ID de l'aupair 2622771

Nationalité Américain | Plus ⇩

Nom et Prénom Kallie

Ville/Région Colorado Springs/ Colorado

Pays États-Unis

Date de début Aou. 2023 - Déc. 2023

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 12-12 mois

Bonnes connaissances linguistiques en Anglais (Langue maternelle)

Dèrnière connexion Il y a 13 jours

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Profil visité de 0 familles d'accueil dans les 3 dernières semaines

Lettre pour la famille d'accueil

Hello Host Family!

My Name is Kallie and I am from Colorado Springs, Colorado, in the United States. I love traveling, meeting new people and experiencing foreign cultures. I am 19 years old and live with my wonderful parents and my siblings. I am the oldest of 4 children and have loved getting to be a part of their lives this year since I moved back home to live with them! We have also fostered 3 beautiful children for three years. They are no longer with us since they moved back with their biological parents, but I will always consider them part of the family. My father served in the US Navy and so we’ve lived in several places around the US. I graduated high school in 2021 after which I attended a Christian University for 1 year where I studied music and political science. After that year I decided I wanted to take some time away from college to travel. I left with a group of young adults from the US and Canada to serve as missionaries in Nicaragua and Costa Rica for a few months last semester. Jesus captured my heart during this trip. He taught me things about myself that I hadn’t realized before. He opened my eyes to who he was not only as Lord and king, but as my friend. I had been apathetic about my faith before, and I now know that I don’t want to live without having Jesus at the center of everything. My mission trip to central america also ignited a passion I didn’t realize I had! I love foreign languages! My native language is english. I have taken two years of Spanish in high school and some Latin in elementary, but I didn't enjoy it and didn’t learn a whole lot. I assumed that I just wasn’t blessed with a gift for languages, but this past semester changed that. My spanish skyrocketed once I was immersed. I loved being able to speak to my friends there in their native language without a translator. I now see language as such a beautiful and fascinating thing to learn and study. I have been learning some german through a language app, but know that the best way to learn a new language is to immerse yourself in it. I can’t wait to learn through experience! I mentioned that I was studying political science at university last year and so another part about living abroad that excites me is studying the various governments and political atmosphere outside of the United States. We are currently attending a non-denominational church in town and I’m invloved in a small young adults group from our church. A strong biblical community is incredibly important to me and so I’m looking forward to getting plugged into a local church in whatever city I end up going to!
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Expériences en garde d'enfants

I want to be an au pair because I love foreign cultures and meeting people who are different from me. I also love children, and hope to be a mother someday in the future. When I was living in Central America last semester I fell in love with travel! I am a hardworker and a lover of learning and adventures! Working with children has brought me so much joy throughout the past few years! I believe I will be an excellent au pair because I believe in the importance of raising children in love. I have had lots of experience with children through teaching and being the oldest of 7 kids when we had our foster babies. I love family life and am excited to be integrated into the family that accepts me. I am not afraid of tough kiddos. I was one of them when I was little, but a loving family helped grow me into who I am now! I was raised with the philosophy of looking around you and asking yourself “ what needs to be done?” and just doing it. Part of being a family is pulling your weight and helping out with anything that might be needed. Children are a beautiful gift to their families and to this world and helping them discover this world brings me immense happiness!
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Renseignements personnels

Non-fumeurA suivi un cours de premiers secours - OuiSait nager - OuiSait faire du vélo - OuiA un permis de conduire - Oui, avec experiences

Sait nager

Sait faire du vélo

A un permis de conduire Oui, avec experiences

A des frères et sœurs

A un passeport valide


A suivi un cours de premiers secours

Profession acteur(trice)

Diplômes Classes secondaires

compétences linguistiques

Anglais: Langue maternelle
Espagnol: Niveau introductif (A1)
Allemand: Niveau introductif (A1)

Sports  I enjoy soccer, but I've never played professionally. My "sport" throughout childhood was dance!

Sa religion Chrétien

La religion est pour l'Au Pair Très important

Régime alimentaire spécial Aucun régime

A des problèmes de santé et/ou des allergies No

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Expériences professionnelles

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux - Oui

Pays dans lesquels j'aimerais travailler France, Allemagne, Norvège, Espagne & Finlande

Région préférée Grande ville, Village, Campagne

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 12-12 mois

Date de début (au plus tôt) Aou. 2023

Date de début (au plus tard) Déc. 2023

L'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux

L'Au Pair garde des enfants dans la tranche d'âge Bébé, 1-5 ans, 6-10 ans, 11-14 ans

Expériences de garde d'enfants dans les dernier 24 mois 200 - 500

Combien d'enfants l'Au Pair gardera? 4

Est-tu prêt à travailler pour un parent célibataire? Non

L'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des personnes handicapées

Groupe d'âge préféré des étudiants

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Sur moi

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