ID del Au Pair 3132833

Nacionalidad australiano/a | Más ⇩

Nombre completo Lauren

Ciudad/Provincia Buderim/ Queensland

País Australia

Inicio Ene. 2025 - Mar 2025

Duración de la estancia 10-12 meses

Idiomas que domino Inglés (Lengua materna)

Última sesión Hace 4 días

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Perfil añadido a 0 Favoritos en las últimas 3 semanas
Visto por 2 Familias en las últimas 3 semanas
Índice de respuestas

Carta a la familia

Dear Host Families,

My name is Lauren, I am from Australia and am currently attending my last year of school. I heard about Au Pairs through a friend of mine and instantly knew it was something I would love to do. I love the adventure of trying new things and expanding beyond my comfort zone to gain more life experiences. Growing up i've spent an ample amount of time taking care of children and looking after them. For many years I was a dancer and was often put in situations where I had to take care of large groups of children and ensure their safety both within the dance studio as well as in public spaces at dance competitions. Through this experience I was lucky enough to become close with the kids and form bonds strong enough to resemble one that siblings would share. I take great pride in doing any job to the best of my ability and to a high quality standard. I believe I would be a good candidate as I am willing to work whatever hours necessary and pull more than my weight if ever needed. I'm a strong believer in teamwork and believe it's a key aspect of success in any situation. Currently I am planning on undertaking a first aid course in order to gain my qualifications in the area. I am also more than happy to obtain any further certificates that host families may want me to have so that they can feel safe and comfortable leaving me to care for their children, because at the end of the day the child's safety and wellbeing is the most important thing.

Kindest Regards,
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Experiencia con niños

I would love to be given the opportunity to become an Au Pair as I feel it will be a one in a lifetime experience for me. I have always enjoyed taking care of and helping younger children and I take great pride in ensuring that I can be a positive role model for them and can encourage them to be the best version of themselves. I believe a persons childhood can shape their key morals and perspective on life for many years to come and I would love to help them through those times. As well as this I believe by being an Au Pair it will allow me to be able to see parts of the world I have never been to.
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Información personal

No fumaSabe nadar - SíSabe montar en bicicleta - SíTiene carné/licencia de conducir - Sí, con experiencia

Sabe nadar

Sabe montar en bicicleta

Tiene carné/licencia de conducir Sí, con experiencia

Tiene hermanos

Tiene un pasaporte válido

No fuma

Ha realizado un curso de primeros auxilios

Ocupación actual Camarero/a

Nivel de estudios Educación Secundaria

Language Knowledge

Inglés: Lengua nativa, Desde 17 Año

Religión Ninguna

Para el Au Pair la religión es Importante

¿Sigues alguna dieta especial? Ningún tipo de dieta

Tiene problemas de salud NO

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Información sobre el empleo

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional - SíAcepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad - SíAcepta vivir con una familia con mascotas - SíAcepta cuidar a las mascotas - Sí

Países prefereridos Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Grecia & Reino Unido

Área de preferencia Ciudad grande, Afueras, Ciudad pequeña, Pueblo, Campo

Duración de la estancia 10-12 meses

Fecha de comienzo Ene. 2025

Fecha límite de comienzo Mar 2025

Acepta vivir con una familia con mascotas

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional

Acepta cuidar a las mascotas

Edad preferida de los niños o personas al cargo 1-5 años, 6-10 años, 11-14 años, 15 + años

Horas de experiencia con niños en los últimos 24 meses 50-100

Número máximo de niños que podría cuidar 2

Trabajarías con una familia monoparental? Sí, con el padre o la madre

Acepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad

Acepta cuidar a personas con discapacidad

Edad de los estudiantes

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Sobre mí

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