
An Au Pair found her second family

by Anastasia on Dec 16, 2020
An Au Pair from Ukaraine in Germany
Some candidates and Host Families just deserve the title Host Family or Au Pair of the year! They have been a life saver for each other and changed each other’s lives for the better. We have selected the best stories and are now happy to honour one of the winner's story.

Family of the Year. I am committed to the fact that everything in this world is a sign. Those things are given to us all the time for a reason. And we can see these clues from the universe and decide to use them or not. I recognized my sign, after all!
The Au Pair program has completely changed my life to "before" and "after", which I am madly happy about. But this, I have to admit, was not an easy way to go - the way to my "second" family. Yes, I can safely name my Host family "second".

It was the end of summer. The last half of the year was morally rigid and tense for me:
  1. a pandemic and long-term quarantine, which was still going on;
  2. as a result of the first, the collapse of all my plans for the near future;
  3. continuation of the first: loss of a job that I really liked;
  4. graduation from the university and passing the state examination under quarantine conditions;
  5. again, as a result, returning home, which I was terrified of;
  6. a long search for a new job, which was very frustrating, and has brought more disappointment than satisfaction;
  7. the last, so to speak, decisive point: broken down into the tiniest fragments, and an utterly exhausted soul that have never received answers to the questions...
In general, all of this kept me from living a peaceful life, and I realized that I have to take a desperate step, perhaps even a ridiculous one in some sense. I had to act to get myself back into "working condition", I had to get as far out of the comfort zone as possible. And so, late at night, I filled out a questionnaire on the AuPair website. I was confident that this wouldn't give me anything. How wrong I was, fortunately.
Just a few days later, some Margarita (I started to call her Margosha later, which is a short version of her name) replied to my questionnaire - two children, girls, 3 and 9 years old, live in Grevenbroch - that's all information I got. I thought it was some kind of scam, but I answered the message anyway, and soon we had a conversation. Later on, we contacted on the phone, and when I heard Margot's voice, it immediately made me calm inside, and I got the feeling that I already know this person for a very long time. But I had a lot of doubts about the pandemic; I thought that I chose, as always, not a good time, so I thought I have to say "no"... but I said "yes" thanks to Margosha, who did not give up and supported me through the whole process. We have been in touch for several weeks, and I decided to go - I was ready to become an AuPair.
My parents, strangely enough, fully supported me, and in a week, I came to Germany to meet my new family. Surprisingly, I was extremely calm because I was in touch with Margosha all the way and felt that they were waiting for me, that I was needed.

Our first meeting was very warm; it was as if I had met a friend I hadn't seen in so long. When I first walked into the house, their eldest daughter Veronica was waiting for me at the doorstep, and soon the head of the family appeared. Vitaly came inside with their youngest daughter Katya, and she immediately started calling me "sister". After that, I understood that I did everything right, and that this whole long journey was not in vain.
A few words about my family: I was very lucky to be with them. It's always hard for me to get along with people, I'm not good at making contact. But here, it was a very different story. My life in this Host Family is about mutual understanding and respect from the first day I arrived. It's about support in any situation 24/7, heart-to-heart conversations on any topic, laughter to tears with or without reason. It is about the happiness of waking up in the morning. I have never been as full of life as I was here. I am madly grateful to my Host family.

Margarita is an example of a mother who loves and takes care of her children, a faithful and beloved wife. Still, above all, she is an incredibly beautiful woman - sophisticated, graceful, stylish. I have learned a lot from her, and I continue to this day.

Vitaly is a clear example of a breadwinner. He works a lot, not always coming home for dinner. But on the weekends, he completely dissolves into his little princesses. He is very special, it's better not to argue with him. But he does everything for his family, and this is the main thing!
Veronica and Katya are like two angels in this house. In my opinion, every home takes on different importance when children appear there. They give the house a new life, a second breath, making it truly alive. Sometimes it's hard for me with little Katya; it's hard to please her because I am not a mother who understands everything. And for Veronica, I'm clearly not an authority like her Dad. But I tried to be just a friend to them; I hope I have been able to fulfill this role at least occasionally.
When I went to Germany, I had absolutely no idea what awaited me. But I didn't think I would have to face myself - this family has shown me, who I am, who I can be, how many hidden "facets" I have in me. And in general, I realized I was enough.
When I filled out the questionnaire on the AuPair website, I wrote a motivational letter and specified: "I am a person who is looking for herself and her path. I really want to participate in this program because I believe it will help me discover new qualities to help me become better. I think that every family needs help in some areas. That's exactly what I am. I love helping people, communicating with them, and get to know them from different angles. All the good that I have in me, I'm ready to give away to your children and your family".
Now that I've come this way, I can safely say that everything I believed in from the beginning of my adventure came true: I discovered myself from a new angle, I have built a new plan for the future, I started appreciating myself!
I am madly grateful to my Host family for choosing me, for the opportunity provided, for the emotions and feelings that I have experienced with them. I am thankful for every day of my stay in their home, and from now on, they are forever in my heart. Looking at their family, I am boldly confirming that fact, that opposites do attract and complement each other as much as possible, inspiring each other to conquer new heights. Yes, they have, like everyone else, some difficulties in understanding, and the problem of fathers and children is relevant for their family as well. But they always find a way out of any situation, still solve conflicts peacefully - out of love. My Host Family is not perfect, like any other family, but they are doomed to a long and happy life for one simple reason - they love each other as much as they can, how they know, how they feel, how their hearts tell them.
I hope I was able to become a part of this wonderful thing for a while. I tried very hard to bring a little kindness and joy into their lives, fun, and distractions. I helped as much as I could and did everything I could to make sure they didn't regret choosing me.
I love you, my Host Family, and anyway, you are Family of the Year to me, and it cannot be otherwise!

Do you have any questions for Margarita or Anastasia? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!

Some Thoughts...
May, 08, 2021 - 12:05 am
Really loving your story, it feels like my plan for the next year❤️
Aug, 24, 2021 - 09:08 am
In love with your story m hoping to find the best host family
Jan, 20, 2022 - 12:01 pm
Would like to have family a host family like that too... Any family looking for a an African lady am here
Feb, 15, 2022 - 01:02 pm
Hello, good morning. My name is Aziz Miahi. Graduated from Payame Noor University of Iran in Ahvaz. And I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job opportunity to progress. And I hope you will help me find work in foreign countries. Thank you all
Nastassia, Aupair.com | Feb, 18, 2022 - 11:02 am
Hello Aziz,

Many thanks for your comment. Please have a look at our 7-steps-guide on how to become an Au Pair: https://www.aupair.com/en/p-become-au-pair.php

Here you will find all the necessary steps to find a Host Family!
Aug, 19, 2022 - 08:08 pm
Your story is amazing...?
Jan, 18, 2023 - 12:01 pm
This is so amazing, beautiful story. I hope and pray to find a host family as good as this. I can't wait to find an opportunity like this.
Feb, 23, 2023 - 03:02 pm
Thankyou for sharing this good story I would also like to work as a nanny therer
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