Olá! Meu nome é Solange! Sou brasileira e tenho 43 anos ! Sou formada em educação infantil, trabalhei 2 anos como professora , logo em seguida me formei em pedagogia e estou terminando segunda licenciatura em educação especial, gosto muito de trabalhar com crianças , sou ...
Dear Host Family, My name is Klarelliz, I’m 22 years old, and I would be honored to become your au pair. I am a loving, patient, and responsible person with experience caring for children through volunteer work with underprivileged kids. This taught me empathy and how to ...
Dear Host family, My name is Adrianny, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Brazil. °my experiences: •I already worked in daycare •story telling •child education •child development •emotional intelligence •ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis
Come to know Brazilian Au Pair & Nanny called Brenda based in Brazil, who wishes to help your family as Au Pair & Nanny. The applicant has already finished Secondary School and currently works as Chef.
Je m'appelle Críssia, j'ai 27 ans, je suis née à Belém do Pará et je vis actuellement à Palmas, capitale du Tocantins. Je parle portugais natif, espagnol intermédiaire et anglais de base. J'ai de l'expérience avec les enfants, j'ai fait du bénévolat dans des projets ...
Ola, meu nome é Cirlei Mara, brasileira, descendência alemã, falo português nativo, alemão , inglês e espanhol básico..Sou organizada, sigo as regras, otimista, bom astral, responsável , dedicada.Estarei disposta para AJUDAR , compartilhar momentos especiais ...
Oi! Meu nome é Heloá, tenho 18 anos e sou brasileira. Tenho uma grande paixão por crianças e, ao longo dos últimos dois anos, adquiri experiência em cuidar e acompanhar o desenvolvimento delas. Gosto de ajudar com os deveres de casa e sou sempre disposta a colaborar em ...
Hello! Dear Host Family, My name is Talita, I'm 25 years old. I'm from Brazil, a large country with a diverse culture. Here I live in Cidade Contagem in Minas Gerais. First of all I come from a very big and warm-hearted family that made me become a very caring, ...
Hello, my name is Aline, I'm 25 years old, I'm very attentive and organized, I love meeting new people and places, I've always liked children and the care and teaching that we can transmit through our experiences and
Dear Host Family, My name is Yasmin, I am 25 years old and I am from Brazil. I recently graduated in Law (December 2024) and am now looking for a new experience abroad. I have always dreamed of living abroad and I believe that the Au Pair program is the perfect opportunity to ...
Rebekah, 23 23 y.o. Brazilian Artist currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in France
Maeli, 25 25 y.o. Brazilian Estagiário na justiça estadual currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Caregiver for elderly jobs in Italy, Singapore, Spain, USA, United Kingdom
Karen, 28 28 y.o. Brazilian Nurse currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Canada, USA, Ireland, Croatia, Portugal
Maria Caroline, 18 18 y.o. Brazilian Autônomo currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal
Amanda, 28 28 y.o. Brazilian Student currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair jobs in Australia, Austria, Costa Rica, France, Luxembourg
Amanda, 27 27 y.o. Brazilian Secretary currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Spain, France