Family ID: 3099546

Children: 2 Children, 1 - 5 years old

City: Milan / Big City | More ⇩

Name Francesca

State Italy

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Apr 2024 - May 2024

Time of stay: 10-12 Months

Last action: 3 days ago

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Profile Visited by 3 Job Seekers in last 3 weeks
Answer Rate - Very active in replying

Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Dear au pair/guest au pair,
We are an Italian family and live in the center of Milan (Brera). I (Francesca) work at the University (Statale di Milano), and my husband (Hjalmar Hach) is a board game designer, publisher, and classical music composer.
We are looking for a boy or girl who is willing to spend 4/9 months with us in Italy during the summer (between April-June and September-December) to help us with our 4- and 5-year-old children: Teodor and Tancredi. Both are enrolled at the Deutsche Schule Mailand, although they will be on holiday in July and August, so it will be even more important for them to practice their German for a few hours a day (as they only speak a little German with their dad). Teddy and Tancredi are very quiet, curious, kind children who are used to being and playing with other people.
We will spend the summer between Milan and Valtellina (on the Swiss border) from where you can enjoy the beautiful Alpine landscapes of Aprica, take a walk on Lake Poschiavo, take the Bernina Express to Sankt Moritz, or go to the thermal baths in Bormio to spend a few hours of total relaxation. Also from Milan, you can easily reach many interesting places by train (Venice, Florence, Turin, Rome)!
If you are a sensible, willing, tidy, and cheerful person, we will be happy to have you with us, even and especially if you are studying because we will certainly leave you some time to do so as well as to get to know Italy (we intend to give you two weeks' holiday from August 19 to September 2).
We look forward to hearing from you at our email addresses or via the website.
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Job Description

To be arranged according to the needs and experience of the au pair.
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Family Information

Family has pets No

Family lives in Big City

Parent's Age Group 30-45

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality Italian

Languages spoken at home English, German, Italian

Religion Catholic

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Teacher / Designer

People living in the house 4

Children's/people's age and gender 5 Year male
4 Year female

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Job Requirements

Working Hours (per week) 25 - 30

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 300 EUR

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 10-12 Months

Earliest Starting Date Apr 2024

Latest Starting Date May 2024

Looking for Au Pair

Children's/People's Age 1 - 5 years old

Children/People to take care of 2

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Countries Austria, Germany

Preferred Nationalities Austrian, German

Language Skills
 German, Minimum Native Language
- and -
 English, Minimum Elementary (A2)

Education Level University

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? yes

Required Age 19-31

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required No

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required No

Driving required No

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Family Description

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The house is a third-floor apartment in the center of Milan. The Brera’s district where the apartment is located is a vibrant neighborhood known for design and fashion, home to the Brera Academy, La Scala theater, as well as many of the city's most iconic restaurants. You will have a private room with balcony and bathroom at your disposal. Milan is the most modern Italian city, capital of finance, fashion, and design. Milan, with its 7 public and private universities, is a young and dynamic city. Its strategic location allows for quick and cost-effective access to many tourist destinations of interest.
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