Mitgliedsnummer 3127772

Nationalität schottisch | Mehr ⇩

Vor- und Zuname Robyn

Ort/Region/Land Scottish Borders/

Land Schottland

Start Jun. 2024 - Jul. 2024

Aufenthaltslänge 1-3 Monate

Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch (Muttersprache)

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1 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
22 Gastfamilienbesuche in den letzten 3 Wochen.

Brief an die Gastfamilie

Hello, I am Robyn, I am currently in my third year at Glasgow University, where I am studying primary education. This degree has helped me gain a great understanding of child development as I continue to learn new, creative, and intuitive ways to educate children across all areas of the curriculum. I have gained a lot of experience over the years and taken on responsibilities as I have planned and taught lessons for full classes of students aged 4-12 with many different focuses such as English & literacy, mathematics, health & wellbeing, expressive arts, and plenty more. Before I started university, I volunteered weekly at an after-school athletics club in my old primary school. Athletics is one hobby I really enjoy, and I am still a very keen runner, I am currently training for a half-marathon. This was where I began my passion for teaching, as I really enjoyed the reward I felt after leading and working with students to collaborate on ideas. Sharing my knowledge and building ideas as I learnt from my mentor and the students learnt from us, I guided warm ups and created obstacle courses, and had lots of fun helping out. I also really enjoy hospitality, this was one subject I studied at school, and cooking is something I really enjoy doing. At one of my placements I taught a whole class how to make soup, we planned and made it together! I have experienced lots of different kinds of behaviour in classes and feel confident in giving children the correct nurture to respond correctly and help them learn and grow. As a practitioner, I appreciate how care takers play a vital role in creating the correct environment to ensure there is a holistic approach is implemented in the classroom which focuses on every child's mental, physical, social and emotional development for children as much nurture and support, contributing to the best possible development in each child's life.
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In my second year at University I spent 6 or so months nannying for a family in Glasgow as my part time job. I looked after a 3 and 6 year old every day after school where I collected them, made their dinner, did homework, different activities and got them ready for bed every week day. This helped me in gaining real life skills as a childcarer as I had full charge of these two children 5 days a week. When around children its important to be patience, adaptable and cautious. As a facilitator of their development, you must get to know children and make sure they know you are here to help them grow as individuals, getting to know one another and being aware of different milestones, to create positive relationships. I would love the opportunity to expand my journey as an AuPair, and I would love to gain as much experience as possible. By living closely with a host family, I feel I would gain insights into new ways of life, values, and traditions. This cultural exchange will help to broaden my perspectives and enrich my understanding of the world around. Additionally, living independently in a foreign country will help to foster my personal growth and development. I feel this experience will help me learn to adapt to new situations, overcome challenges, and become more self-reliant.
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Persönliche Daten

Nicht-RaucherKann gut schwimmen - JaKann Fahrrad fahren - Ja

Kann gut schwimmen

Kann Fahrrad fahren

Hat einen Führerschein

Hat Geschwister

Hat einen gültigen Reisepass


Hat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert

Aktuelle Beschäftigung Lehrer

Bildung Gymnasium


Englisch: Muttersprache, Seit 20 Jahre

Sport  I have participated in a range of different sports throughout my life.

Religion keine Religion

Für das Au Pair ist Religion Unwichtig

Spezielle Ernährungsweise Keine

Sonstige Krankheiten oder Allergien: no

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Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten - JaWürde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben - JaWürde Haustiere betreuen - Ja

Gewünschtes Zielland Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande, Griechenland & Malediven

Bevorzugte Gegend Stadt, Dorf

Aufenthaltslänge 1-3 Monate

Frühester Beginn Jun. 2024

Spätester Beginn Jul. 2024

Würde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben

Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten

Würde Haustiere betreuen

Gewünschtes Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre, 11-14 Jahre

Erfahrung in der Kinderbetreuung in den letzten 24 Monaten (in Std.) 10-50

Anzahl der Kinder, die das Au Pair maximal betreuen würde 3

Ist bereit, mit einem allein erziehenden Elternteil zu leben Ja, mit Mutter o. Vater

Würde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen

Würde Erwachsene mit Behinderung betreuen

Bevorzugte Altersgruppe der SchülerInnen

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