Family ID: 3462546

Need Caregiver for elderly for:
Walks and outings, Driving, Errands/Shopping, Cleaning & Laundry, Light domestic work, Bathing & Dressing

City: BETHESDA / Suburb | More ⇩

Name Fatemeh

State Maryland

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Jan 2025 - Mar 2025

Time of stay: 1-12 Months

Last action: 8 days ago

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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair


We are a Persian-American family with a wife, husband, and two Pekingese dogs. Our daughter who is almost 30 lives 2 minutes from us and visits often, but has a demanding job requiring long hours. Our son who is 35 lives 1.5 hours from us and also visits, but less frequently.

We live in Bethesda, MD, which is one of the most affluent and safe suburbs of Washington, DC. We live approximately 2 miles from the DC border, and less than 2 miles from the Bethesda Row city center. The schools nearby us are phenomenal.

We always have a lot of food in the house and are more than happy to share. We can also help with practicing English or Persian.

Our story is that we had a lot of family tragedies happen approximately 2 years ago. My husband has since been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and we have to go back and forth to Houston, Texas for his treatment. We have had some support from our children, friends, and relatives, but need more help.

Our two dogs (one is a puppy and one is 12 years old) do not get along and we need someone who could be around them and walk them at times. When we go to Texas or out of town for other reasons, if that person could feed them and spend some time with them as well it would be great.

Also, my husband needs a lot of medical appointments (locally and in Texas) and very minor at-home care. If someone could help with managing those as well, it would be much appreciated.

We do not have any children in need of care - we only ask for support around the house (e.g., some cleaning, technology troubleshooting, and other small tasks), for my husband's treatment (e.g., making appointments, driving him to appointments, coordinating with doctors), and with the two dogs (e.g., walks, feeding, play)
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Job Description

Someone who is tidy, caring, savvy, intelligent, and willing to help with the house, my husband, and the two dogs. Doctors/aspiring doctors are preferred but not required.
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Additional pictures

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Family Information

Family has pets - Yes

Family has pets Yes

Family lives in Suburb

Age group of elderly/senior 55+

Does elderly/senior live alone? No, it's a couple or more people in the household

Nationality American

Languages spoken at home English, Persian

Religion No Religion

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Director / Chairman of grocery store chain

People living in the house 2

Age and gender of elderly/senior 69 Year male

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Job Requirements

Driving required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 15 - 20

Pocket Money of Home share with elderly (per month) 800 USD

Salary of Caregiver for elderly (per month) 800 USD

Required Gender No Preferences

Duration of Stay 1-12 Months

Earliest Starting Date Jan 2025

Latest Starting Date Mar 2025

Looking for Caregiver for elderly and Home share with elderly

Children's/People's Age

Children/People to take care of 1

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in Walks and outings, Driving, Errands/Shopping, Cleaning & Laundry, Light domestic work, Bathing & Dressing

Preferred Nationalities Afghani, Albanian, Algerian, American - USA, Arabian, Argentinean, Armenian, Australian, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Belgian, Bolivian, Bosnian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Colombian, Croatian, Cuban, Danish, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Greenlander, Icelandic, Indian, Iranian, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Japanese, Jordanian, Korean, Kuwaiti, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lebanese, Liechtensteinian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgian, Moldovan, Moroccan, New Zealander, Omani, Pakistani, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Roman, Romanian, Russian, Saudi, Scottish, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Syrian, Tajikistani, Thai, Tunisian, Turkish, Turkmenistani, Ukrainian, Uruguayan, Uzbeki, Venezuelan, Vietnamese, Welsh, West Indian

Language Skills No preferences

Education Level No preferences

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? -

Required Age 16-75

Accepts Smokers Yes, not at home

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required Yes

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required No

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required No

Driving required Yes

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Family Description

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The caregiver will have their own bedroom and bathroom, and will be welcome to any food in the house. We tend to overfeed anyone in our home so the caregiver will be well fed.