Nr. użytkownika 3123353

Narodowość Brazylijska | Więcej »

Imię i nazwisko Luciana

Miejscowość/Region João Pessoa/ Paraíba

Państwo Brazylia

Start styczeń 2025 - czerwiec 2025

Preferowany czas trwania programu 3-6 miesiące

Języki na poziomie komunikatywnym: angielski (C1), portugalski (Język ojczysty)

Ostatnie logowanie 23 dni temu

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I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Luciana, a 21-year-old architecture student from Brazil, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming an Au Pair . After much consideration and research, I believe that being an Au Pair would not only be a fantastic opportunity for me but also a mutually enriching experience for both parties involved. I have always had a passion for caring for children and nurturing their growth. Being an Au Pair provides me with the perfect opportunity to combine my love for children with my desire to explore new cultures and gain valuable life experiences. I am drawn to the idea of immersing myself in your family's daily life, learning from each other, and forming meaningful connections that transcend borders. I come from a family-oriented background myself, and I have experience in caring for children. I have a six-year-old sister whom I have helped raise and care for since she was born. Taking care of her has taught me patience, responsibility, and the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment for children to thrive in. As an architecture student, I have developed excellent organizational skills, creativity, and attention to detail, which I believe are essential qualities for caring for children. Moreover, I am fluent in english, which I believe will facilitate communication and integration into your family life. I am also willing to help with household chores and tutoring, if necessary, to support your family in any way I can.

In conclusion, I am genuinely excited about the prospect of joining your family as an Au Pair. I am eager to contribute to your children's growth and well-being while also learning about your culture and way of life. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of becoming a part of your family.

Warm regards,

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Doświadczenie w opiece na dziećmi

As an aspiring Au Pair, the desire to embark on this journey abroad stems from a multitude of reasons deeply rooted in personal growth, cultural exchange, and fulfilling experiences.

First and foremost, I am drawn to the prospect of immersing myself in a new culture and environment. The opportunity to live with a host family in a foreign country presents a unique chance to fully immerse myself in the local customs, traditions, and way of life. I believe that by embracing these cultural differences, I can broaden my perspectives, challenge my preconceptions, and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around me. Moreover, becoming an Au Pair abroad offers the chance to develop valuable language skills. Through daily interaction with native speakers and engaging in real-life situations, I am confident that I can improve my language proficiency significantly. Being bilingual or multilingual not only enhances communication but also opens up new doors for personal and professional opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world. Furthermore, I am genuinely passionate about working with children. Being an Au Pair allows me to combine this passion with the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young ones. I am excited about the prospect of nurturing their growth, providing them with care and support, and being a positive role model in their lives. The bonds formed with the children I care for abroad have the potential to be deeply fulfilling and lasting.
Additionally, the experience of being an Au Pair abroad fosters independence, resilience, and adaptability. Living away from home in a new country challenges me to navigate unfamiliar situations, overcome obstacles, and learn to thrive outside of my comfort zone. These are invaluable life skills that will serve me well in all aspects of my personal and professional life. In essence, the opportunity to become an Au Pair abroad represents a transformative journey filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. I am eager to embrace the adventure, forge meaningful connections with a host family and their children, and create lasting memories that will shape me into a more well-rounded individual.
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Dane osobowe

Nie palęPotrafię jeździć na rowerze - Tak

Potrafię pływać dobrze

Potrafię jeździć na rowerze

Posiadam prawo jazdy

Mam rodzeństwo

Mam ważny paszport

Nie palę

Mam kurs pierwszej pomocy

Aktualne zajęcie studentka

Wykształcenie Uniwersytet

Znajomość języków

portugalski: Język rodzimy
angielski: zaawansowany (C1), Od 9 Rok

Religia Katolicyzm

Religia jest dla Ciebie: istotna

Czy przestrzegasz specjalnej diety? Brak specjalnej diety

Mam problemy ze zdrowiem / alergie Alergia a poeira e ácaros

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Kryteria Pracy

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie - TakAkceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi - TakMogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi - Tak

Preferowane kraje Irlandia, Włochy, Luksemburg, Holandia & Wielka Brytania

Preferowany region Miasto

Preferowany czas trwania programu 3-6 miesiące

Najwcześniejszy start styczeń 2025

Najpóźniejszy start czerwiec 2025

Akceptuję rodzinę ze zwierzętami domowymi

Zgadzam się na dodatkową pracę za dodatkowe wynagrodzenie

Mogę zaopiekować się zwierzętami domowymi

Preferowany wiek dziecka 6-10 lat

Doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi 0 godzin

Iloma dziećmi możesz się zająć? 2

Czy możesz pracować z samotnym rodzicem? Nie

Mogę zaopiekować się dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi

Mogę zaopiekować się osobami niepełnosprawnymi

Preferowana grupa wiekowa uczniów

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O mnie

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