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Au Pair in France: salary, working hours, holidays, etc.

We provide you with the most important information about the following issues in this article:
The Au Pair program in France will help the participants to improve their language skills and enjoy a great time discovering the culture, while the families receive an affordable childcare option with an international component. Of course both the family and the Au Pair need to keep in mind: they have certain responsibilities and need to stick to regulations.

There are two different types of Au Pair programs in France: the Stagiaire aide familial étranger and the Salarié Au PairWhen we refer to the Au Pair program, we consider the Au Pair as Stagiaire aide familial étranger.

Working hours

Working hours for Au Pairs in France might vary according to the family’s needs but should not be more than 5 hours per day and 30 hours per week, for Au Pairs from an EU country. Au Pairs from a non-EU country can’t work more than 25 hours per week, babysitting included. Host Families need to plan their Au Pair's working schedule in a way that the participant is able to attend a language course and enjoy their free time.
Keep in mind that Au Pairs from countries not belonging to the European Union (EU) are not allowed to work in France outside the Au Pair program. 

Pocket money

Au Pairs from an EU country are expected to receive between 271.50 - 325.80 € per month. 
Non-European Au Pairs should receive at least 320 € per month.

Time off and holidays

Au Pairs in France should have at least one and a half free days per week. The Au Pair program does not provide official information regarding the holiday entitlement. However, we recommend at least one free week per six months stay.


Language course

Au Pairs in France must attend a language course for at least three months. The Host Family can help the Au Pair with the course expenses if they decide to, but they are not obligated. 

What else?

  • The Au Pair should register at the foreign office during the first weeks of his/her arrival in France.
  • The Family must contact the responsible foreign office in case of any doubts regarding local regulations.

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Sébastien's family For Registered Members
❱ France     ❱ Panamanian Au Pair

Sébastien's family

Very good experience with Aupair.com. I found 2 Au Pairs with Aupair.com, one in 2019, one in 2021. I will use Aupair.com this year to find ❱❱

Cynthia, Kenyan For Registered Members
Au Pair in France

Cynthia, Kenyan

It was a great experience for me as a young aupair to improve my skills and learning, the family made me feel loved and welcomed,I felt at ❱❱

Julie's family
❱ France     ❱ Australian Au Pair

Julie's family

It is a pleasure to live with Bethany and to be helped on a daily basis, our girls are delighted!

Adèle's family
❱ France     ❱ Mexican Au Pair

Adèle's family

Everything went well with Paloma. The interviews went well. Paloma liked the Lorraine region.

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