互惠生ID号 2685554

我的国籍是 西班牙人 | 阅读更多 ⇩

全名 Elena

城市/省 Figueres/赫罗纳

国家 西班牙

开始 七月 2024 - 十月 2024

我想呆多久? 10-15 月

我能说得很好的语言 英语 (进阶(B2)), 西班牙语 (母语), 加泰罗尼亚 (母语)

最后一次操作 2 天前


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Dear future host family:

My name is Elena and I turned 23 this March. I am from Spain, more specifically from Girona (Catalonia).
I am finishing my first degree in linguistics. And I want to study a second degree in speech therapy.
I am very happy to have taken the decision to become an aupair and I can't wait to live adventures with you and to meet you. I can say, this experience is on my bucket list. I am in my YOLO era.
I hope you like my profile, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me :)
Thank you very much!

My main expectations are:

- To have a good time with the children and the family and to try to make it a great experience for everyone, as we will be part of each other's lives.
- To be able to learn as much as possible about the culture, the language, the people of the country. And to be able to visit and discover the country.
- To be able to save money to study my degree in speech therapy. And above all to be able to have some time during the week to keep up with classes and studies, because I will be studying online.
- It is also important for me to feel safe and to have confidence with my family and for them to trust me. That there is good communication and respect.
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I have experience looking after children. My dream when I was little was to have my own kindergarten. At school I always helped my teachers with the little ones. I have always had a great sense of responsibility, when I was 10 years old I started to look after my stepsister's son who was 9 months old, with supervision. At the age of 12 I was already looking after him on my own. When I was 14 years old, his sister was born and I took care of the infant and the newborn, and so it went on for 4 more years. I was in charge of feeding, nappies or potty training, baths, sleeping, homework, etc. So I have experience in taking care of newborns, infants and children.

Also, I worked in a summer camp with the youngest children.
It taught me to be more creative in thinking about activities and to be more responsible.
When I coached volleyball to primary school children it taught me to be more patient and to create ways to get their attention.

I am comfortable with all ages. especially with babies, I don't mind changing nappies or drooling or vomiting.

My biggest motivation for being an au pair is to be able to work with children while living in another country. Enjoying and learning from its culture and its people.

I would like to be an au pair to live the experience, since my sister and my brother-in-law were aupairs in London during their youth and they speak wonderfully about it.
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非吸烟者您参加国急救训练吗? - 是您会游泳吗? - 是您会骑自行车吗? - 是您有驾照吗? - 是,有经验的



您有驾照吗? 是,有经验的





您现在的职业是? 高中学生

我的学历是 大学

Language Knowledge

西班牙语: 母语
加泰罗尼亚: 母语
英语: 中高级 (B2)
德语: 入门 (A1)

关于运动的知识  Volleyball

您的宗教是 没有宗教信仰

宗教对于我来说 不重要

特殊的饮食习惯 素食者

任何健康问题或过敏反应 no

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可以加班并获得加班费吗? - 是可以住在有宠物的家庭里吗? - 是可以照看宠物吗? - 是

我想工作的国家 瑞士 & 西班牙

首选的地区? 大城市, 郊区, 城镇, 村, 农村

我想呆多久? 10-15 月

最早开始的日期 七月 2024

最晚开始的日期 十月 2024




我可以照看的儿童年龄是 新生儿, 1-5岁, 6-10岁

我有多长儿童看护的经验? 100 - 200

我能照看的最多儿童为? 6

我可以为单亲家庭工作 是,单亲母亲




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