Family ID: 3140852

Children: 4 Children, 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old

City: Entre Genève et Nyon / Suburb | More ⇩

Name Raphael

State Genève

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Aug 2024 - Oct 2024

Time of stay: 8-12 Months

Last action: 12 May 2024

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Profile Visited by 11 Job Seekers in last 3 weeks
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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Originally translated from Français
**Welcome to our profile!**

Hello and welcome ! We are delighted to open the doors of our family to you. We are looking for an au pair who is committed and passionate about raising children, who shares our love for travel and lifelong learning. If you are looking for an enriching experience, supporting the development of four wonderful children while exploring new cultures, you may be the ideal candidate to join us on our family adventure.
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Job Description

Originally translated from Français
We expect our au pair to be fluent in Russian or French. Mastery of Russian is particularly favored in order to preserve this important cultural aspect in the education of our children. A high academic level is essential to be able to effectively follow and support our children in their studies. They all have educational facilities and have excellent results. The role of our au pair will therefore be less of classic academic tutoring than of in-depth support to enable children to continue to excel while giving them the space and resources to flourish in their extracurricular, cultural activities and during our trips. .

We are looking for someone who can not only meet these criteria, but also fully commit to being part of our family and actively participating in our dynamic, traveling daily lives.
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Family Information

Taking care of special needs children/people required - Yes

Family has pets No

Family lives in Suburb

Parent's Age Group 30-45

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality French

Languages spoken at home French, Russian

Religion Christian

Importance of religion Important

Employment Finance broker / Architect

People living in the house 6

Children's/people's age and gender 13 Year female
11 Year female
9 Year male
4 Year male

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Job Requirements

Swimming required - Yes
Riding a bike required - Yes
First Aid Training required - Yes
Driving required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 40 - 45

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 1000 EUR

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 8-12 Months

Earliest Starting Date Aug 2024

Latest Starting Date Oct 2024

Looking for Au Pair

Children's/People's Age 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old

Children/People to take care of 4

Minimum Childcare Experience 200+

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Nationalities Belarusian, Moroccan, Russian, Ukrainian

Language Skills
 Russian, Minimum Native Language
- or -
 French, Minimum Mastery (C2)

Education Level University

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? Oui

Required Age 20-30

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required Yes

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required Yes

Riding a bike required Yes

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required Yes

Driving required Yes

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Family Description

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Originally translated from Français
As we prepare for our move to the canton of Geneva, we are looking for a large apartment or house that meets our family needs while remaining close to the activity centers of our children in Geneva. We are aiming for spacious accommodation of at least 200 to 250 m², ideally located between Geneva and Nyon. This living environment will not only allow us to maintain a rich and active family life but also to offer our au pair a well-defined personal space, including a private bedroom and a dedicated bathroom. We firmly believe in the importance of autonomy and comfort for our au pair, so that he or she feels fully integrated and comfortable in our family.
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Au Pair in Switzerland: Au Pair program information

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Au Pair in Switzerland: Visa requirements

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The process and requirements for an Au Pair in Switzerland

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