ciao siamo una famiglia italiana con tre bimbi piccoli 3 , 5 , 7 anni la piu'grande e'una bimba e gli ultimi due sono due maschi viviamo in uk da quest'anno e abbiamo gia'avuto esperienze di scambio culturale con alcune ragazze i bimbi solo quest'anno hanno iniziato la scuola inglese e piano piano stanno iniziando ad imparare la lingua siamo ...
At you can get to know Oliver's family coming from London (Big City), United Kingdom searching for Au Pair. The family is of British origin and speaks English at home. The family of Oliver is made up of 4 people and includes 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Aug 2025 to Sep 2025. They want their Au ...
We would like to welcome an Au pair into our family, she will be treated as a member of our family. My daughter is fun loving active and caring child, she loves outdoors, arts & crafts. As with most kids anything fun and she will be into it. She develops strong bond with the right person and provides all the space into her heart.
Hello, I am Julien, French professional working in London. Marcela, my Mexican wife is living at home. Our home is in the suburbs of Maidstone. It is a large house with one extra bedroom and bathroom which can be used by the applicant. There is train, bus, bike and family car which can be used. Our 2 boys (born Aug 2024) looking for passionate au ...
Hi I’m Guy (photo 4 ) I am one of the main carers for Joanne (all photos) We are in between Leeds and Manchester close to Huddersfield and Bradford opportunities for learning are extremely high we have a good bus service in to the center of Halifax town where there is trains to Leeds Manchester and London plus 2 airports Leeds/Bradford and ...
Meet florence's family from United Kingdom, from Birmingham City (Big City) searching for Au Pair. florence's family is British and speaks English on a daily basis. The family consists of 2 people and contains 2 children (1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Jan 2025 to Mar 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 10-12 Months.
We are a family of 6 every other week. Full time it is me Sophie my husband Andrew and my 2 children Mya and Arlo We have 2 dogs Jett (working cocker) and Cif (German shepherd) both fully trained to a high standard.
We are an English speaking family, living in London, with great transport connection into the city. We have two boys who are 2 years old and 5 years old. We have an entirely separate (but connected) apartment for the au pair, with its own bathroom and kitchenette, for their
Καλημέρα!! Εισαι μια νέα κοπέλα έως 30 ετών κ θα θελες να δεις από κοντά πως είναι η ζωή σε μια πολύβουη, μοντέρνα μεγαλούπολη του εξωτερικού; Θα ήθελες να ζήσεις κ να δουλέψεις σε μια ...
London calling: become part of our family adventure! Hello!, I'm Olga, a single mum to my energetic little girl, Alexandra, who is four years old. We're looking for a friendly and caring female aupair who loves children to join our family. Let me paint a picture of what that looks like. You’ll be living in Bermondsey in the heart of ...