ID utente 3173238

Nazionalità Statunitense | Piú ⇩

Nome e Cognome Kelly

Città/Regione Lexington/ Kentucky

Paese Stati Uniti d'America

Periodo di inizio Giu. 2025 - Ott. 2025

Durata permanenza 3-6 mesi

Buona conoscenza di Inglese (Lingua madre)

Ultimo accesso 4 giorni fa

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Aggiunto come preferito 0 volte nelle ultime 3 settimane
Profilo visto da 18 Famiglie nelle ultime 3 settimane
Tasso di risposta

Lettera alla Famiglia

My name is Kelly and I am from the United States. I currently work full-time as a daycare teacher where I spend all day with 17 two year olds. I also am a full time student (online) through the Northern Kentucky University. I am getting a degree in criminal justice with a minor in sociology, but am hoping to further my education with certificates of some kind after I graduate.
I want to become and Au Pair because it is a great opportunity to work with children one-on-one. I love working with children as a daycare teacher, but have pondered the thought of trying something new for awhile now. Although I love my job, it is difficult to find time during my day to take a break when I am watching 17 children, whilst also in school. One of my dreams in life is to travel and see the world because I am fascinated with other cultures. This would be an amazing opportunity for me to explore the world, gain knowledge of other cultures/lifestyles, and share my experiences as well.
I believe you should host me because I possess a lot of qualities a good Au Pair should have. I am a dependable person who always shows up on time and hardly calls out sick. I am flexible when it comes to the duties I am assigned and prefer to be given direct instructions to insure my work is done correctly and satisfactory. Inviting someone new into the home is a big change, which is why I would be a great candidate because I respect things like privacy and boundaries. At my daycare, my fellow employees often praise me for always smiling/being a cheerful person and having a lot of patience because the job is often stressful.
I qualify for this position because I have gained experience with all ages of children throughout my life. I grew up as the second youngest child of six, so I come from a big family. I also have a lot of cousins (ages 6 months-12 years) that I often watch over or babysit when family comes together. I was a competitive dancer for the majority of my life and with that I was able to teach and assist dance classes through my studio. At that time, I often taught classes and assisted with children the ages 4-12. In high school, I took a childhood development class where I got the opportunity to teach in a class of 3 year olds. Also in high school, we were required to graduate with 70+ hours of volunteer experience that I completed at my local family museum where I interacted with children of all ages. Before the pandemic, I was also a babysitter for a 10 year old and a 12 year old where I would pick them up from school and care for them until their parents arrived home from work. Finally, for the last year I have worked 40+ hours a week with specifically children the ages 18 months - 36 months, but have also been given tasks that required me to work with children ages 6 months- 5 years.
Overall, I have always had a passion for childcare and exploring the world. I hope you will consider to host me in this next journey of my life. Thank you!
Piú ⇩


I have no prior experience as an Au Pair, but have a range of other childcare experience. I have been a nanny/babysitter, volunteer, dance instructor, daycare teacher, and more! My dream is to become an Au Pair abroad because I want to see the world. I have never left the United States and I want to make this opportunity for myself. I love learning about other cultures and sharing experiences. I also love meeting new people and making connections that may help later on in life. There is so much in the world that I would love to see and I hope a wonderful family can help me make that happen.
Piú ⇩

Informazioni personali

Non fumatoreSa nuotare - SiSa andare in bicicletta - SiHa la patente di guida - Sì, con esperienza

Sa nuotare

Sa andare in bicicletta

Ha la patente di guida Sì, con esperienza

Ha fratelli o sorelle

Ha un passaporto valido

Non fumatore

Ha seguito un corso di primo soccorso

Occupazione attuale Assistente per l'Infanzia

Istruzione Liceo

Language Knowledge

Inglese: Lingua madre, Da 21 Anno
Giapponese: Principiante (A1), Da 2 Mese
Francese: Principiante (A1), Da 4 Anno

Sport  Dance

Religione Nessuna

La religione per l'Au Pair è Non importante

Regime dietetico speciale Nessuna dieta speciale

Problemi di salute o allergie No

Piú ⇩

Informazioni sul lavoro

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più - SiPuò vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici - SiAccetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici - Si

Paesi dove vorrei lavorare Islanda, Irlanda, Norvegia, Svezia & Svizzera

Zona preferita Metropoli, Periferia, Città

Durata permanenza 3-6 mesi

Inizio al più presto Giu. 2025

Inizio al più tardi Ott. 2025

Può vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più

Accetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici

Si occupa di bambini di età Neonati, 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni, 11-14 anni, 15+anni

Ore di esperienza con bambini negli ultimi 24 mesi 800 +

Numero max. di bambini di cui si occuperà 3

Può lavorare per un genitore single Si, con la madre o con il padre

È disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili

È disposto ad occuparsi di persone disabili

Studenti di fascia di età

Piú ⇩

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