Find Au Pairs, Granny Au Pairs and Nannies from Mozambique and become a Host Family without an Au Pair agency.

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Belver, 17, Mozambican, Student - High School currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair job in Germany, Luxembourg

Belver is a Non-Smoker Belver can ride a bike Belver can swim
❱ Jan 2025 - Mar 2025 (10-13 Months)
EnglishNative PortugueseC1 GermanA1

Mein Name ist Belver Fernando.lch komme aus Maputo ,Mosambik und bin ich 17 Jahre alt.lch spreche Englisch, Shona, Portugiesisch und ein bisschen Deutsch. lch habe Deutsch für drei Monaten an der Ossy Academy in Kooperation mit Geothe Institut Zertifikat erhalten.lch habe fünf ...

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Aunésia Marcos, 22, Mozambican, Medical Assistant currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair job in USA

Aunésia Marcos is a Non-Smoker Aunésia Marcos is a Non-Smoker Aunésia Marcos can ride a bike Aunésia Marcos can take care of pets Aunésia Marcos has got a first aid certification
❱ Jun 2024 - Oct 2024 (12-24 Months)
EnglishB1 PortugueseNative

MY name is Aunésia.

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Saquina, 25, Mozambican, Babysitter currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair job in USA

Saquina is a Non-Smoker Saquina is a Non-Smoker Saquina can take care of pets
❱ Aug 2024 - Oct 2024 (12-24 Months)
EnglishA2 PortugueseNative

I am polite, patient, responsible and very affectionate want to improve my English, meet new places, people, have new experiences, and this exchange program is a good opportunity because I will know the american culture and live with a good family and of course I know being ...

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Mozambican Au Pair For Registered Members

Ivete, 27, Mozambican, Secretary currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair job in France

Ivete is a Non-Smoker Ivete is a Non-Smoker Ivete can ride a bike Ivete can take care of pets Ivete can swim Ivete has got a first aid certification
Ivete has an application video
❱ Feb 2025 - Dec 2025 (12-12 Months)
EnglishB1 PortugueseNative FrenchA1

Salutations chère future famille Je m'appelle Ives Macia, mozambicain et vivant à Maputo, j'ai toujours été curieux de la culture française et de son mode de vie, y compris sa belle cuisine et m'immerger dans la langue française serait de la plus haute importance pour moi, ...

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Mozambican Au Pair For Registered Members

Selma, 35, Mozambican, Call Center Agent currently in Mozambique searching for Nanny & Caregiver for elderly job in Brazil, Spain, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Maldives

Selma is a Non-Smoker Selma is a Non-Smoker Selma has got a first aid certification
❱ Jul 2024 - Aug 2024 (24-24 Months)
EnglishA2 PortugueseNative

I'm Selma, I'm divorced, and I'm looking for some occupation, at the moment I'm not working, and I intend to start my life in another country, work, study, learn and I would like to make people smile, I believe that this is my

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Monda, 20, Mozambican, Babysitter currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair & Nanny job in Germany, USA, France, Iceland, Italy

Monda is a Non-Smoker Monda is a Non-Smoker Monda can ride a bike Monda can take care of pets
❱ Jul 2024 - Aug 2024 (6-12 Months)
EnglishA2 FrenchNative PortugueseNative

Chamo-me Monda, quero ser au pair porque preciso de uma família que está disponível em levar uma au pair quero ser au pair porque não tenho familiar que podem mi acomodar na casa deles. Sou simpática tenho paciência com pessoas e animais sou simples sei cuidar de crianças ...

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Mozambican Au Pair For Registered Members

Ana Bela Gerald, 23, Mozambican, Entrepreneur currently in Mozambique searching for Nanny job in Germany

Ana Bela Gerald is a Non-Smoker Ana Bela Gerald is a Non-Smoker Ana Bela Gerald can ride a bike Ana Bela Gerald can take care of pets
❱ Oct 2024 - Jan 2025 (10-12 Months)

Hallo Gastfamilie, mein Name ist Ana Bela und ich bin 23 Jahre alt. Ich bin eine junge Frau mit einem guten Sinn für Humor, verantwortungsbewusst und es macht mir wirklich Spaß, kochen zu lernen In meiner Freizeit lese ich gerne Romane nationaler Schriftsteller wie Mia ...

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Anastância, 23, Mozambican, Psychologist currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair job in Belgium, USA, France, Switzerland, Portugal

Anastância is a Non-Smoker Anastância is a Non-Smoker Anastância can take care of pets Anastância can swim Anastância has got a first aid certification
❱ Aug 2024 - Sep 2024 (24-14 Months)
English PortugueseNative

Caros Pais Anfitriões, Espero que esta carta os encontre bem. Permitam-me apresentar-me, sou Anastância, mas podem me chamar de Ana, uma jovem moçambicana de 23 anos, que tem o prazer de candidatar-se para ser au pair em sua família. Atualmente, resido com minha irmã ...

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Zainabo Lúcia, 33, Mozambican, Domestic Helper currently in Mozambique searching for Nanny & Caregiver for elderly job in France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland

Zainabo Lúcia is a Non-Smoker Zainabo Lúcia is a Non-Smoker Zainabo Lúcia can ride a bike Zainabo Lúcia can take care of pets
❱ May 2024 - Jul 2024 (10-12 Months)

Olá sou zainabo 33 anos de idade nacionalidade moçambicana vivo em maputo tenho ensino Médio profissional na área de comunicação busco uma oportunidade de trabalho que estiver interessado não existe em me contactar

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Dara, 26, Mozambican, Engineer currently in Mozambique searching for Au Pair & Nanny job in Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden

Dara is a Non-Smoker Dara is a Non-Smoker Dara can ride a bike Dara can take care of pets
Dara has references
❱ Aug 2024 - Oct 2024 (12-12 Months)
EnglishB1 PortugueseNative

I am Rosita, but I prefer to be called Dara. I'm 25 years old, and I am currently a Civil Engineering student. I am not one to have many friends, and I am not always with friends; I prefer to stay at home. I work independently, selling clothes. I live with my mother, who works ...

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