ID de l'aupair 2598868

Peut s'occuper des enfants et les faire participer à Aide aux devoirs, Lecture de livres, Art et artisanat, Dessin et découpage, Chiffres et comptage, Lettres et sons, Jeux et activités de l'esprit, Chansons et poésie

Tuteur pour Anglais, Espagnol

Nationalité Espagnol | Plus ⇩

Nom et Prénom Carla

Ville/Région Laguna de Duero/ Valladolid

Pays Espagne

Date de début Jui. 2024 - Jui. 2024

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-1 mois

Bonnes connaissances linguistiques en Anglais (C1), Français (B2), Espagnol (Langue maternelle)

Dèrnière connexion Il y a 1 jours

Souhaitez-vous contacter Carla?

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Profile added to 0 Favorites in the last 3 weeks
Profil visité de 9 familles d'accueil dans les 3 dernières semaines
Taux de réponse - Très actif

Lettre pour la famille d'accueil

Good morning/evening:

My name is Carla and I’m a Spanish girl that wants to be an au pair during the month of August. If you are reading this, then I suppose that my profile has interested you and hopefully I could be your au pair.

As said before, I’m Spanish and live there. My region is Castille and Leon, an area of great history and architecture that is worldwide known due to his castles. I live in a village just next to Valladolid, the capital of the region. Valladolid is a beautiful city that has a great university, where I’m currently studying English, because I want to be an English teacher. Thanks to my class I understand perfectly English, and I wouldn’t have any problem communicating with an English speaker host family. In my free time I also study French. I have studied it for about seven years and in the summer I will have the B2 degree.

If I had to shortly describe my personality I would say that I’m an open person, that doesn’t hesitate to discover and try new things. I’m also a patient person, I rarely get angry or annoyed and repeating things doesn’t bother me. A big part of my personality are obviously my hobbies. Ever since I was child I have loved reading, I have my very own library where I keep a variety of novels in Spanish, English and French. Cooking is another one of my hobbies, I love cooking, I do the lunch for my family every weekend and whenever I can I make desserts, which are my favourite kind of recipe. As any person I also like going out with my friends, I’m a very social person so they are a big part of my life. When we go out we do a variety of things such as swimming, travelling, going to cafes, watching movies, riding our bikes…

I already have experience as a babysitter but I do not as an au pair. My experience consist in being my aunt babysitter in the summer while she works in the morning. I have done this a for a month a few summers. The child that I took care of, my cousin, is a little boy that doesn’t stop even for a moment, so I have experience with active child that need to be moving, running, playing… all day. If I were your Au Pair I would also be able to teach your child/children Spanish or help them with their homework. Although nor professionally I used to give English, History and Literature classes to my classmates in the past because I always had the highest notes in my grade in those subjects. Also during my time as a babysitter, I had to help the child with his summer homework.

The main reason why I want to be a Au pair is discovering a new culture, way of living, family… I have already travelled around Europe. I have been 15 days two years ago in France improving my language skills and the same last summer at London., but that isn’t enough. I believe that for understanding that new culture I need to be a part of it. Due to this I thinj that being an Au Pair is the right job for me. Moreover, I love children. As I said before Im studying at university English for becoming an English teacher because sharing my knowledge and helping children to improve is my dream job.

If you have read all of this and believe that I may fit into you family don’t hesitate to contact me, please. I’m impatient for hearing from you, meeting your family and having an amazing summer together.

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Expériences en garde d'enfants

I wish to be an Au pair because I think that it can make me become part of a new culture and family. I hope to make a good relationship that will last years with the family. Also I would love to teach them about Spain and my own culture, which is very interesting and has a lot to give. On top of that I hope to perfectionate my english/french skills.
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Renseignements personnels

Non-fumeurSait nager - OuiSait faire du vélo - OuiA un permis de conduire - Oui, avec experiences

Sait nager

Sait faire du vélo

A un permis de conduire Oui, avec experiences

A des frères et sœurs

A un passeport valide


A suivi un cours de premiers secours

Profession étudiant(e) (sciences sociales)

Diplômes Université

compétences linguistiques

Espagnol: Langue maternelle
Anglais: Niveau autonome (C1)
Français: Niveau avancé (B2)

Sa religion Catholique

La religion est pour l'Au Pair Pas important

Régime alimentaire spécial Aucun régime

A des problèmes de santé et/ou des allergies No

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Expériences professionnelles

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent - OuiL'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux - Oui

Pays dans lesquels j'aimerais travailler Belgique, France, Irlande, Suisse & Royaume-Uni

Région préférée Grande ville, Banlieue, Ville, Village, Campagne

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-1 mois

Date de début (au plus tôt) Jui. 2024

Date de début (au plus tard) Jui. 2024

L'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux

L'Au Pair garde des enfants dans la tranche d'âge 1-5 ans, 6-10 ans, 11-14 ans, 15 ans et +

Expériences de garde d'enfants dans les dernier 24 mois 200 - 500

Combien d'enfants l'Au Pair gardera? 3

Est-tu prêt à travailler pour un parent célibataire? Oui, avec les parent

L'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des personnes handicapées

Peut impliquer et faire participer les enfants aux activités de soins Aide aux devoirs, Lecture de livres, Art et artisanat, Dessin et découpage, Chiffres et comptage, Lettres et sons, Jeux et activités de l'esprit, Chansons et poésie

Matières enseignées Anglais, Espagnol

Groupe d'âge préféré des étudiants Tout-petits (2-3), Enfants de maternelle (4-5), École primarie (6-12), Adolescents (13-17)

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Sur moi

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