Mitgliedsnummer 3105835

Nationalität kenianisch | Mehr ⇩

Vor- und Zuname Ralia Godana

Ort/Region/Land Nairobi/

Land Kenia

Start Apr. 2024 - Aug. 2024

Aufenthaltslänge 12-24 Monate

Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch (Muttersprache)

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0 Mal als Favorit Hinzufügt in den letzten 3 Wochen
1 Gastfamilienbesuche in den letzten 3 Wochen.
Antwortrate - sehr aktiv im Antworten

Brief an die Gastfamilie

I am writing to express my genuine interest in becoming an Au pair for your family. My dream is to travel around the world and learn about diffrent cultures. I am convinced that joining your family as an Au pair would be an enriching and unforgettable experince for both sides.
Let me introduce myself: My name is Ralia and I am 22 years old. I am social and open minded person as I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family. Because of my extended family I was helping with house shores, that is I would; cook, clean up and take care of my siblings while helping them with school work when our parents were not around. I take over as much house routine as possible so they can spend more time studying at school and my parents can rest after the whole day of working. Due to my background I believe to make a positive impact to your family.
Friends and family would describe me as responsible, patient, adaptalbe, compassionate and hardworking.
Here would be a dream come true. Joining your family would be an exemplary opportunity to exchange cultures and become integrated. I would love to be an example and older sister for your kids. That is I would help them with their housework, play with them, provide skills like riding a bicycle, swimming etc. I would be happy to give you and your kids an unfogettable year experince and if you would treat me as a member of your family.

In conclusion, I am excited about the possibility of joining your family as an Au pair. I am more than happy to provide any additional informations or references you may require.
Thank you for considering my application I look forwart to the opportunity to get to known your family better.
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I am writing to express my genuine interest in becoming an Au pair for your family. My dream is to travel around the world and learn about diffrent cultures. I am convinced that joining your family as an Au pair would be an enriching and unforgettable experince for both sides.
Let me introduce myself: My name is Ralia and I am 22 years old. I am social and open minded person as I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family. Because of my extended family I was helping with house shores, that is I would; cook, clean up and take care of my siblings while helping them with school work when our parents were not around. I take over as much house routine as possible so they can spend more time studying at school and my parents can rest after the whole day of working. Due to my background I believe to make a positive impact to your family.
Friends and family would describe me as responsible, patient, adaptalbe, compassionate and hardworking.
Here would be a dream come true. Joining your family would be an exemplary opportunity to exchange cultures and become integrated. I would love to be an example and older sister for your kids. That is I would help them with their housework, play with them, provide skills like riding a bicycle, swimming etc. I would be happy to give you and your kids an unfogettable year experince and if you would treat me as a member of your family.

In conclusion, I am excited about the possibility of joining your family as an Au pair. I am more than happy to provide any additional informations or references you may require.
Thank you for considering my application I look forwart to the opportunity to get to known your family better.
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Persönliche Daten

Nicht-RaucherHat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert - JaKann gut schwimmen - JaKann Fahrrad fahren - Ja

Kann gut schwimmen

Kann Fahrrad fahren

Hat einen Führerschein

Hat Geschwister

Hat einen gültigen Reisepass


Hat einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolviert

Aktuelle Beschäftigung Au Pair

Bildung Hochschule


Englisch: Muttersprache
Deutsch: (A1) Anfänger

Sport  yoga and football

Religion Muslimisch

Für das Au Pair ist Religion Sehr wichtig

Spezielle Ernährungsweise Keine

Sonstige Krankheiten oder Allergien: no allergies

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Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten - JaWürde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen - JaWürde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben - JaWürde Haustiere betreuen - Ja

Gewünschtes Zielland Belgien, Luxemburg, Niederlande & Schweden

Bevorzugte Gegend Großstadt, Vorort, Stadt, Dorf, Ländlich

Aufenthaltslänge 12-24 Monate

Frühester Beginn Apr. 2024

Spätester Beginn Aug. 2024

Würde bei einer Familie mit Haustieren leben

Würde für zusätzliche Bezahlung mehr arbeiten

Würde Haustiere betreuen

Gewünschtes Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder 0-1, 1-5 Jahre, 6-10 Jahre, 11-14 Jahre, 15 Jahre+

Erfahrung in der Kinderbetreuung in den letzten 24 Monaten (in Std.) 10-50

Anzahl der Kinder, die das Au Pair maximal betreuen würde 5

Ist bereit, mit einem allein erziehenden Elternteil zu leben Ja, mit Mutter o. Vater

Würde Kinder mit Behinderung betreuen

Würde Erwachsene mit Behinderung betreuen

Bevorzugte Altersgruppe der SchülerInnen

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