ID del Au Pair 3165992

Nacionalidad boliviano/a | Más ⇩

Nombre completo Nancy

Ciudad/Provincia Cochabamba/

País Bolivia

Inicio Jul. 2024 - Sep. 2024

Duración de la estancia 12-18 meses

Idiomas que domino Inglés (B1), Español (Lengua materna)

Última sesión Hace 19 días

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Visto por 1 Familias en las últimas 3 semanas
Índice de respuestas - No aplica

Carta a la familia

Hello!!! dear host family:
My name is Nancy, I am 20 years old, I was born in Bolivia specifically in Oruro (a small and cold but beautiful city), Currently I live in Cochabamba (Bolivia) I used to live alone with my sister at the beginning, we moved together to go to university. But then my parents and my siblings also moved with us in Cochabamba, we like to spend time together as a family. We are a big family, I am the second oldest sister of five siblings so I am used to take care and have responsibilities with my little brother and sisters, they are everything for me we are always united to overcome anything and we always support each other.
I am currently studying systems engineering at the San Simon University, I like technology and everything that has been achieved so far, that's why I decided to study this career. Living away from my family helped me to improve as a person and see things differently.
I had the opportunity to take care of children from 1 to 6 years old and all of them taught me more things to me than I taught them, each child was very different, some were introverted and others extroverted, that is what helped me to improve and learn to deal with them in different ways, each child is a new world to discover.
All my routines were similar, I played with them we did handicrafts, I taught them everything I could, I was in charge of preparing their meals, giving them baths, putting other children to sleep and other things. I always had to come up with new ideas to keep them distracted as they had a lot of energy. One of the games they liked the most was guessing the animal I played for them, also painting landscapes and animals. There was one boy in particular who loved to color and draw, so I gave him a notebook to color in and he spent a whole afternoon painting.
I am a person who loves to go outdoors, travel and have new experiences, I like sports like soccer, volleyball and karate.
One of my dreams is to be able to travel and learn about different cultures, and what better opportunity to travel and learn doing what I love, which is caring, learning and growing as a person.
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed reading this letter, I would be delighted to be part of your family and learn more about our cultures. I wish you the best success, hoping that we can get to know each other better.
I send you a big hug with love and gratitude.
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Experiencia con niños

I have not been an au pair before, but I have experience taking care of children in my country, for 4 years I have taken care of 4 children between 1 and 6 years old, my responsibilities were to feed them, play with them, bathe them and go for a walk (on occasion).
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Información personal

No fumaSabe nadar - SíSabe montar en bicicleta - SíTiene carné/licencia de conducir - Sí, con experiencia

Sabe nadar

Sabe montar en bicicleta

Tiene carné/licencia de conducir Sí, con experiencia

Tiene hermanos

Tiene un pasaporte válido

No fuma

Ha realizado un curso de primeros auxilios

Ocupación actual Estudiante

Nivel de estudios Universidad (grado)

Language Knowledge

Español: Lengua nativa, Desde 21 Año
Inglés: Intermedio (B1), Desde 2 Año

Deportes  Soccer, athletics and karate

Religión Cristiana

Para el Au Pair la religión es No es importante

¿Sigues alguna dieta especial? Ningún tipo de dieta

Tiene problemas de salud No

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Información sobre el empleo

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional - SíAcepta vivir con una familia con mascotas - SíAcepta cuidar a las mascotas - Sí

Países prefereridos Estados Unidos

Área de preferencia Ciudad grande, Ciudad pequeña, Pueblo

Duración de la estancia 12-18 meses

Fecha de comienzo Jul. 2024

Fecha límite de comienzo Sep. 2024

Acepta vivir con una familia con mascotas

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional

Acepta cuidar a las mascotas

Edad preferida de los niños o personas al cargo 0-12 meses, 1-5 años

Horas de experiencia con niños en los últimos 24 meses 800 +

Número máximo de niños que podría cuidar 2

Trabajarías con una familia monoparental? Sí, con el padre o la madre

Acepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad

Acepta cuidar a personas con discapacidad

Edad de los estudiantes

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Sobre mí

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