Au Pair in Poland

Poland is a mysterious box of surprises – you will not be disappointed.
Read about:
  • Contract & insurance
  • Visa Information
  • Au Pair in Poland: salary, working hours, holidays and more
  • How to become an Au Pair in Poland
  • How to become a Host Family in Poland
  • Guided tour
Start your journey and polish your English!
Poland is one of the most underrated countries. Did you know that Poland has sunny days as well? Poland is placed in the transitional region between oceanic and continental climates, for this reason you will experience both hot summers and frigid winters. You do not have to choose between the mountains and the sea, because you can have both in Poland. Would you like to windsurf? Come to the Polish peninsula, or stay in Gdynia, Sopot, Gdańsk and drive one hour to get there. Would you like to do climbing and skiing? Come to the South of Poland or stay in a bigger city like Cracow and drive two hours to these sights.

Do not be afraid of being hungry in Poland, your Polish hosts will undoubtedly serve you great amounts of food. At the end it doesn’t matter if you choose the North or the South of Poland, you can find good Polish food everywhere – look for kluski, pączki, pierogi, żurek, barszcz and do not forget to try Polish bread (it’s the best!). For more tips check out this article.

Although Poland does not have an official Au Pair program, it is possible to find a Host Family and start your stay there.

The Au Pair contract 

The Au Pair will need to sign a regular work contract. The Host Family must employ the Au Pair on a regular basis as a childminder. Therefore, the Au Pair must fulfill the requirements for childminders. Families and Au Pairs can also fulfill and sign the Au Pair contract template available here. It is possible to download it and personalize it including all relevant details. Besides, it is important to add as many details as possible. Some of the most important points to include in this document are:

Become an Au Pair in Melbourne
The Au Pair contract

Termination of the contract

If the Host Family and the Au Pair have irreconcilable differences or there is a situation beyond their control that interrupts the stay, then they can terminate the contract. It is important that both parties respect the two weeks notice period during which the Au Pair can find another Host Family and vice versa.

Medical Insurance

In Poland, having health insurance is obligatory. When applying for a visa to Poland and legalising your stay, you always need to present an insurance coverage document. Au Pairs from EU/EEA countries are covered by their European Health Insurance Card.
If it’s needed the Au Pair can submit an application to the National Health Service at the appropriate branch in the Host Family's locality. People who are insured in the National Health Fund (NFZ) can use state-funded healthcare services that are mostly free-of-charge, except of e.g. some dentistry services.

Tip: However, many Polish residents take out private cover because of long waiting time for the appointments. We recommend taking out voluntary insurance through another health insurance company.

Click here to know which insurers offer insurances that meet the necessary conditions in Poland. 

In addition to the regular Polish insurance system, you can find out about partner companies like Dr. Walter or Care Concept that provide insurance to the participants from all over the world.



You do not need a visa for Poland if:

  • Your country is part of the EU/EEA or in the Schengen area.
However if you wish to stay longer than three months, you are required to register your stay. You need to present yourself in person at the voivode (local government) of the area you are settling in.
  • Your country of residence has a visa-free agreement with Schengen.
This includes citizens of the US, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, and Tunisia, among others. (Check if you need a visa here). Citizens from these countries are allowed to enter and stay in Poland for 90 days within a six-month period.
Tip: We recommend our Au Pairs first coming to Poland to use the visa-free agreement and then apply for a short-term residence permit in Poland, stating the reason for the stay, such as cultural exchange, language course or studies. The application for temporary residence is submitted at the local Voivodeship office (which is the Polish equivalent of a municipal office).

You do need a visa for Poland if:

Become an Au Pair in Kopenhagen
The Au Pair visa
  • Your country does not have a visa-free agreement.
Au Pairs can apply at their local Polish consulate for a D-type visa, which along with a work permit, will allow them to work in the country for up to a year and which will also allow you to stay for 90 days within half a year in the countries of the Schengen Area. You will also need a short term residence permit.
The Au Pair can schedule a visa appointment, complete the Poland visa application form and pay the fee at the e-Konsulat (Poland’s consular website). The Au Pair should download the application form and attach it to the rest of the documents. Please note that after you schedule your appointment and pay the fee online, you still have to submit your documents to the Polish embassy/consulate in person. Find the Polish e-Konsulat website here.
Keep in mind that the processing time for a visa application may take longer, and you will have to wait for your answer up to 60 days.

Tip: Regardless of where you are applying from, your first point of reference should be a Polish embassy or consulate. You can find Poland’s authorities abroad here, don’t forget to check specific requirements here.

Au Pair salary in Poland

Poland does not have an official Au Pair program yet, which means that the Host Family has to hire the Au Pair as a regular employee. The Au Pair should not receive a pocket money, but a real salary in line with current wage in the country. 

Working Hours and Holidays

Au Pairs usually work 25 to 40 hours per week and also have a certain amount of paid holidays during the program. According to the Polish Labour Code, employees are entitled to 20 days of paid vacation per year. Although Host Families in Poland must hire Au Pairs with a regular employment contract, you should keep in mind that the main goal of this program is a cultural exchange. Au Pair should spend time with the Host Family and should also have some time off - at least one free day - during the week. Remember that the working hours per week cannot exceed 40 hours.

The Au Pair Room

The Host Family has to provide the Au Pair with a private room throughout the whole Au Pair experience abroad. Because the Au Pair program is not official in Poland, Host Families can decide to either host an Au Pair in their own house or in a flat nearby as long as it is in a safe area. However, we highly recommend both, Host Families and Au Pairs, to live together to have an authentic cultural exchange experience.
You can read about all the duties and requirements of the official Au Pair program by clicking here.

Language course

One of the main aspects of the Au Pair program is to improve your language skills and learn the local language. Since the program in Poland is not official, participating in the language course is not mandatory. However, learning the basics necessary to communicate with your Host Family and local people will definitely be to your advantage. Attending a language course will also help you obtain a visa or short-term residence permit. You can find plenty of available resources – online classes, private schools and one-to-one tuition. Depending on your needs, you will find courses for short and long periods at different levels. Being an Au Pair will be fun, but it may be even better with knowing a few basic words, so take advantage of this opportunity. Being a Host Family in Poland will improve your knowledge of a foreign language, but don’t forget that the Au Pair is a cultural and language exchange, so always include the language course in the Au Pair’s schedule. The Au Pair is responsible for the costs of the language course, the family can always contribute to it.

How to become an Au Pair in Poland: requirements

The requirements of the Au Pair program in Poland are different depending on the Au Pair nationality. We have collected all the information on how to become an Au Pair in Poland valid for EU and Non-EU citizens.

EU citizens
If you are an EU citizen you won’t need to apply for a visa. However you have to meet these requirements:
  • Age: 18-30 
  • Language skills: must be able to communicate in English or have a basic knowledge of Polish. 
  • Clear criminal record
  • Health insurance valid for the duration of the stay
Non-EU citizens
  • Being eligible for a Visa and/or a temporary residence.
  • Age: 18-30
  • Language skills: must be able to communicate in English or have a basic knowledge of Polish. 
  • Clear criminal record
  • Ability to pay for the visa and travel expenses
  • Health insurance valid for the duration of the stay

How to become a Host Family in Poland: requirements

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Host an Au Pair
As a Host Family you are probably already tired of private kindergartens, driving and picking up your kid from school, spending a lot of money on private English or any other foreign language classes for your kid. Having an Au Pair may be a perfect solution to all those  tasks. An Au Pair takes a lot of responsibility off your backs. In addition, the experiences and the memories that your family  will have are priceless. 
During the past years Poland has gained a lot of international students. Have you ever considered hosting one of them? It’s a good option for a family who needs someone to assist them part-time. Probably as a family you will not need to stress about a visa, because your future Au Pair will already have student visa.
Despite the fact that Poland does not have an official Au Pair program, it is essential that Host Families treat their Au Pair as if they were a new temporary family member, and not as employees. The main reason for taking part in the Au Pair program should always be the cultural exchange. Host Families must be interested in sharing their culture while meeting and embracing another one.
In addition to this, there are some requirements that Host Families must meet, such as:
  • Having at least one kid under the age of 18 years. 
  • Being able to offer meals and a monthly salary.
  • Being able to provide the participant with their own room (in their own home or nearby)
  • Respect the working hours of the Au Pair.
If your family meets all the requirements above and you would like to host an Au Pair, then create your account and and start your search!

Au Pair in Poland: guided tour

Poland is a country where you can have lot of fun and visit amazing places. We gathered the best cities to see in the country! Enjoy your Au Pair stay and Polish cuture! Read more

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Joanna's family
❱ Poland     ❱ German Au Pair

Joanna's family

It was very nice to host our next au-pair. Once again it was a great time!

Sylwia, Polish For Registered Members
Au Pair in Ireland

Sylwia, Polish

lang="pl" Te trzy, letnie, miesiące znacznie wpłynęły na moje życie, na to jak teraz postrzegam świat. Doświadczenie odmiennej kultury oraz ❱❱

Remigiusz's family
❱ Poland     ❱ Italian Au Pair

Remigiusz's family

Karolina was really helpful and nice person. It was good experience for our family and we would like to try it one more time.

Natalia's family For Registered Members
❱ Poland     ❱ Venezuelan Au Pair

Natalia's family

Our experience was good. Patricia helped us much so I could work on a daily basis. Our daughters loved her.

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