Nr. użytkownika 3072237

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Imię i nazwisko Catherine

Miejscowość/Region Kollam/ Kerala

Państwo Indie

Start czerwiec 2024 - czerwiec 2024

Preferowany czas trwania programu 23-24 miesiące

Języki na poziomie komunikatywnym: angielski (Język ojczysty)

Ostatnie logowanie 16 marzec 2024

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Subject: Application to Become Your Au Pair

Dear Host Family,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Catherine, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming your au pair. After carefully considering various opportunities, I am convinced that joining your family would be an enriching experience for both of us.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a 24 year-old Indian citizen with a passion for cultural exchange and childcare. From a young age, I have been fascinated by different cultures and languages, which has led me to pursue opportunities that allow me to immerse myself in new environments and learn from diverse perspectives.

The decision to become an au pair stems from my desire to combine my love for children with my eagerness to explore new horizons. I firmly believe that the role of an au pair goes beyond mere childcare; it is an opportunity to become a part of a family, share experiences, and foster meaningful connections that transcend borders.

As for why you should consider hosting me, I bring a unique blend of qualities and experiences that make me well-suited for the position of an au pair. Firstly, I have 4 years experience in babysitting as my sisters kid lived with me for past 4 years of her life. These experiences have equipped me with the skills necessary to engage children in meaningful activities, ensure their safety, and handle any challenges that may arise with patience and empathy.

Furthermore, I am highly adaptable and resourceful, traits that I believe are essential for thriving in a new environment. Whether it's helping with household tasks, assisting with homework, or organizing fun outings, I am always willing to go the extra mile to support your family's needs.

In addition to my practical skills, I am also fluent in English, Hindi, which will enable me to communicate effectively with both you and your children. I am excited about the prospect of sharing my language and culture with your family while also learning from yours.

In conclusion, I am genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your family as an au pair. I am confident that my passion for childcare, cultural curiosity, and adaptable nature make me a strong candidate for the position. I look forward to the possibility of getting to know you and your children better and contributing to creating lasting memories together.

Thank you for considering my application. I am more than happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions you may have.

Warm regards,

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Doświadczenie w opiece na dziećmi

Subject: Embracing New Horizons: My Journey as an Au Pair and Why I'm Eager to Go Abroad

Dear ,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As I sit down to pen these words, I am filled with excitement and anticipation at the prospect of embarking on a new adventure as an au pair abroad. Allow me to share with you both my enriching experience as an au pair and the compelling reasons why I am drawn to continue this journey in a foreign land.

My journey as an au pair has been nothing short of transformative. Over the past 4 years, I have had the privilege of nurturing and caring for children in the warm embrace of different families, each experience leaving an indelible mark on my heart and mind. From organizing imaginative playtime activities to lending a listening ear during challenging moments, I have cherished every opportunity to be a source of support, guidance, and love for the children under my care.

Yet, beyond the realm of childcare, my experience as an au pair has been a gateway to profound personal growth and cultural enlightenment. Living within the homes of diverse families has granted me privileged access to the intricacies of different cultures, customs, and ways of life. Whether it was celebrating local festivals, savoring traditional cuisines, or simply engaging in heartfelt conversations, every interaction has been a poignant reminder of the beauty and richness of our world's tapestry.

However, my journey as an au pair has also been characterized by a relentless thirst for exploration and discovery—a yearning that can only be satiated by venturing beyond familiar borders. It is this innate desire to immerse myself in novel experiences, to traverse the uncharted territories of foreign lands, that fuels my aspiration to become an au pair abroad.

There are several compelling reasons why I am particularly drawn to the idea of becoming an au pair abroad. Firstly, I see it as an unparalleled opportunity to deepen my understanding of different cultures and languages. By living and working in a foreign country, I am eager to not only refine my language skills but also to gain a more nuanced perspective on global affairs and intercultural dynamics.

Moreover, I believe that becoming an au pair abroad offers a unique chance for personal and professional development. It is an opportunity to cultivate resilience, adaptability, and cross-cultural competence—qualities that are increasingly valued in today's interconnected world. By navigating the complexities of life in a foreign environment, I am confident that I will emerge as a more confident, empathetic, and globally-minded individual.

Last but certainly not least, becoming an au pair abroad represents a profound commitment to fostering meaningful connections and forging lasting friendships across borders. It is a testament to my belief in the power of human connection, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences to create bonds that defy distance and time.

Thank you for considering my application, and I eagerly await the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary adventure with you and your family.

Warm regards,

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angielski: Język rodzimy, Od 15 Miesiąc

Czy uprawiasz sport? Jaki?  Discus Throw

Religia Chrześcijaństwo

Religia jest dla Ciebie: nieistotna

Czy przestrzegasz specjalnej diety? Brak specjalnej diety

Mam problemy ze zdrowiem / alergie No

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Kryteria Pracy

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie - TakMogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi - TakAkceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi - TakMogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi - Tak

Preferowane kraje Niemcy, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, Wielka Brytania, Malta & Hiszpania

Preferowany region Przedmieście, Miasto, Okolica wiejska, Peryferie miasta

Preferowany czas trwania programu 23-24 miesiące

Najwcześniejszy start czerwiec 2024

Najpóźniejszy start czerwiec 2024

Akceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie

Mogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi

Preferowany wiek dziecka mniej niż 1 rok, 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat, 11-14 lat

Doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi 50 - 100 godzin

Iloma dziećmi możesz się zająć? 1

Czy możesz pracować z samotnym rodzicem? Tak, z matką lub z ojcem

Mogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi

Mogę zaopiekować się osobami niepełnosprawnymi

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O mnie

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