你好, 我是 Cynthia,一个 7 岁女儿的单身妈妈。我们目前住在都柏林南城一栋 4 居室的房子里。非常靠近餐厅、巴士、电车(步行 2
嗨! 我们希望找到一位会说法语的保姆或互惠生来照顾两个女儿,一个 5 岁,一个 1
我们是一对混血夫妇,有一个小男孩,希望在我 2025 年 2 月回去工作后,找一对 AU ...
My name is Moke, i have 3 boys. You have to know French and Lingala And English.
你好! 我是两个漂亮孩子的单亲妈妈,在我们过渡到爱尔兰生活的过程中,希望在夏天和秋天得到一些额外的帮助。我是一名爱尔兰妈妈,过去 8 ...
Hello, Thank you for reading this. We live in Carrigaline, les the 10km from Cork. Good transport by bus to Cork. The school is 10 minutes walking. Supermarket is 5 minutes walking. Church is 10 minutes walking. Park is 10 minutes walking.
Looking for an au pair to mind our 6month old baby boy. Car can be provided if you have a drivers licence. Accommodation will be provided within our home. We have two outdoor dogs. We are located 15minutes from Cork city and 20minutes from Cork Airport.