ID пользователя 1733612

Оказание помощи и поддержки пожилым людям с Проводить время и общаться, Выходить на прогулки и посещать мероприятия, Вождение автомобиля (в том числе отвезти куда-нибудь), Выполнение поручений, поход за покупками, Уборка и стирка, Легкая домашняя работа, Готовка

Гражданство нидерландец / нидерландка | Подробнее ⇩

Полное имя Noor

Город/Область/Регион Deventer/Overijssel

Страна Нидерланды

Начало февр. 2024 - июль 2024

Продолжительность программы 1-6 месяцы

Я хорошо владею следующими языками: Английский (C2), Нидерландский (Родной)

Заходил(а) 14 День (-я,-ей) назад

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Письмо семье

Hi dear families,

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Noor. I'm 20 years of age and I'm from the Netherlands! as of right now, I have just graduated from school as a teacher with a specialization in children and young adults with special needs (with a very broad range with topics such as behavioral difficulties and mental and physical disabilities.)

I'm proud to be able to say that I have years of experience within teaching and childcare and continue to learn from these experiences every time. I've had the opportunity to work with children ranging from ages 0-17. In saying that, I must be clear that I'm more experienced with children of the ages 4-12 and 13-17 as those were the ages of the kids I was able to teach at home and Au-pair abroad. I'm very eager to learn more about working with younger children as I'd like to broaden my knowledge but enjoy working with every age!

Within working with families, I really appreciate good communication and clarity and communication try to practice this myself aswell.

I'm an avid traveller and have been travelling on and off since I was sixteen. I'm currently on a gap year in which I'm travelling the world by finding work exchanges which has been so lovely.

When I was still going to college and working, I took every week of holiday and volunteered/Au-paired abroad. I absolutely love being able to connect with people all over the world, to learn about their culture and customs and to be able to contribute to their household/farm/centre.

Some of my experiences abroad are things such as
- Working for a non-profit animal shelter.
- Au-paired twice for different households.
- Working on an ostrich farm
- Working for a family with their six m/o. child (and came back half a year later)
- Working in a buddhist centre.
- Working in a hostel

These experiences have shaped me and have allowed me to broaden my horizons, create networks and adapt a very open mindset in which every experience, whether good or bad, is one which I can be proud of and see the good parts of. I'm very grateful for these opportunities and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Besides travelling, my hobbies include things like swimming, driving, making music, exploring and hiking, reading and learning new things!

Thank you for reading my letter, I appreciate it.

Kind regards,

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Опыт работы с детьми

As briefly stated above, I've been able to Au-pair twice before. The first time was in Italy with two wonderful girls aged eight and eleven. They were girls with robust personalities and many different hobbies. I was able to learn oh so much from them (and I'm pretty sure I was able to learn more from them as they from me ;)).

the parents were lovely people whom were both working and thus the girls and me figured a lot out on our own. I learned about their routine in day-to-day life and how to adapt swiftly and efficiently. I really enjoyed learning about their culture and they truly made me feel like a part of the family whenever they could. I learned how to cook their favorite meals, how to help the girls keep their space tidy and be respectful of their boundaries, how to help the girls turn their homework into an activity rather then a chore and sooo much more!
With that, I've been able to teach different classes within regular education and special needs. I loved teaching different classes and felt It helped me understand all the ages and fitting education curriculums. What I liked in teaching different classes was the better understanding of the developement kids go through throughtout their education (from learning to read and write to solving algebra to learning about different cultures and economic systems.)

I found that I loved working with teens that were either mentally, psychically or behavior-wise impacted to be of most importance in my teaching career and helped me understand each individual and their backgrounds better. They were high-functioning and were on a roll to find a career in a sector they'd liked. I got to teach them all-round as they had the same teacher for all classes besides practical classes. I loved being able to experience every aspect of their behavior and how to teach the whole class aswell as guide them individually with different expertise in different classes.

They were all unique and beautiful humans needing just a little bit of extra help. With due calmness, assertiveness, patience and respect, we got along amazingly and they confideded in me regarding personal issues aswell. Seeing this bond being so strong and seeing their progress (for example; a student that could finally solve a certain problem in math after tutoring them and doing it together step by step or a student telling me proudly that he'd gotten his first job.) was so fulfilling.

I truly practice and believe that respect goes both ways when working with kids and always try to respect childrens boundaries as well as my own. And within writing this, I do not mean to say that I'm someone whom expresses them all the time. I've just noticed that validating a childs feeling and speaking with them about what happened works better then dismissing it over being childish behavior. This trait helped me a lot within teaching a class with young adults whom were autistic, had behavioral difficulties and had physical difficulties.

The same applied for working for a different family with three children aged four, six and ten. The tasks were similar and the kids were lovely but struggeling with their home situation.

Both of these experiences have helped me understand how to communicate better, how to be patient and how to also clearly but friendly set my own boundaries.

One of the girls was on the autism spectrum and had a hard time expressing her feelings. We figured out the best way for us two was to do this by drawing (a bunny would for example be sadness, a fish in the ocean happiness etc etc.) and I made picto's which helped massively!
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Личная информация

Не куритЗакончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи - ДаУмеет плавать - ДаУмеет ездить на велосипеде - ДаЕсть водительские права - да и опыт вождения

Умеет плавать

Умеет ездить на велосипеде

Есть водительские права да и опыт вождения

Есть братья/сестры

Есть действительный паспорт

Не курит

Закончил(а) курс по оказанию первой медицинской помощи

Род вашей деятельности студент

Образование колледж

Language Knowledge

Нидерландский: Родной язык, С 20 Год
Английский: Совершенное владение (C2), С 12 Год
Итальянский: Начинающий (A1), С 6 Месяц

Спортивные увлечения  Gym, swimming.

Религиозные взгляды Атеизм

Религия Au Pair не играет большой роли

Диетические предпочтения не придерживаюсь диеты

Есть проблемы со здоровьем No

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Информация о работе

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату - ДаСогласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами - ДаСогласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные - ДаСогласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных - Да

Страны, в которых я хочу работать США, Бразилия, Канада & Коста-Рика

Предпочтительный тип населенного пункта Большой город, Пригород, Небольшой город, Деревня, Село

Продолжительность программы 1-6 месяцы

Самый ранний срок начала работы февр. 2024

Самый поздний срок начала работы июль 2024

Согласен(а) жить в семье, в которой есть домашние животные

Согласен(а) работать сверхурочно за дополнительную плату

Согласен(а) заботиться о домашних животных

Я могу заботиться о детях в возрасте Новорожденные, 1-5 лет, 6-10 лет, 11-14 лет, Старше 14 лет

Опыт работы с детьми в течение последних 2-х лет 200 - 500 часов

За сколькими детьми вы могли бы присматривать? 3

Согласен(а) работать с родителем-одиночкой Да, с матерью или отцом

Согласен(а) работать с детьми-инвалидами

Я могу помочь и оказать поддержку пожилым людям c Проводить время и общаться, Выходить на прогулки и посещать мероприятия, Вождение автомобиля (в том числе отвезти куда-нибудь), Выполнение поручений, поход за покупками, Уборка и стирка, Легкая домашняя работа, Готовка

Согласен(а) работать с людьми с ограниченными возможностями

Предпочитаемый возраст учеников

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Обо мне

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