Work abroad as an Au Pair in berlin Germany - 2579347

The job is not available anymore, but you can look at the following jobs that are similar to your search.

Au Pair jobs in Berlin Germany

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 1-12 Months

❱ 330 EUR per month
❱ Apr 2024 - Nov 2024 (1-12 Months)
❱ 2 Children (1 - 5 years old)

Hallo, :) ***ICH LADE KEINE BILDER VON MEINEN KINDERN INS INTERNET HOCH*** ***I DO NOT UPLOAD PICTURES OF MY CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET*** ich wohne mit meinen zwei Kindern (3 und 5) in Berlin, Deutschland und suche ein:en sympathisches/en Au-Pair- Mädchen/Jungen. Wo wir wohnen: Bei uns in der Umgebung gibt es viele Kinderspielplätze. ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 6-12 Months

❱ 280 EUR per month
❱ Aug 2024 - Sep 2024 (6-12 Months)
❱ 2 Children (1 - 5 years old)

Hi! are you our perfect match? We Suzette (38), Armin (38), Ava (5) and Arvin (3) are a loving and active family of four looking for an new aupair to support us in everyday life while providing a new cultural experience. We live in a cozy house with a large garden in a friendly neighborhood in BERLIN, the capital city of Germany. Our ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 10-24 Months

❱ 300 EUR per month
❱ Sep 2024 - Oct 2024 (10-24 Months)
❱ 2 Children (1 - 5 years old)

Liebes Au-pair, wir sind Lena (40) und Lennart (43) und wohnen mit unseren beiden Kindern (Sohn 2,5 Jahre, Tochter knapp 5 Jahre) in einer Wohnung zentral in Berlin-Mitte mit einer sehr guten Verkehrsanbindung in alle Richtungen. Unter der Woche arbeiten wir (Lena und Lennart) und die Kinder gehen in den Kindergarten. Lennart arbeitet zu Hause ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 10-24 Months

❱ 300 EUR per month
❱ Jul 2024 - Dec 2024 (10-24 Months)
❱ 1 Children (1 - 5 years old)

Dear au pair, we are Jacqueline (42) and Irma (5). We are looking for an au pair at the end of the year to support us in our daily family life. Irma has difficulty walking and therefore attends several therapies a week. Otherwise we are at daycare and at work every

Spanish family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 10-12 Months

❱ 450 EUR per month
❱ Sep 2024 - Oct 2024 (10-12 Months)
❱ 2 Children (0 - 1 year old)

OUR FAMILY: We are a family of three, me, Sonia, my partner Mohamed and our 2-year-old son Adam. Soon we will be four, because the future baby is expected at the end of September/beginning of October. I am 39 years old and I am Italian. I am a freelance architect. My partner is 37 and works as a cardiologist in the heart center in Coswig - an ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 6-12 Months

❱ 500 EUR per month
❱ Mar 2025 - Apr 2025 (6-12 Months)
❱ 2 Children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old)

Hello dear Au Pair / Nanny, We are a family of four - mommy & daddy in their late 30s, 22-month old baby girl and a small retriever dog - expecting to be five with our baby boy coming in Oct/Nov :) We speak both English & German at home. We live in a beautiful modern apartment in Weißensee - a neighbourhood just north of the busy ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair job for 12-18 Months

❱ 400 EUR per month
❱ Sep 2024 - Nov 2024 (12-18 Months)
❱ 2 Children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old)

We are a warm and welcoming family living in the vibrant city of Berlin. We are looking for an friendly and caring Au Pair to join our family and help us with our two wonderful boys, aged 5 months and 2 years. We are an open-minded and hospitable family who enjoys meeting new people and sharing our culture. Our kids are very friendly and full of ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair and Granny Au Pair job for 10-12 Months

❱ 330 EUR per month
❱ May 2024 - Sep 2024 (10-12 Months)
❱ 2 Children (1 - 5 years old)

We are happy to introduce Adela's family based in Berlin (Big City), Germany searching for Au Pair and Granny Au Pair. The family is of German origin and communicates in Bosnian, German & Croatian at home. The family of Adela is made up of 4 people and contains 2 children (1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Granny Au Pair program - the start date is from May 2024 to Sep ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 6-24 Months

❱ 300 EUR per month
❱ Jul 2024 - Nov 2024 (6-24 Months)
❱ 1 Children (1 - 5 years old)

Hallo! unser zukunftiges "Familienmitglied" Wir würden uns freuen Dich bei uns bald begrüßen zu dürfen und mit Dir viel Zeit zu verbimgen. In Berlin wohnst Du praktisch im Stadtzentrum. Wir wohnen 200 Meter entfernt vom Schloß Charlottenburg. Es ist eine Wohnung. In der Nähe ist Alles schnell zu Fuß oder mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ...

German family in Berlin, Germany, offering an Au Pair and Granny Au Pair job for 10-24 Months

❱ 280 EUR per month
❱ Jul 2025 - Oct 2025 (10-24 Months)
❱ 3 Children (1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old)

********* We are currently looking for someone starting next summer, 2025. Please contact us now if you might be interested, and we can stay in touch over the next year *************** Dear Au Pair, We are a multi-cultural family living in the heart of Berlin. My wife is German/Japanese, and I am American. Our apartment is quite near ...

Au Pairs & childcare jobs from Germany
Au Pair in Germany - program information

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Visa regulations for the Au Pair program in Germany

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Au Pair in Germany: requirements for EU and Non-EU citizens

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