互惠生ID号 2887662

我的国籍是 芬兰人 | 阅读更多 ⇩

全名 Anna

城市/省 Tampere/匹尔卡马

国家 芬兰

开始 四月 2024 - 五月 2024

我想呆多久? 3-20 月

我能说得很好的语言 芬兰语 (母语), 英语 (母语)

最后一次操作 11 分钟前


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Dear host family,

my name is Anna and I'm from Finland, the country where Santa Claus lives. :D I am currently taking a gap year and my goal for my gap years is to experience new cultures, see new places and meet new people, and of course to work. Being an Au Pair has always been my long-term dream and now I would like to make it come true. I hope that after you have read through my profile, you will feel that I would be the right employee and addition to your lovely family!

I have been an exchange student in France and the experience was incredible. I loved the feeling of belonging to a family and helping the family with everyday chores. I am still very close with my exchange family and we keep in touch. Now I want to join a new family and make their life easier with my work input. So adapting to the everyday life in a foreign family is not new thing to me. :D

I think I would be an excellent Au Pair for your family because I am responsible, self-initiated, open minded, flexible and positive person. I am very optimistic and always try to see the good side of things. I want to create a good relationship with all family members, but of course especially with the children. I hope that the children would feel safe and comfortable in my company, where they could express themselves freely. I want to create unforgettable memories for the children of my stay with you, which they will think back even years from now. I would also like to learn as much as possible about your culture and their customs and share my own culture as well, if wanted. I will help in any way possible, from cleaning to doing laundry and cooking. I hope that I could do many kinds of fun activities with the children, from forest walks to creative drawing moments but also just to play and spend time with them. I would like to help your family with the daily tasks, take care of the children and help each family member with their own needs. :)

Hope to hear from you soon,
best wishes Anna.
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I have plenty of previous experience working with children. :D I have started working at the age of 12, since then I have been in several jobs almost non-stop throughout my life. I have been an intern in a kindergarten. I have also worked, for example, as the leader of a children's floorball club, as a receptionist in children's hobby activities (where I also organized birthday parties for children) and also at an amusement park where the largest customer base is made up of children. In addition to my jobs, I also spend a lot of time with my children in my free time because my cousins ​​are very young. So outside of children's hobby activities, I also have experience in children's ordinary everyday life. :)

What I expect from being an Au Pair is to have memorable experiences, to see new places and customs, and to be part of a family. I just want there to be trust, security and comfort between us. The road to happiness is through open and honest communication, which I hope to always be between us. :) I respect the rules of your family and the household and follow them as agreed. I also just hope that you will respect me and the work that I have come to do. I only want us to have a wonderful time together during the period I spend there! :D
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非吸烟者您参加国急救训练吗? - 是您会游泳吗? - 是您会骑自行车吗? - 是








您现在的职业是? 失业的

我的学历是 初中

Language Knowledge

芬兰语: 母语
英语: 母语
法语: 初级 (A2)
瑞典语: 初级 (A2)



特殊的饮食习惯 没有饮食的禁忌

任何健康问题或过敏反应 None.

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可以加班并获得加班费吗? - 是可以住在有宠物的家庭里吗? - 是可以照看宠物吗? - 是

我想工作的国家 法国, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 荷兰 & 英国

首选的地区? 大城市, 郊区, 城镇, 村, 农村

我想呆多久? 3-20 月

最早开始的日期 四月 2024

最晚开始的日期 五月 2024




我可以照看的儿童年龄是 1-5岁, 6-10岁, 11-14岁, 15岁以上

我有多长儿童看护的经验? 800 小时以上

我能照看的最多儿童为? 3

我可以为单亲家庭工作 是,单亲母亲




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