Mitgliedsnummer 3080554

Kann Kinder in folgenden Bereichen betreuen Hausaufgabenhilfe, Bücher vorlesen, Kunst & Basteln, Zeichnen & Basteln, Zahlen & Zählen, Buchstaben & Töne, Gedankenspiele & Aktivität, Lieder & Gedichte

Tutor für Mathematik, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Musik, Sport, Russisch

Nationalität französisch, türkisch | Mehr ⇩

Vor- und Zuname Ceylin

Ort/Region/Land Paris/ Île-de-France

Land Frankreich

Start Jun. 2024 - Jun. 2024

Aufenthaltslänge 24-12 Monate

Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch (C1), Spanisch (C2), Französisch (Muttersprache), Türkisch (Muttersprache)

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0 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
18 Gastfamilienbesuche in den letzten 3 Wochen.
Antwortrate - sehr aktiv im Antworten

Brief an die Gastfamilie

Dear Host Family,

My name is Ceylin, and I am currently a bachelor's degree student at University Paris Science et Lettres in Paris. I am writing to express my enthusiasm for the opportunity to become an Au Pair with your family.

The prospect of becoming an Au Pair excites me greatly as it presents a wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in new cultures, forge meaningful connections with people, and share delightful moments with your family. I am fluent in four languages, including English, French, Spanish, Turkish, and I have a basic understanding of Arabic. This linguistic proficiency enables me to communicate effectively and foster a nurturing environment for your children.

I believe your family would benefit from hosting me as an Au Pair due to my previous experiences and skills. Two years ago, I spent a year studying in Ireland and was accommodated by a host family with two children. During my stay, I learned to adapt to the needs of these children and others through babysitting. Some of the children I cared for were shy, yet I successfully established strong bonds with each by actively listening, showing empathy, and finding common ground. This approach significantly contributed to their well-being and development.

Furthermore, I have a passion for organizing engaging activities to help children flourish and learn. My experience as an assistant organizing language-based activities in schools and community centers in France has equipped me with the necessary skills to create enjoyable learning experiences for children. Additionally, my multilingualism allows me to assist children in mastering multiple languages, broadening their horizons and opportunities.

In summary, I am confident that my experiences, skills, and genuine love for working with children make me a suitable candidate for the position of Au Pair with your family. I am eager to contribute positively to your household and create lasting memories together. Thank you for considering my application.

Warm regards,

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Dear Host Family,

My name is Ceylin, and I am currently a bachelor's degree student at University Paris Science et Lettres in Paris. I am writing to express my enthusiasm for the opportunity to become an Au Pair with your family.

The prospect of becoming an Au Pair excites me greatly as it presents a wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in new cultures, forge meaningful connections with people, and share delightful moments with your family. I am fluent in four languages, including English, French, Spanish, Turkish, and I have a basic understanding of Arabic. This linguistic proficiency enables me to communicate effectively and foster a nurturing environment for your children.

I believe your family would benefit from hosting me as an Au Pair due to my previous experiences and skills. Two years ago, I spent a year studying in Ireland and was accommodated by a host family with two children. During my stay, I learned to adapt to the needs of these children and others through babysitting. Some of the children I cared for were shy, yet I successfully established strong bonds with each by actively listening, showing empathy, and finding common ground. This approach significantly contributed to their well-being and development.

Furthermore, I have a passion for organizing engaging activities to help children flourish and learn. My experience as an assistant organizing language-based activities in schools and community centers in France has equipped me with the necessary skills to create enjoyable learning experiences for children. Additionally, my multilingualism allows me to assist children in mastering multiple languages, broadening their horizons and opportunities.

In summary, I am confident that my experiences, skills, and genuine love for working with children make me a suitable candidate for the position of Au Pair with your family. I am eager to contribute positively to your household and create lasting memories together. Thank you for considering my application.

Warm regards,

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Persönliche Daten

Nicht-RaucherHat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert - JaKann gut schwimmen - JaKann Fahrrad fahren - Ja

Kann gut schwimmen

Kann Fahrrad fahren

Hat einen Führerschein

Hat Geschwister

Hat einen gültigen Reisepass


Hat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert

Aktuelle Beschäftigung Student

Bildung Hochschule


Französisch: Muttersprache
Englisch: (C1) Fachkundige Sprachverwendung
Türkisch: Muttersprache
Spanisch: (C2) Annährend muttersprachliche Kenntnisse
Arabisch: (A2) Grundlegende Kenntnisse

Sport  Canoë Kayak, Hiking...

Religion Muslimisch

Für das Au Pair ist Religion Wichtig

Spezielle Ernährungsweise Vegetarisch

Sonstige Krankheiten oder Allergien: No

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Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten - JaWürde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen - JaWürde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben - JaWürde Haustiere betreuen - Ja

Gewünschtes Zielland Australien, Katar & Singapur

Bevorzugte Gegend Großstadt, Vorort, Stadt

Aufenthaltslänge 24-12 Monate

Frühester Beginn Jun. 2024

Spätester Beginn Jun. 2024

Würde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben

Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten

Würde Haustiere betreuen

Gewünschtes Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder 0-1, 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre

Erfahrung in der Kinderbetreuung in den letzten 24 Monaten (in Std.) 500 - 800

Anzahl der Kinder, die das Au Pair maximal betreuen würde 3

Ist bereit, mit einem allein erziehenden Elternteil zu leben Ja, mit der Mutter

Würde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen

Würde Erwachsene mit Behinderung betreuen

Kann Kinder in folgenden Bereichen betreuen Hausaufgabenhilfe, Bücher vorlesen, Kunst & Basteln, Zeichnen & Basteln, Zahlen & Zählen, Buchstaben & Töne, Gedankenspiele & Aktivität, Lieder & Gedichte

Gibt Nachhilfe in: Mathematik, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Musik, Sport, Russisch

Bevorzugte Altersgruppe der SchülerInnen Säuglinge (0-1), Kleinkinder (2-3), Vorschulkinder (4-5), Grundschulkinder (6-12)

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