

我能说得很好的语言 英语 (进阶(B2)), 意大利语 (母语)

最后一次操作 13 十二月 2023


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Dear host family, thank you for taking some time for me.
My name is Erika and I am 20 years old. I am a young law student living in Leghorn, a small town in Tuscany. If someone asked me to talk about myself, the first thing that would pop to mind is: ambition. I’ve always known what to do in my life, and I’ve always put my dreams before everything, because I think that when a person wants to do something, they can do everything. Life must always be enjoyed, but always with your head on your shoulders.
I love children and take care of them. They are "true" and genuine, and make you relive that happiness and carefree that we all lose when we grow up, a bit like "The Little Child" by Giovanni Pascoli.
It’s not easy, but the moment you see that bond connection with children, you realize it’s worth it.
I like to help around the house and try to make people around me happy. I am very open to new things and I LOVE traveling to discover new cultures.
I am a quiet, creative, empathetic, very helpful girl and I love the world. I have a driver’s license to take and pick up your children at school, I have no criminal record and I will try to meet your needs and those of your children.
I hope you see in me everything I just described.
Much love,
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Ever since I was a child, I’ve dreamed of America. I have cultivated a love of the English language over time and this has led me to participate in summer study holidays in Scotland and England. It was precisely these experiences that inspired this even stronger desire to cultivate my dream.
I always wanted to do a year abroad to improve my English skills, but I never succeeded for the high cost they required.
Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I learned of this fantastic opportunity that allows you to live a unique experience taking care of children. At first, I didn’t believe it, it was impossible that such a thing existed. But I started to search it and decided to try to be part of this world.
My experience with children began a few years ago. A friend of my mother worked all day, so she asked me to keep the little girl both morning and afternoon. Initially, I was a little scared, because it required a very big responsibility. But from the first day, I realized that it is something unique, I loved to spend the afternoons walking with her and teaching her new things. I had grown a big connection with her and this made me grow mentally and sentimentally.
I wanted to continue to babysit during the school period, but I decided not to because I couldn’t devote much time to it, so I did it in my spare time. I still take care of my friends' children (or family friends) when they need it, and it is the most beautiful thing in the world.
I would like to become an Au Pair abroad because I love to travel and learn about new cultures, explore new worlds, get to know traditions, and meet new people. I know it will be an experience that I will carry forever in my heart. Having a second family can be the beginning of something magnificent, even a personal growth.
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非吸烟者您参加国急救训练吗? - 是您会游泳吗? - 是您会骑自行车吗? - 是您有驾照吗? - 是,有经验的



您有驾照吗? 是,有经验的





您现在的职业是? 旅游家

我的学历是 大学

Language Knowledge

意大利语: 母语, 自从 20 年
英语: 中高级 (B2), 自从 10 年
西班牙语: 初级 (A2), 自从 10 年

关于运动的知识  Horse riding

您的宗教是 没有宗教信仰

宗教对于我来说 不重要

特殊的饮食习惯 没有饮食的禁忌

任何健康问题或过敏反应 No

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可以加班并获得加班费吗? - 是可以照看残疾儿童吗? - 是可以住在有宠物的家庭里吗? - 是可以照看宠物吗? - 是

我想工作的国家 澳大利亚, 加拿大 & 美国

首选的地区? 大城市, 城镇

我想呆多久? 12-17 月

最早开始的日期 十一月 2023

最晚开始的日期 十二月 2024




我可以照看的儿童年龄是 1-5岁, 6-10岁, 11-14岁, 15岁以上

我有多长儿童看护的经验? 800 小时以上

我能照看的最多儿童为? 2

我可以为单亲家庭工作 是,单亲母亲或父亲




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