Mitgliedsnummer 2892991

Kann Kinder in folgenden Bereichen betreuen Hausaufgabenhilfe, Bücher vorlesen, Kunst & Basteln, Zeichnen & Basteln, Zahlen & Zählen, Buchstaben & Töne, Lieder & Gedichte

Tutor für Mathematik, Englisch, Spanisch, Sport

Nationalität ecuadorianisch | Mehr ⇩

Vor- und Zuname Tania

Ort/Region/Land Quito/

Land Ecuador

Start Mrz. 2024 - Mai 2024

Aufenthaltslänge 3-6 Monate

Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch (C1), Spanisch (Muttersprache)

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0 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
13 Gastfamilienbesuche in den letzten 3 Wochen.

Brief an die Gastfamilie

I am already very excited about getting to know you. But, first of all, I would like to introduce myself to you.
My name is Tania Torres. I a 24 years old and from the small city of Quito, the capital of Ecuador.With my Mother Sandra(57), mi brother Ricardo(20) and my sister Rosa (28), and her daughters: Dome y Vale. I am living in a department located in the historical center of the city. It is well know as a tourist attraction for the buildings of the colonial era including the Basilica of the Vote. We have got one dog, that pass away the last year after 16 years of wonderful moments with us, and currently, now we have a cat. My mom is a dental assistant, my sister is in her last year of medical school and an English teacher in her free time, and my nieces are twins they are 8 years old. My brother is in his 3rd year of architecture degree. Finally, I have a full-time job as a waitress.

I would describe myself as a reliable, good listener and caring person, who gives her best, to help and find solutions for others in every situation. Always trying to help. I like spending time practicing sports, singing, and getting new knowledge. Discipline is my best strategy. Skating is my favorite hobby and I had also the opportunity to teach young children at a skating summer camp at a local school.
Furthermore, I enjoy reading and singing pop music. I spend y free time supervising my nieces, it is always a lot of fun, especially after finishing their assignments. I cherish the years I have spent with them.

Currently, I work as a waitress at a live music show restaurant. I enjoy this job very much because I am able to bond with many of my customers. Before being a waitress I had the opportunity to care for children of all ages from different families. I become very close to them. Also, for around 6 months I have worked as a children's party entertainer with some friends around my city. Bringing in the kids we had within. That experience made me become more independent, humble, and extroverted.

Four years ago I went as a foreign exchange student to study at an American high school and live with an American host family from Salt lake city in Utah state. Such an amusing experience. I made many friends we are still longer in contact. I was part of the woman's choir and the track and field club. I got certificates of excellence in my child development technical class and biology class. Also, My host family and I went on a 4-day trip to Las Vegas city during the last week as a foreign student with my host family. Something that will never forget and I am grateful.

The reason why I want to go to China as an au pair is that I want to get to know the Chinese way of life as well as different cultures. It had been always my dream. Chinese history is such interesting and even more live in a culture extremely different from what I know. Most importantly, it would be a great chance to spend an entire year taking care of children. Know new people, visit new places, face new challenges, to end up developing myself as an integral person with more than one point of view of human beings and the world. And of course, it would be great to learn the Chinese language.

Yours sincerely,

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At a young age, I had the opportunity to experience the birth of my nieces. My mom and I struggled for the first few years to take care of them while my sister was busy working and studying. They are 8 years old. We live together and share these wonderful processes of seem them grow and become young ladies.
As a childcare worker, I had several good experiences.
Childcare is a challenge for those who see it as an obligation, I believe that it should be valued as something based on the creativity and commitment of the caregiver and the parents at the same time that the children can develop all their abilities and find strengths in themselves rather than fears and shortcomings. What I have learned from being in contact with children in various situations such as school, birthdays, under my responsibility, as a part of my family is that children deserve creative, dynamic, and challenging incentives to be able to explore their emotions and mental capacity. A curious child is a child who will know how to make better decisions in the future.
The children I have cared for see me as a friend outside of an adult in charge and with power over them.
Many parents really appreciate the patience and dedication I have to keep the children always learning something new. And they suggest that I should do this for a living.
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Persönliche Daten

Nicht-RaucherHat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert - JaKann gut schwimmen - JaKann Fahrrad fahren - JaHat einen Führerschein - Ja, mit Erfahrung

Kann gut schwimmen

Kann Fahrrad fahren

Hat einen Führerschein Ja, mit Erfahrung

Hat Geschwister

Hat einen gültigen Reisepass


Hat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert

Aktuelle Beschäftigung Student

Bildung Gesamtschule


Spanisch: Muttersprache, Seit 24 Jahre
Englisch: (C1) Fachkundige Sprachverwendung, Seit 11 Jahre
Französisch: (A1) Anfänger, Seit 2 Monate

Sport  roll skating

Religion keine Religion

Für das Au Pair ist Religion Unwichtig

Spezielle Ernährungsweise Keine

Sonstige Krankheiten oder Allergien: sulpha drug

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Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten - JaWürde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben - JaWürde Haustiere betreuen - Ja

Gewünschtes Zielland China

Bevorzugte Gegend Großstadt, Stadt, Ländlich

Aufenthaltslänge 3-6 Monate

Frühester Beginn Mrz. 2024

Spätester Beginn Mai 2024

Würde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben

Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten

Würde Haustiere betreuen

Gewünschtes Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder 1-5 Jahre

Erfahrung in der Kinderbetreuung in den letzten 24 Monaten (in Std.) 100-200

Anzahl der Kinder, die das Au Pair maximal betreuen würde 2

Ist bereit, mit einem allein erziehenden Elternteil zu leben Ja, mit Mutter o. Vater

Würde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen

Würde Erwachsene mit Behinderung betreuen

Kann Kinder in folgenden Bereichen betreuen Hausaufgabenhilfe, Bücher vorlesen, Kunst & Basteln, Zeichnen & Basteln, Zahlen & Zählen, Buchstaben & Töne, Lieder & Gedichte

Gibt Nachhilfe in: Mathematik, Englisch, Spanisch, Sport

Bevorzugte Altersgruppe der SchülerInnen Kleinkinder (2-3), Vorschulkinder (4-5)

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