Nr. użytkownika 3179464

Może opiekować się dziećmi w następujących dziedzinach Pomoc w zadaniach domowych, Czytanie książek, Sztuka i prace ręczne, Rysowanie i wycinanie, Liczby i liczenie, Litery i dźwięki, Gry i zabawy umysłowe, Pieśni i poezja

Korepetytor do Angielskiego, Sportu

Narodowość Amerykańska | Więcej »

Imię i nazwisko Allison

Miejscowość/Region Rome/ Italia

Państwo Włochy

Start lipiec 2024 - wrzesień 2024

Preferowany czas trwania programu 2-6 miesiące

Języki na poziomie komunikatywnym: angielski (Język ojczysty)

Ostatnie logowanie 5 dni temu

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Profil dodany do 1 ulubionych w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
Profil odwiedzony przez 14 Rodziny Goszczące w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
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Dear Future Host Family,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. My name is Allison and I am a 20 year old from the United States. I am looking to become an Au Pair for the summer and coming autumn! I love caring for and working with children, especially when I get to work with them for a long period of time and build a strong bond. I also love traveling and experiencing different places. I have had the wonderful opportunity to travel through 23 countries and I have learned so much. I fell in love with Europe, especially The Netherlands. I have never felt more at home than I did when visiting Friesland and Holland. I love the people, culture, and landscape and I am eager to return. Working as an Au Pair would be an amazing opportunity to be able to fully experience the country and its culture while also working with children and a family that I will hopefully become very close with.

I am a lively, curious, and patient person with a passion for everything artistic. I am drawn to being an Au Pair for many reasons, most importantly because it combines all of my interests and strengths. I love spending time with children, educating, being in a family environment, and traveling and experiencing different countries and cultures. My family and I have traveled often to new places since I was young, and they always emphasized being part of the destination, not a tourist. I am passionate about art and history and I am very excited to visit more of the museums and historical locales in Europe and see some of my favorite works in person. I would love to share that passion and knowledge with my charges as well!

As a young teen, I began hosting children’s birthday parties with my horse, Pumpkin. The kiddos loved taking rides, and I always made sure he had lots of costumes and glitter! Since then I have worked on and off with children as my school schedule has allowed. This past summer I have been working at a church nursery as well as a small daycare that both care for kids ages 0-3. I also consistently babysit for families with school age children. I feel I have a lot of unique and helpful attributes to bring to your family; I grew up with two babysitters that became a huge part of our family, as close as siblings, often living and traveling with us, that taught me so much about having fun, planning memorable activities, and creating lifelong memories. I would love to do the same with your family! I would love help with homework, and LOVE reading with children. I am a very active person and plan to find engaging activities to keep everyone busy and happy! I would hope to include outdoor exploration, trips to museums and cultural sites, sports games and walks, as well as hopefully some small day or weekend trips to new places.

I am currently studying in Rome for a month this summer, but most of the time I live in Colorado in the United States with my Mom, Dad, brothers, and our family pets, Pot Roast the bulldog and Pumpkin, my horse. We are a close family, and spend most days all together. In my family we value honesty, humor, hard work, self responsibility, and forgiveness. My parents also emphasized education and activity, which is easy in Colorado! I grew up riding horses, skiing, hiking, camping, and swimming on the lake we live on. Currently, I have a wide range of hobbies and interests but I especially love baking, reading, learning about history and art, participating in motorsports, as well as watching Formula 1. For education I went to a classical primary school and a local secondary school. I have completed two years of university in Seattle, Washington, majoring in Art History and Philosophy. I loved my time in university but decided to take this opportunity to gain more experience and exposure before I finish my degree and select a career path. I hope to one day work as a college professor or a historical educator. In my time as an Au Pair I hope to build a strong and lasting bond with my host family, stand as a positive influence in the children’s lives, explore and involve myself in the local culture, and grow as a person by experiencing more of the world.

Again, thank you for taking the time to learn about me. I look forward to learning about you and your family soon!

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Doświadczenie w opiece na dziećmi

I have had many years of childcare experience as I began working kids parties and babysitting at 12. I have since consistently babysat school age children as well as begun a new position at a daycare. Most recently I have specialised in the care of children ranging from the ages of 4 months to 4 years old. I absolutely love working with babies and toddlers and I always feel that young children deserve the most delicate and loving care possible. I love being able to play and connect with older children, as well as watch and nurture the younger children. It is important to me to be mindful and gentle with children of all ages as they are very impressionable and need all the time and attention I have to give. I adore my role in child care and I look forward to being able to work with more kids and form a strong and trustworthy bond with them and their families.
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List polecający (Recommendation Letter)
Certyfikat pierwszej pomocy

Dane osobowe

Nie palęMam kurs pierwszej pomocy - TakPotrafię pływać dobrze - TakPotrafię jeździć na rowerze - TakPosiadam prawo jazdy - Tak, z doświadczeniem

Potrafię pływać dobrze

Potrafię jeździć na rowerze

Posiadam prawo jazdy Tak, z doświadczeniem

Mam rodzeństwo

Mam ważny paszport

Nie palę

Mam kurs pierwszej pomocy

Aktualne zajęcie studentka nauk społecznych

Wykształcenie Liceum

Znajomość języków

angielski: Język rodzimy, Od 21 Rok

Czy uprawiasz sport? Jaki?  horseback riding, skiing, swim, running, car racing, field hockey, lacrosse

Religia Ateizm

Religia jest dla Ciebie: nieistotna

Czy przestrzegasz specjalnej diety? Brak specjalnej diety

Mam problemy ze zdrowiem / alergie none

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Kryteria Pracy

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie - TakMogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi - TakAkceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi - TakMogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi - Tak

Preferowane kraje Belgia, Luksemburg, Holandia, Rosja & Szwajcaria

Preferowany region Duże miasto, Przedmieście, Miasto, Okolica wiejska, Peryferie miasta

Preferowany czas trwania programu 2-6 miesiące

Najwcześniejszy start lipiec 2024

Najpóźniejszy start wrzesień 2024

Akceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie

Mogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi

Preferowany wiek dziecka mniej niż 1 rok, 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat, 11-14 lat, więcej niż 15 lat

Doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi 100 - 200 godzin

Iloma dziećmi możesz się zająć? 3

Czy możesz pracować z samotnym rodzicem? Tak, z matką lub z ojcem

Mogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi

Mogę zaopiekować się osobami niepełnosprawnymi

Może opiekować się dziećmi w następujących dziedzinach Pomoc w zadaniach domowych, Czytanie książek, Sztuka i prace ręczne, Rysowanie i wycinanie, Liczby i liczenie, Litery i dźwięki, Gry i zabawy umysłowe, Pieśni i poezja

Oferuje korepetycje Angielskiego, Sportu

Preferowana grupa wiekowa uczniów Niemowlaki (0-1), Małe dzieci (2-3), Przedszkolaki (4-5), Dzieci ze szkół podstawowych (6-12), Nastolatki (13-17)

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O mnie

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