Familien ID: 3129821

Kinder: 2 Kinder, 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre

Tutor gebraucht für: Englisch

Kann die Kinder mit einbeziehen: Bücher vorlesen, Kunst & Basteln

Ort: Shanghai / Großstadt | Mehr ⇩

Name Cathy

Region/Land Jiangsu

PLZ Nur für Premium-Mitglieder

Aufenthaltsbeginn: Apr. 2024 - Aug. 2025

Aufenthaltslänge: 3-12 Monate

Letzter Login: Vor 11 Stunden

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16 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
Profil besucht von 252 Kandidaten in den letzten 3 Wochen
Antwort-Rate - sehr aktiv

Brief ans Au Pair

Dear Au Pair & Live-in Tutor,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Cathy, and I am writing to extend a warm welcome to you as a member of our family.

Our family consists of my husband, our two lovely children, Sam who is 5 years old and Jessica who is 8, and myself. We are excited about the opportunity to have you join us as our Au Pair and Live-in Tutor. We believe that this will not only be a culturally enriching experience for our children but also a unique opportunity for personal growth and development for you.

Our son Sam is a curious and energetic boy who is just starting to explore the world around him. He is fascinated by animals and enjoys outdoor activities. Our daughter Jessica, on the other hand, is a thoughtful and creative girl who loves reading and painting. Both children are eager to learn and are looking forward to the adventures and fun that they will have with you.

As an Au Pair and Live-in Tutor, your role will be to provide a nurturing and educational environment for Sam and Jessica, helping them with their homework, engaging them in creative and educational activities, and assisting in their daily routines. We believe that your presence will greatly contribute to their development and broaden their horizons.

During your stay with us, we will ensure that you have your own private space to rest and relax, as well as access to all the amenities you need to feel comfortable and at home. We are committed to respecting your personal time and will support you in pursuing your own interests and hobbies.

We understand that moving to a new country and adapting to a new culture can be challenging. Rest assured that we are here to support you every step of the way. We will help you navigate the local area, introduce you to our friends and neighbors, and make sure that you feel welcomed and integrated into our community.

We are looking forward to getting to know you better and to the positive impact you will have on our family. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help make this experience as enjoyable and rewarding as possible for you.

Once again, welcome to our family. We are excited about the journey ahead and the memories we will create together.

Warm regards,

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Info über die Familie

Die Familie hat Haustiere - Ja

Die Familie hat Haustiere Ja

Die Familie lebt in Großstadt

Alter der Eltern 25-40

Sind Sie alleinerziehend? Nein, wir sind ein Paar

Nationalität chinesisch

Sprache, die Zuhause gesprochen wird Chinesisch, Englisch

Religion keine Religion

Bedeutung der Religion Unwichtig

Gegenwärtige Beschäftigung Geschäftsinhaber/in / Pädagog/in

Personen im Haushalt 3

Alter und Geschlecht der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 5 jahr männlich
7 jahr weiblich

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Job Anforderungen

Wöchentliche Arbeitsstunden 25 - 30

Taschengeld der Au Pair, Nachhilfe 250 USD

Bevorzugtes Geschlecht keine Präferenz

Aufenthaltslänge 3-12 Monate

Frühestes Startdatum Apr. 2024

Spätestes Startdatum Aug. 2025

Sie suchen ein(e) Au Pair und Nachhilfe

Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre

Kinder/Personen, die betreut werden sollen 2

Gewünschte Erfahrungen in der Betreuung Keine Präferenzen

Wir brauchen einen Tutor für Englisch

Wie alt sind die Menschen, die der Tutor unterrichten soll? Vorschulkinder (4-5) & Grundschulkinder (6-12)

Wir brauchen Unterstützung bei

Bevorzugte Nationalität des Kandidaten Keine Präferenzen

Gewünschte Sprachkenntnisse
 Englisch, Minimum (B2) Selbständige Sprachverwendung

Gewünschtes Bildungsniveau Sekundarstufe II

Beteiligung an Reisekosten ofc

Gewünschtes Alter des Kandidaten 18-33

Raucher akzeptiert Ja, außerhalb des Hauses

Betreuung von Kindern/Personen mit Behinderungen Nein

Betreuung von Haustieren Nein

Soll schwimmen können Nein

Soll Fahrrad fahren können Nein

Kandidat kann Sprachkurs besuchen Ja

Erwartet Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Nein

Führerschein erforderlich Nein

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Beschreibung der Familie

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Au Pair Unterbringung

The accommodation provided for the Au Pair and Live-in Tutor in our home is designed to ensure comfort and convenience during your stay with us.

Private Space: You will be provided with your own private bedroom, complete with a comfortable bed, ample storage space, and a desk area for personal use. This space is intended to give you the privacy and quiet you need to rest and pursue personal activities.

Shared Amenities: The common areas of the house, including the living room, kitchen, and bathroom(s), are shared with the family but maintained in a way that respects your privacy and needs. The kitchen is well-equipped with modern appliances and ample cooking utensils, allowing you to prepare your meals with ease.

Internet Access: High-speed Wi-Fi internet is available throughout the house, enabling you to stay connected, access educational resources, or simply enjoy leisure time online.

Cleanliness and Maintenance: The house is kept clean and well-maintained. While you are expected to keep your personal space tidy, there is no need for you to undertake heavy cleaning tasks related to the shared areas. We ensure that the overall cleanliness and upkeep of the home are taken care of.
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Au Pair in China: Alle Infos zum Au Pair Programm

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Au Pair in China: Voraussetzungen

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