We are happy to introduce Pablo's family based in Norderstedt (Suburb), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and communicates in English, German & Spanish at home. Pablo's family is of 4 people and contains 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program around Jul 2025 - Aug 2025. They want their Au Pair program ...
Draga viitoare Au-Pair, Abia ce am făcut acest profil. Deci nu te lăsa descurajată dacă nu e complet. Oricum cel mai bine o să ne cunoaștem într-un video/call. Noi suntem din Sibiu și de 12 ani locuim în Germania într-o periferie a Hamburgului cu multă natură într-o căsuță cu vecini de treabă și un cartier liniștit și ...
Hello, we are a nice, happy family. We live in a single-family home with a garden. My daughter is already helped by three people. As an au pair of a similar age, you would be more of a friend to her and do leisure activities with
Hello! We are a family of four, with two wonderful kids aged 4 and 7. Our family is active and always on the go! We both work, but we love to spend quality time together traveling, enjoying good food, going to the theater, skiing, and socializing with friends. We are looking forward to welcoming an au pair into our home to become part of our ...
Hallo, wir sind die Familie Mersch. Ausser den Eltern Markus und Katja, gibt es noch 2 Töchter. Nele ist 20 und Clara wird im September 6 Jahre alt. Wir suchen eine nette Au Pair, welche auch mit einer nicht typisch deutschen Familie leben möchte. Deine Aufgabe wäre es unsere Clara während der Woche morgens in den Kindergarten zu bringen und ...
At AuPair.com you can get to know Karim's family coming from Hamburg (Big City), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and speaks Arabic, English & German at home. The family consists of 5 people and contains 3 children (1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program around Apr 2025 - May 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for ...
Wir brauchen ein fröhliches Au pair das wirklich gerne Zeit mit der Familie verbringt. Du solltest selbständig arbeiten können und mit denken. Du kannst unsere Familien Freizeiten und Ausflüge zusammen mit uns machen, musst aber nicht.
Hello dear future au pair! We are a family of three with mom, dad, Lolo (& cat Billy) and we would be delighted if you would like to spend a year with us in Germany! I have 5 siblings and when I was a child we always had an au pair at home. At 19 I was an au pair in China for a year myself and now I am a host mother because we had a happy ...
Dear aupair, We have had a positive experience with the Aupair program for several years and are pleased that cultural exchange is possible for both host families and young people. If you are a happy, honest and open girl who loves children and can get along with them, then you are the right one for us. We attach great importance to ...
Hello dear future au pair! We are a family of four from Bornheim between Cologne and Bonn with tram connections in both directions! But here in Bornheim there is also everything your heart desires. You can find a language school here, which can also be reached by train in about 10