ID utente 2934375

Nazionalità Australiana | Piú ⇩

Nome e Cognome Laila

Città/Regione North Adelaide/ South Australia

Paese Australia

Periodo di inizio Ago. 2024 - Feb. 2025

Durata permanenza 4-6 mesi

Buona conoscenza di Inglese (Lingua madre)

Ultimo accesso 23 giorni fa

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Aggiunto come preferito 0 volte nelle ultime 3 settimane
Profilo visto da 4 Famiglie nelle ultime 3 settimane
Tasso di risposta

Lettera alla Famiglia

Dear Host Family,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. My name is Laila, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming an Au Pair with your family. I am excited about the prospect of joining your household and becoming an integral part of your family life.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a 18-year-old Australian citizen with a passion for cultural exchange and a genuine love for children. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and the opportunity to immerse myself in a new environment, learn new languages, and share my own traditions is something I find incredibly enriching.

My desire to become an Au Pair stems from my love for children and my eagerness to make a positive impact on their lives. I believe that being an Au Pair is not just a job but a unique opportunity to nurture, educate, and inspire young minds. I am patient, compassionate, and reliable, qualities that I believe are essential for taking care of children and creating a safe and nurturing environment for them to thrive.

In terms of qualifications, I have a strong background in coaching. I have completed various relevant courses and certifications. I am also skilled in creating engaging and educational activities, helping with homework, and ensuring the overall well-being of the children under my care as I have younger siblings in which I have to help out with. Additionally, I am well-versed in basic first aid and CPR procedures, ensuring that I can handle any unexpected situations with calm and efficiency.

Furthermore, I am a responsible and organized individual. I take my commitments seriously and understand the importance of open communication and mutual respect within a host family relationship. I am more than willing to help with household chores, provide academic support, and engage in fun and creative activities with your children.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of becoming a part of your family and creating meaningful connections with each family member. I am excited about the opportunity to learn from you, share my culture, and contribute positively to the growth and development of your children.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further and learn more about your family. Please feel free to contact me.

Warm regards,

Piú ⇩


Living in a foreign country as an Au Pair will be an incredibly enriching experience for me. It will challenge me to step out of my comfort zone, adapt to new environments, and become more independent. Navigating the complexities of a different culture will encourage self-discovery, building my confidence and enhancing my interpersonal skills through interactions with people from diverse backgrounds.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey will be the opportunity to form lifelong friendships. I will connect deeply with my host family, fellow Au Pairs, and members of the local community. These connections will create a global network of friends and mentors, fostering a profound sense of belonging and expanding my worldview in ways I could have never imagined.

Being based in a foreign country will also open the door to incredible travel opportunities. During my free time, I will explore nearby regions, visit historical sites, and marvel at natural wonders. These experiences will not only enrich my cultural understanding but also allow me to create lasting memories that I will cherish forever.

Moreover, this experience will contribute significantly to my professional development. While honing my childcare skills, I will also learn essential life skills such as time management, organization, and effective communication. These skills will be invaluable assets that will undoubtedly serve me well in my future career endeavors, making me a more well-rounded and capable individual.

Perhaps one of the most important lessons I will gain is the ability to build resilience. Overcoming the challenges of living in a foreign country will teach me to navigate unfamiliar situations, handle homesickness, and develop coping strategies. These skills will not just be useful for my time as an Au Pair but will be valuable life skills that will help me tackle any obstacles that come my way.

In summary, becoming an Au Pair abroad will be a transformative journey, offering me a unique blend of cultural, educational, and personal experiences. It will provide me with the opportunity to grow, learn, and create lasting memories. Moreover, the experience will allow me to contribute positively to the lives of my host family and their children, making this adventure truly fulfilling and rewarding.
Piú ⇩

Informazioni personali

Non fumatoreHa seguito un corso di primo soccorso - SiSa nuotare - SiSa andare in bicicletta - SiHa la patente di guida - Sì, con esperienza

Sa nuotare

Sa andare in bicicletta

Ha la patente di guida Sì, con esperienza

Ha fratelli o sorelle

Ha un passaporto valido

Non fumatore

Ha seguito un corso di primo soccorso

Occupazione attuale Terapeuta

Istruzione Università

Language Knowledge

Inglese: Lingua madre, Da 19 Anno

Sport  Volleyball, football, cricket, netball, swimming


La religione per l'Au Pair è Non importante

Regime dietetico speciale Nessuna dieta speciale

Problemi di salute o allergie Peanuts

Piú ⇩

Informazioni sul lavoro

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più - SiÈ disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili - SiPuò vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici - SiAccetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici - Si

Paesi dove vorrei lavorare Francia, Germania, Italia, Spagna & Regno Unito

Zona preferita Metropoli, Periferia, Città, Borgo/paese, Campagna

Durata permanenza 4-6 mesi

Inizio al più presto Ago. 2024

Inizio al più tardi Feb. 2025

Può vivere in una famiglia che ha animali domestici

È disposto a lavorare di più e guadagnare di più

Accetta di occuparsi degli animali domestici

Si occupa di bambini di età 6-10 anni, 11-14 anni, 15+anni

Ore di esperienza con bambini negli ultimi 24 mesi 0 ore

Numero max. di bambini di cui si occuperà 2

Può lavorare per un genitore single Si, con la madre

È disposto ad occuparsi di bambini disabili

È disposto ad occuparsi di persone disabili

Studenti di fascia di età

Piú ⇩

Informazioni su di me

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