ID del Au Pair 2667966

Nacionalidad inglés/a | Más ⇩

Nombre completo Skye

Ciudad/Provincia Manchester/ Greater Manchester

País Reino Unido

Inicio Sep. 2023 - Oct 2024

Duración de la estancia 12-24 meses

Idiomas que domino Inglés (Lengua materna)

Última sesión Hace 16 días

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Perfil añadido a 0 Favoritos en las últimas 3 semanas
Visto por 3 Familias en las últimas 3 semanas
Índice de respuestas

Carta a la familia

Hello, my name is Skye.

I am 21 years old and currently live in Flaine in the French Alps completing a Winter Season.
Having being born in Germany and grown up in a military family, I have been extremely fortunate enough to have lived in a variety of places and lived a life that not many can relate to. This plays a part in my hopes to become an Aur pair as I wish to continue this life now that I am an adult. I also want to be able to share my life experience with others and I feel as though by becoming an Au Pair, this would be a fantastic opportunity for me to do so.
I have grown up having to adjust to the constant change of life and, from a very early age had to be extremely independent. This has played a huge role in making me who I am today.
The main reason that would qualify me to being the best candidate for you is my passion for wanting to ensure your children have the best possible childhood they could possibly wish for. This also goes hand in hand with my want to be able to travel the world and meet amazing people along the way. I feel as though by stepping into a role like this, it opens those doors for me and whilst my main reason for relocating and starting this new extremely exciting adventure would be to be an Au Pair, there is ample opportunity for me to be able to kick start my new life by relocating and , starting a new life.
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Experiencia con niños

Currently, I do not have any official experience as an Au Pair and, all my childcare experience does stem from having worked within the childcare sector whilst in Flaine. I have and do work with children between the ages of 12 months to 8 years.
Being the eldest (first child, grandchild, cousin, auntie, etc) meant that, whenever there were new members of the family being welcomed into the world, it was myself that was the go to for childcare, school runs, taking them to and from after school clubs, appointments and anything else you can think of!
I would love to harness my caring nature and passion for children into the right direction by becoming an Au Pair and continuing this abroad. Not only would it allow me to follow my dreams of being able to see the world but, I would be simultaneously welcomed into a family that not only has been partly responsible for making that happen but, has allowed me the opportunity of being able to help with the day to day running of their lives essentially.
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Información personal

No fumaHa realizado un curso de primeros auxilios - SíSabe nadar - SíSabe montar en bicicleta - SíTiene carné/licencia de conducir - Sí, con experiencia

Sabe nadar

Sabe montar en bicicleta

Tiene carné/licencia de conducir Sí, con experiencia

Tiene hermanos

Tiene un pasaporte válido

No fuma

Ha realizado un curso de primeros auxilios

Ocupación actual Personal de administración

Nivel de estudios Universidad (grado)

Language Knowledge

Inglés: Lengua nativa

Deportes  A wide variety

Religión Ninguna

Para el Au Pair la religión es No es importante

¿Sigues alguna dieta especial? Ningún tipo de dieta

Tiene problemas de salud No

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Información sobre el empleo

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional - SíAcepta vivir con una familia con mascotas - SíAcepta cuidar a las mascotas - Sí

Países prefereridos Australia

Área de preferencia Ciudad grande, Afueras, Ciudad pequeña, Pueblo

Duración de la estancia 12-24 meses

Fecha de comienzo Sep. 2023

Fecha límite de comienzo Oct 2024

Acepta vivir con una familia con mascotas

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional

Acepta cuidar a las mascotas

Edad preferida de los niños o personas al cargo 0-12 meses, 1-5 años, 6-10 años, 11-14 años

Horas de experiencia con niños en los últimos 24 meses 0 horas

Número máximo de niños que podría cuidar 4

Trabajarías con una familia monoparental? Sí, con el padre o la madre

Acepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad

Acepta cuidar a personas con discapacidad

Edad de los estudiantes

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Sobre mí

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