ID utente 2035008

Nazionalità Canadese, Statunitense | Piú ⇩

Nome e Cognome Crystal

Città/Regione Welland/ Ontario

Paese Canada

Periodo di inizio Mag. 2024 - Ago. 2024

Durata permanenza 1-3 mesi

Buona conoscenza di Francese (B2), Inglese (Lingua madre)

Ultimo accesso 5 giorni fa

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Aggiunto come preferito 0 volte nelle ultime 3 settimane
Profilo visto da 9 Famiglie nelle ultime 3 settimane

Lettera alla Famiglia

Dear possible future host family,
My name is Crystal and I am a 20 year old student at Michigan State University studying criminal justice and bioethics. I attend school in the United States of America and have a lot of family there, but I live in Canada when I am not in school or when visiting the other side of my family. I have 5 siblings (3 older than me, 2 younger than 6y/o) and they are all my best friends. I am used to living in a chaotic household as my single mother would take care of all of us and be driving us all over the place so we could each do our own sports and activities when growing up. Because of how I was raised and the circumstances of my childhood, I understand the complexities of being a parent even though I am not one yet.
I have many talents and qualities that help me interact with kids on their level. I love spending time with those younger than me and trying to see the world through the lens they see through. Being with kids, no matter the age, helps bring out my inner child, which is one of my favourite parts about myself. Becoming an Au Pair would allow me to spend time with my inner child, gain childcare experience (more than I have already from babysitting and taking care of my siblings). Kids wholesome energy keep me energetic and inspired.
While living with me, you may find that I am extremely tidy and enjoy living in a clean environment, thus will go out of my way to maintain such. I am constantly looking out for ways I can help out others.
My late uncle nicknamed me "Smiley" when I was younger and I like to think that I live up to the name. I am a very cheery person and I make it my mission to bring smiles to others faces. I view myself as being a rational and even tempered person who wants nothing but the best for everyone I come across. One potential disadvantage of living with me (depending on how you look at it), I am very unconfrontational. I am working diligently to try and become someone who can be firm with their word and opinions, I have made great progress over the last few months in doing so.
As for qualifications for the position, I see many in myself. I am a competent and cautious driver with lots of experience driving long distances and a bit of big city driving experience. I grew up rather independent and believe in teaching kids to learn through experience, instead of being coddled. In the kitchen, I can put together quick meals that kids tend to enjoy and with more time, I can cook a delicious, and sometimes intricate, meal. I am a structure person that enjoys sticking to a schedule, but am able to easily go with the flow and adapt to new circumstances. Growing up, play time, sports, activities, and crafting were strongly encouraged. Due to this, I do not spend much time on technology and motivate kids to play and use their imagination rather than playing video games. I am also first aid and CPR certified.
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As of right now, I do not have any experience as Au Pair however I am incredibly eager to gain some. One of my biggest passions in life is traveling and seeing the world. I feel as though life is too precious and the world is too grand to just stay sheltered in one place. Being an Au Pair would give me this opportunity to experience the world from a new perspective and location.
Growing up, I was the youngest of four kids in a single family home. I always wanted a younger sibling to play with and help take care of. A few years ago, my mother opened our home to foster children and as a result, I now have an adopted little brother. I have learned so much while watching him grow up into the young kid he is today. I love spending my time with kids and I feel as thought there is so much to learn from them.
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Informazioni personali

Non fumatoreHa seguito un corso di primo soccorso - SiSa nuotare - SiSa andare in bicicletta - SiHa la patente di guida - Sì, con esperienza

Sa nuotare

Sa andare in bicicletta

Ha la patente di guida Sì, con esperienza

Ha fratelli o sorelle

Ha un passaporto valido

Non fumatore

Ha seguito un corso di primo soccorso

Occupazione attuale Studente

Istruzione Università

Language Knowledge

Inglese: Lingua madre, Da 20 Anno
Francese: Medio-alto (B2), Da 11 Anno

Sport  Soccer, gymnastics, figure skating, cross country, track and field (pole vault)

Religione Nessuna

La religione per l'Au Pair è Non importante

Regime dietetico speciale Nessuna dieta speciale

Problemi di salute o allergie Mild seasonal allergies

Piú ⇩

Informazioni sul lavoro

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più - SiÈ disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili - SiPuò vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici - SiAccetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici - Si

Paesi dove vorrei lavorare Francia, Nuova Zelanda, Svezia, Australia & Canada

Zona preferita Metropoli, Periferia, Città, Borgo/paese

Durata permanenza 1-3 mesi

Inizio al più presto Mag. 2024

Inizio al più tardi Ago. 2024

Può vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più

Accetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici

Si occupa di bambini di età Neonati, 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni, 11-14 anni

Ore di esperienza con bambini negli ultimi 24 mesi 100 - 200

Numero max. di bambini di cui si occuperà 2

Può lavorare per un genitore single Si, con la madre o con il padre

È disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili

È disposto ad occuparsi di persone disabili

Studenti di fascia di età

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