ID de l'aupair 2988697

Nationalité Canadien | Plus ⇩

Nom et Prénom brianna

Ville/Région Surrey/ British Columbia

Pays Canada

Date de début Jui. 2024 - Jui. 2024

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-3 mois

Bonnes connaissances linguistiques en Espagnol (C2), Français (B2), Anglais (Langue maternelle)

Dèrnière connexion Il y a 41 minutes

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Profile added to 0 Favorites in the last 3 weeks
Profil visité de 6 familles d'accueil dans les 3 dernières semaines

Lettre pour la famille d'accueil

* availability in EUROPE ONLY at the moment :)*

My name is Brianna, and I grew up in Canada, but my family is from South America. Therefore, I was immersed in both the North American and South American cultures growing up, so I'd like to say that I got the best of both worlds. The reason I'd like to become an Au pair and nanny is because I really want to travel, explore, and be immersed in new cultures. I think that the fact that we have all these different cultures in this world and have the opportunity to get to know them in person is something we take for granted. With that goal, I wanted to find an afforable way to make this possible. With my unique experience of helping my sister raise her baby from 0 to 6 months old at the age of 15 and growing up babysitting children, I have always been at ease with working with children. I qualify for this job as well because not only have I babysat kids, I have also worked with them at Kumon, a tutoring center. From ages 14–16, I was working there, providing support in math, writing, and reading comprehension. After that job, I continued as a swim instructor, where I taught people of all ages, from 3-month-old babies to adults. I have always been a caretaker with people around me. I always make sure that the people around me are okay. What I mean by that is that if I can clearly see that they are crying, I will ask them what happened and if they want to talk about it. I used to think that my trait of caring to much for other people was a bad thing, but I've grown to learn that it isn't; it is actually a great trait, and when I notice that others show that same care towards me, I feel appreciated, which is what I always want to make sure others around me feel.
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Expériences en garde d'enfants

I grew up taking care of the younger ones around me, and I'd like to say that one of my strengths is that I am very attentive to others around me. I always like to help others, and one thing that is important to me is to treat people with kindness, even if you do not receive that in return. I find myself having a lot of patience for children. I continuously work with children, from volunteering in afterschool programs to my job as a swim instructor. I want to do this job abroad because, along with working with children, I would like to be immersed in a new culture. I love to travel, and I have only been around North and South America, but I would like to explore the rest of the world as well.
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Certificats expérience
Certificats de police

Renseignements personnels

Non-fumeurA suivi un cours de premiers secours - OuiSait nager - OuiSait faire du vélo - OuiA un permis de conduire - Oui, avec experiences

Sait nager

Sait faire du vélo

A un permis de conduire Oui, avec experiences

A des frères et sœurs

A un passeport valide


A suivi un cours de premiers secours

Profession maître-nageur

Diplômes Université

compétences linguistiques

Anglais: Langue maternelle
Espagnol: Niveau maîtrise (C2)
Français: Niveau avancé (B2)

Sports  swimming, ultimate

Sa religion Catholique

La religion est pour l'Au Pair Important

Régime alimentaire spécial Aucun régime

A des problèmes de santé et/ou des allergies No

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Expériences professionnelles

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent - OuiL'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux - Oui

Pays dans lesquels j'aimerais travailler Costa Rica, Croatie, France, Italie & Maroc

Région préférée Grande ville, Ville, Campagne

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-3 mois

Date de début (au plus tôt) Jui. 2024

Date de début (au plus tard) Jui. 2024

L'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux

L'Au Pair garde des enfants dans la tranche d'âge Bébé, 1-5 ans, 6-10 ans

Expériences de garde d'enfants dans les dernier 24 mois 800 +

Combien d'enfants l'Au Pair gardera? 3

Est-tu prêt à travailler pour un parent célibataire? Oui, avec la mère

L'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des personnes handicapées

Groupe d'âge préféré des étudiants

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Sur moi

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