Nr. użytkownika 2857990

Narodowość Filipińska | Więcej »

Imię i nazwisko Kryzel Ann Jean

Miejscowość/Region General Santos City/

Numer telefonu Tylko dla Użytkowników Premium

Dodatkowy numer telefonu Tylko dla Użytkowników Premium

Państwo Filipiny

Start kwiecień 2024 - styczeń 2025

Preferowany czas trwania programu 6-24 miesiące

Języki na poziomie komunikatywnym: angielski (Język ojczysty), filipinski (Język ojczysty)

Ostatnie logowanie 6 godziny temu

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Profil dodany do 0 ulubionych w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
Profil odwiedzony przez 3 Rodziny Goszczące w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
Wskaźnik odpowiedzi - Bardzo aktywna

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Dear Family,
First of all allow me to introduce myself; I am Kryzel Ann Jean Protacio , 18 years old and a graduate of Senior Highschol. I am writing this letter to you so you can make an idea about me, my family, my personality, my hobbies, achievements, interests and my motives for wanting to be an au pair.

I will start with my family; I belong to a family of five. My parents are the most loving, caring, and supportive parents I have ever known. I am the eldest among the three children, followed by my sister and my 8 years old brother. Growing up, my bond with my siblings is very strong because we were taught by our parents to help, care and support each other. My mother is a housewife/businesswoman and my father is a farmer. We lived in the countryside here in the Philippines. As we live our everyday lives, my parents always teach us to be independent and strong enough to face the realities of life.

At an early age of ten I started to do household chores like washing dishes, cleaning the house and cooking as what my parents had taught me at an early age of eight. I am a children lover and a pet lover also. Children are very special to me; they can make me smile even in their own little ways. I have an experience of taking care of children since I tried to work as a personal tutor for one year, taking care of my younger brother and looking after my nephews and cousins.If I will be given a chance to be an au pair I will care and love them as my own family.

I am trustworthy, dedicated, patient, flexible, well mannered, family oriented, independent and proactive. I always listen to what adults advise me and take it as a motivation to become a better person. I love learning and exploring. Growing up I am honed to become a good listener and a woman full of positivity and motivation.

I have a lot of small achievements and experiences during my academic/school year. I have gained my first aid training since I became a member of Red Cross Youth at our school. I also became a student leader and played a huge role not only as a student but also as a sister and a child. And those experiences build me into a stronger, better, and talented person I am today.

During my spare time, I love reading books, watching television, chatting with friends, playing badminton, damath, chess, cooking and bicycling. I also love helping kids for example with their projects and any other schoolworks.

I want to take part in an au pair cultural exchange program because I love taking care of children and I think it is a great way to learn and experience a new culture and language. Also, I want to experience life in another country, meet new people and take on new responsibilities. It will be a huge opportunity to explore and discover new things while doing something I am passionate about; child care! Being part of a new family and taking good care of kids with different backgrounds sounds challenging but also exciting and I am all for it!

I know it will take longer to get to know a person but I hope that this letter will help you to get to know me. And I also hope that you will give me a chance to prove that I do have more qualities and I can be a good au pair for your family. ☺

Best regards,
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Doświadczenie w opiece na dziećmi

Childcare experience 1
Type of childcare : Personal Tutor
Number of children :2
Age of children :5 and 9 years old
Start/end date : February 01, 2021- February 01, 2023

References provides : yes

I am the one who teaches the two kids in reading, writing, drawing, and solving simple maths problems. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I just give them homework to complete. On MWF, I have 2 hours scheduled for them. During our free time, we play educational games (they watch a short story and then write down the names of the characters , the setting, and what they have learned). When we finish ahead of schedule, we sometimes ride bikes in parks and we do some fun activities .

Childcare experience 2
Type of childcare : Take care of my younger brother
Number of children : 1
Age of children : 8
Start/end date : April 28,2015- present

References provides : yes

Describe activities and responsibilities:
When my mother is not home, I am the one who takes care of my younger brother's needs, including feeding him, dressing him for school, helping him take a bath, teaching him on schoolwork, and spending time with him.

Experience with babies of the ages 0-1 years old
Feeding babies : Yes
Bathing babies : Yes
Playing with children : Yes
Going on the streets with children : Yes
Bringing and picking up from crèche : Yes
Teaching/educational games : Yes
Outside activities with the children : Yes
Putting to bed or nap : Yes
Giving breakfast/lunch/dinner : Yes
Dressing babies : Yes

Experience with toddlers of the ages 1-4 years old
Playing with children : Yes
Going on the street with children : Yes
Bringing and pickup up from crèche : Yes
Teaching/educational games : Yes
Outside activities with the children : Yes
Putting to bed or nap : Yes
Giving breakfast/lunch/dinner : Yes
Dressing babies : Yes

Experience with toddlers of the ages 4 years old and above
Playing with children : Yes
Going on the street with children : Yes
Bringing and pickup up from school : Yes
Teaching/educational games : Yes
Outside activities with the children : Yes
Giving breakfast/lunch/dinner : Yes
Dressing children : Yes
Helping children with homework : Yes
Putting children to bed : Yes

I want to travel abroad to experience different cultures, learn new languages, try different cuisines,visit beautiful landscapes, expand my perspective, knowledge and create very good memories.I want to make new friends, learn about their perspectives and to become a part of another family. I know it will boost my self-reliance and gain a better understanding of life's realities if I travel abroad.

And a lot more..
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Referencje (dotyczące opieki nad dziećmi)

Dane osobowe

Nie palęMam kurs pierwszej pomocy - TakPotrafię pływać dobrze - TakPotrafię jeździć na rowerze - Tak

Potrafię pływać dobrze

Potrafię jeździć na rowerze

Posiadam prawo jazdy

Mam rodzeństwo

Mam ważny paszport

Nie palę

Mam kurs pierwszej pomocy

Aktualne zajęcie absolwent

Wykształcenie Gimnazjum

Znajomość języków

angielski: Język rodzimy
filipinski: Język rodzimy

Czy uprawiasz sport? Jaki?  Chess, Badminton

Religia Katolicyzm

Religia jest dla Ciebie: nieistotna

Czy przestrzegasz specjalnej diety? Brak specjalnej diety

Mam problemy ze zdrowiem / alergie No

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Kryteria Pracy

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie - TakMogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi - TakAkceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi - TakMogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi - Tak

Preferowane kraje Belgia, Dania, Niemcy, Islandia & Holandia

Preferowany region Duże miasto, Przedmieście, Miasto, Okolica wiejska, Peryferie miasta

Preferowany czas trwania programu 6-24 miesiące

Najwcześniejszy start kwiecień 2024

Najpóźniejszy start styczeń 2025

Akceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie

Mogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi

Preferowany wiek dziecka mniej niż 1 rok, 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat, 11-14 lat, więcej niż 15 lat

Doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi 10 - 50 godzin

Iloma dziećmi możesz się zająć? 4

Czy możesz pracować z samotnym rodzicem? Tak, z matką lub z ojcem

Mogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi

Mogę zaopiekować się osobami niepełnosprawnymi

Preferowana grupa wiekowa uczniów

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O mnie

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