ID utente 1916287

Nazionalità Filippina | Piú ⇩

Nome e Cognome Abegail

Città/Regione Rotterdam/ Olanda Meridionale

Numero di telefono principale Solo per Utenti Premium

Altro numero di telefono Solo per Utenti Premium

Paese Paesi Bassi

Periodo di inizio Dic. 2023 - Feb. 2024

Durata permanenza 12-24 mesi

Buona conoscenza di Inglese (B2), Filippino (Lingua madre)

Ultimo accesso 12 giorni fa

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Aggiunto come preferito 0 volte nelle ultime 3 settimane
Profilo visto da 0 Famiglie nelle ultime 3 settimane

Lettera alla Famiglia

To my Dearest Host Family,

Hello, my name is Gail, 22 years old from Philippines but currently an Aupair now in the Netherlands. I'm a college undergrad student who studied Computer Science and also a volunteer in our community. But right now, I am in search of a Host Family whom I can share my knowledge and experience with. I have the basic requirements onhand so I am ready to process my visa and start as soon as possible.

Why do I want to become an Au Pair?
- I'm prepared to assist a family with day-to-day tasks and childcare.
- I love being around with children.
- I'd like to see what it's like to live in a different nation and learn about their culture and lifestyle.
- I'd want to study another language; I'm now enrolled in a Deutsch language course and would like to learn more languages.
- I enjoy traveling and seeing new places.
- I want to have more better experience in babysitting.

What are my self attributes?
- I am a self-motivated, self-reliant, and responsible individual.
- I'm well-organized, neat, and trustworthy.
- I'm adaptive to new circumstances, flexible, open-minded, and respectful of others.
- To others, especially children, I am patient, sympathetic, kind, and loving.
- One of my country's official languages is English.
- I am eager to take initiative and can complete the duties assigned to me.
- I can assist with domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and other basic housework.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any more questions. I would be delighted to answer all of your questions and speak with you. I'd be thrilled to spend a year with your warm and interesting family and create lasting memories with them. Thank you for your interest in my profile.
Piú ⇩


Since I was the firstborn among my other two siblings, I've been self-sufficient. I spent two years away from my family, staying with my aunt because she needed someone to watch her child. She had two children, ages 7 and 2, whom I looked after whenever she went out with her husband or went to work. I had a lovely time with the kids because they were also pretty responsible for their age, but I had to leave after two years because I needed to prepare for college and return home. Since I was 16 years old, I've been an active volunteer in our city's church, where I've learned to accompany the seniors and children of our community, to lend a helping hand to those in need, and to devote my time and efforts to the advancement of our church and city. We provided shoes to children who could not afford them, as well as feeding programs and other leisure activities with the children. As a result, I believe I want this sort of chance to get truly close to the hearts of all children and to serve as their role model, a big sister they can be proud of.

What are the things that I can do for my host family?
1. Take care of children whenever their parents are not around, to keep them engaged and occupied while learning new things.
2. Accompany them to their school and then pick them up.
3. Simple meals and healthy snacks for the kids to prepare. My neighborhood's kids like my desserts.
4. Keeping the children's and my room neat and tidy.
5. Doing the dishes and laundry.
6. I can assist the children with their homework and, if necessary, teach them English.
7. Putting the kids to bed and getting them ready for school.
8. Assisting the children with bathing, brushing their teeth, and other activities.
9. Light shopping
10. Keeping the children entertain when there's no school
11. Sharing my experiences and knowledge. My culture and lifestyle
and many more <3
Piú ⇩

Informazioni personali

Non fumatoreSa andare in bicicletta - Si

Sa nuotare

Sa andare in bicicletta

Ha la patente di guida

Ha fratelli o sorelle

Ha un passaporto valido

Non fumatore

Ha seguito un corso di primo soccorso

Occupazione attuale Babysitter

Istruzione Liceo

Language Knowledge

Filippino: Lingua madre, Da 20 Anno
Inglese: Medio-alto (B2), Da 8 Anno
Coreano: Principiante (A1), Da 1 Anno
Tedesco: Principiante (A1), Da 2 Mese
Olandese: Principiante (A1), Da 1 Mese

Sport  Chess, Volleyball and Badminton

Religione Cattolica

La religione per l'Au Pair è Non importante

Regime dietetico speciale Nessuna dieta speciale

Problemi di salute o allergie None

Piú ⇩

Informazioni sul lavoro

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più - SiPuò vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici - SiAccetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici - Si

Paesi dove vorrei lavorare Danimarca & Norvegia

Zona preferita Metropoli, Periferia, Città, Borgo/paese

Durata permanenza 12-24 mesi

Inizio al più presto Dic. 2023

Inizio al più tardi Feb. 2024

Può vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più

Accetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici

Si occupa di bambini di età Neonati, 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni, 11-14 anni, 15+anni

Ore di esperienza con bambini negli ultimi 24 mesi 800 +

Numero max. di bambini di cui si occuperà 2

Può lavorare per un genitore single Si, con la madre o con il padre

È disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili

È disposto ad occuparsi di persone disabili

Studenti di fascia di età

Piú ⇩

Informazioni su di me

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