Familien ID: 3010773

Kinder: 2 Kinder, 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre

Ort: Tianjin / Großstadt | Mehr ⇩

Name Sophie

Region/Land Hebei

PLZ Nur für Premium-Mitglieder

Aufenthaltsbeginn: Jan. 2024 - Mrz. 2025

Aufenthaltslänge: 1-24 Monate

Letzter Login: 06 Jan. 2024

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1 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
Profil besucht von 5 Kandidaten in den letzten 3 Wochen


Diese Familie wird vermittelt von


Ort Tianjin

Region/Land Hebei

Brief ans Au Pair

Dear Au Pair,
Welcome to our family in the charming Loka Town of Tianjin's Xiqing District. I am Yang Fang, a principal in my mid-30s, and my husband, Yang Zikuan, works in finance. Our home is a lively place with three wonderful children.
Our Home:
We live in a duplex apartment with a terrace garden, consisting of three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Located just 500 meters from the nearest metro and bus stations, our home offers easy access to city conveniences.
Family Lifestyle:
Our family loves various activities like shopping, cultural performances, outdoor sports, dining out, and social gatherings. We are a non-smoking household and place a high value on cleanliness, rating our home's tidiness an 8 out of 10. We also have a nanny to help with household chores.
Children's Information:
Our eldest daughter, Yang Qining, 11 years old, enjoys volleyball, English, and French. Our 3.5-year-old son, Yang Qiyi, loves drawing. We value education and extracurricular activities highly for our children's all-around development.
Expectations for Our Au Pair:
We are open to welcoming an au pair of any gender, preferably with skills in German, French, Spanish, or Japanese. The ideal au pair would be active, optimistic, enjoy sports, and have a flair for art. We expect our au pair to assist with our children's learning, sports, and entertainment.
House Rules:
In our household, we do not tolerate swearing, smoking, or excessive drinking. The most important house rule is respect and consideration for each other. We expect our au pair to be home by 10 PM, ensuring a safe and orderly environment for everyone.
A Personal Message:
We're excited to have you join our family and are looking forward to sharing our culture, home, and daily life with you. We hope to create a memorable and enriching experience for both you and our family.
Warm regards,
The Yang Family
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Job Beschreibung

Expectations for Our Au Pair:
We are open to welcoming an au pair of any gender, preferably with skills in German, French, Spanish, or Japanese. The ideal au pair would be active, optimistic, enjoy sports, and have a flair for art. We expect our au pair to assist with our children's learning, sports, and entertainment.
House Rules:
In our household, we do not tolerate swearing, smoking, or excessive drinking. The most important house rule is respect and consideration for each other. We expect our au pair to be home by 10 PM, ensuring a safe and orderly environment for everyone.
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Info über die Familie

Die Familie hat Haustiere - Ja

Die Familie hat Haustiere Ja

Die Familie lebt in Großstadt

Alter der Eltern 25-40

Sind Sie alleinerziehend? Nein, wir sind ein Paar

Nationalität chinesisch

Sprache, die Zuhause gesprochen wird Englisch, Mandarin

Religion keine Religion

Bedeutung der Religion Unwichtig

Gegenwärtige Beschäftigung

Personen im Haushalt 4

Alter und Geschlecht der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 11 and 4 year old boy and girl

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Job Anforderungen

Wöchentliche Arbeitsstunden 25 - 30

Taschengeld der Au Pair 250 USD

Bevorzugtes Geschlecht weiblich

Aufenthaltslänge 1-24 Monate

Frühestes Startdatum Jan. 2024

Spätestes Startdatum Mrz. 2025

Sie suchen ein(e) Au Pair

Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre

Kinder/Personen, die betreut werden sollen 2

Gewünschte Erfahrungen in der Betreuung Keine Präferenzen

Wir brauchen einen Tutor für

Wie alt sind die Menschen, die der Tutor unterrichten soll?

Wir brauchen Unterstützung bei

Bevorzugte Nationalität des Kandidaten Keine Präferenzen

Gewünschte Sprachkenntnisse gut

Gewünschtes Bildungsniveau Sekundarstufe II

Beteiligung an Reisekosten yes

Gewünschtes Alter des Kandidaten 18-30

Raucher akzeptiert Nein

Betreuung von Kindern/Personen mit Behinderungen Nein

Betreuung von Haustieren Nein

Soll schwimmen können Nein

Soll Fahrrad fahren können Nein

Kandidat kann Sprachkurs besuchen Ja

Erwartet Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Nein

Führerschein erforderlich Nein

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Beschreibung der Familie

Komm zu uns, wenn Du noch kein Konto bei AuPair.com hast
und kontaktiere alle Gastfamilien kostenlos. Wenn Du schon ein Konto hast, log in, um Nachrichten an deine Favoriten zu schicken.

Au Pair Unterbringung

Dear Au Pair,
Welcome to our family in the charming Loka Town of Tianjin's Xiqing District. I am Fang, a principal in my mid-30s, and my husband, Zikuan, works in finance. Our home is a lively place with three wonderful children.
Our Home:
We live in a duplex apartment with a terrace garden, consisting of three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Located just 500 meters from the nearest metro and bus stations, our home offers easy access to city conveniences.
Family Lifestyle:
Our family loves various activities like shopping, cultural performances, outdoor sports, dining out, and social gatherings. We are a non-smoking household and place a high value on cleanliness, rating our home's tidiness an 8 out of 10. We also have a nanny to help with household chores.
Children's Information:
Our eldest daughter, Qining, 11 years old, enjoys volleyball, English, and French. Our 3.5-year-old son, Qiyi, loves drawing. We value education and extracurricular activities highly for our children's all-around development.
Expectations for Our Au Pair:
We are open to welcoming an au pair of any gender, preferably with skills in German, French, Spanish, or Japanese. The ideal au pair would be active, optimistic, enjoy sports, and have a flair for art. We expect our au pair to assist with our children's learning, sports, and entertainment.
House Rules:
In our household, we do not tolerate swearing, smoking, or excessive drinking. The most important house rule is respect and consideration for each other. We expect our au pair to be home by 10 PM, ensuring a safe and orderly environment for everyone.
A Personal Message:
We're excited to have you join our family and are looking forward to sharing our culture, home, and daily life with you. We hope to create a memorable and enriching experience for both you and our family.
Warm regards,
The Family
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