Create a profile on to get in touch with hundreds of suitable candidates and Host Families! Your benefits at a glance:
For Host Families

  • Search for suitable candidates for free
  • Send requests to all Au Pairs for free
  • Add Au Pairs to your favorites and see who has added you
  • Get a list of users who have visited your profile
For Au Pairs

  • Our service is free for Au Pairs
  • Send messages to all families
  • See a list of Families who have visited your profile
  • Add Families to your favorites and see who has added you
Why do you have to answer so many questions?
We ask you to write a very detailed profile. The first reason is to save yourself a lot of time. If you provide your profile's visitors enough information about what you are looking for and about your person, you save a lot of time asking and answering questions that could easily be answered with your profile information.

The second reason is your own safety! We treat your personal information very carefully and don’t hand it to third parties. Yet for us it is good to have some contact information in cases of emergency.