ID utente 3074027

Nazionalità Tedesca | Piú ⇩

Nome e Cognome Josy

Città/Regione Buxtehude/ Bassa Sassonia

Paese Germania

Periodo di inizio Ago. 2024 - Set. 2024

Durata permanenza 12-12 mesi

Buona conoscenza di Inglese (C1), Francese (B1), Tedesco (Lingua madre)

Ultimo accesso 4 giorni fa

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Aggiunto come preferito 0 volte nelle ultime 3 settimane
Profilo visto da 3 Famiglie nelle ultime 3 settimane
Tasso di Risposta - Non applicabile

Lettera alla Famiglia

Dear future Host Family,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. My name is Josy, and I am an 18-year-old recent graduate who is eager to embark on an exciting journey as an au pair with your family. Allow me to introduce myself and share why I am thrilled at the prospect of joining your household.
First and foremost, I consider myself to be a warmhearted, empathic, and family-oriented individual. Throughout my life, I have found great joy and fulfillment in nurturing relationships and creating meaningful connections with others.
One of the main reasons I am drawn to the au pair experience is my desire to gain new experiences and immerse myself in different cultures and adventures. As a recent graduate, I believe that now is the perfect time for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the world. I am super motivated and excited about the opportunity to learn from your family and contribute to your household in meaningful ways.
In my free time, I enjoy playing games with family and friends, and I would love to share and teach you some of my favorite board games. I have also always been passionate about sports and leading an active lifestyle. I have a background in athletics and volleyball, having dedicated a significant amount of time to both disciplines. Currently, I enjoy going to the gym regularly and practicing yoga and Pilates at home with friends. As an au pair, I am more than willing to share my passion with children and exploring new sports activities together. Whether it's playing soccer in the backyard, going for a bike ride, or trying out new sports, I am committed to fostering a fun and active environment where the children can thrive both physically and mentally.
Additionally, one of my greatest passions in life are art and creativity. For the past two years, I have immersed myself in the world of art by taking advanced art courses at school. Whether it's painting, drawing, or exploring various forms of artistic expression, I find immense joy and fulfillment in allowing my creativity to flow freely which is why i would love to engage in creative activities with your children. From wild crafting to spontaneous painting sessions, I am eager to explore the boundless possibilities of fantasy and creativity with them.
Above all, I have always had a special connection with children. From a young age, I have enjoyed interacting with and caring for children, whether it be my four younger cousins or the children of family friends. I take great pleasure in spending time with them, whether it's playing games, drawing, reading stories, or simply lending a listening ear.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to join your family and learn more about your culture, traditions, and way of life. I am excited to become a part of your family and make lasting memories together. I am confident that my warm and loving nature, coupled with my enthusiasm for new experiences, will make me a valuable addition to your household.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of meeting you and getting to know you better.
Warm regards,
Piú ⇩


Piú ⇩

Informazioni personali

Non fumatoreHa seguito un corso di primo soccorso - SiSa nuotare - SiSa andare in bicicletta - SiHa la patente di guida - Sì, con esperienza

Sa nuotare

Sa andare in bicicletta

Ha la patente di guida Sì, con esperienza

Ha fratelli o sorelle

Ha un passaporto valido

Non fumatore

Ha seguito un corso di primo soccorso

Occupazione attuale Neodiplomato/a

Istruzione Liceo

Language Knowledge

Tedesco: Lingua madre
Inglese: Avanzato (C1)
Francese: Intermedio (B1)

Sport  Ja Volleyball und Fitnessstudio

Religione Nessuna

La religione per l'Au Pair è Non importante

Regime dietetico speciale Nessuna dieta speciale

Problemi di salute o allergie No

Piú ⇩

Informazioni sul lavoro

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più - SiPuò vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici - SiAccetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici - No

Paesi dove vorrei lavorare Italia, Canada, Spagna, Stati Uniti d'America & Bahamas

Zona preferita Metropoli, Periferia, Città

Durata permanenza 12-12 mesi

Inizio al più presto Ago. 2024

Inizio al più tardi Set. 2024

Può vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più

Accetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici

Si occupa di bambini di età Neonati, 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni

Ore di esperienza con bambini negli ultimi 24 mesi 100 - 200

Numero max. di bambini di cui si occuperà 3

Può lavorare per un genitore single Si, con la madre

È disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili

È disposto ad occuparsi di persone disabili

Studenti di fascia di età

Piú ⇩

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