Au Pair in Germany: contract and insurance

The Au Pair contract will provide a legal stay in Germany. It has to be signed and discussed by the Host Family as well as the Au Pair before the exchange. In Germany, the Au Pair needs an insurance which has to be contracted before the program starts. In case you need a rematch with a new host family/ Au Pair, we inform you about the process in this article.
A health insurance and the Au Pair contract will provide a legal and safe stay in Germany. To help our users, we have gathered some important information regarding these issues.

The Au Pair contract

Germany does not provide a specific contract needed for the Au Pair stay; even so, the German Employment Agency provides a sample contract which is available online. Families and Au Pairs can also download and personalize the Au Pair contract from our website and include relevant details. Do not forget that this document should include important points such as:

Termination of the contract

Sometimes Au Pairs and Host Families struggle to get along and find common ground. When the family and the participant cannot solve these differences, then both parties have the option to end the contract before the planned time.
By doing so, both parties give each other a two week notice period during which they must continue the work relation as friendly as possible. Keep in mind that during these weeks the family should find a new Au Pair and vice versa. If the participant needs a visa to be an Au Pair in Germany and cannot find a new Host Family during the two weeks, then he/she will have to return home.

Au Pair insurance in Germany

The “Krankenkasse” manages the Health Care in Germany. Citizens of the European Union can apply for the European Health Insurance Card which covers some health expenses while living in another EU country. 
In Germany, participants from non-EU Member States must also receive a private insurance covered by their Host Families. 

Health insurance for the EEA citizens 

Participants from European Union member states can benefit from German Health Care through the European Health Insurance Card. The application for this insurance must be done in the Au Pair’s home country before traveling to Germany. 
Since the health services vary from country to country, it is important to check the coverage to avoid paying additional fees, which the family would have to cover. Keep in mind that the EHIC does not cover private treatment in Germany and any costs incurred for private healthcare are non-refundable. Nevertheless, Germany’s state, private and charity-run hospitals normally have contractual arrangements with statutory health insurers.
Note: We recommend to use a German Health Insurance company in order to avoid any surprises and ensure a safe experience.

Health insurance for the Non-EEA citizens

An Au Pair from a Non-European Union country needs a private Health Insurance. The Host Family must cover the insurance costs. The participant will need to show an insurance confirmation to the German Embassy. The authorities at pass control might also check it. 
In order to have full insurance we have two partners, that offer special Au Pair insurances. You can read more about Dr. Walter or Care Concept on our website.  

Car insurance and driving license

Germans are known for being good drivers and if the participants need to drive during the stay, they will need to follow all the rules. If the Au Pair holds a driving license from any European Union country, it is possible drive in Germany. Of course, it must be valid and fulfil the following conditions:
  • The license is not suspended
  • The participant must always carry the license
  • Follow any restrictions (such as wearing glasses)
  • The Au Pair must be at least 18 years old
If the participant has a non-EU driving license he/she can drive during the first six months of the stay if the participant fulfills the conditions mentioned above. After that, Au Pairs require a six months extension.
A participant needs to ensure that the insurance covers accidents and he/she needs to know the traffic rules in Germany.

Rematch of Host Family or Au Pair

The Au Pair program is a unique intercultural exchange between Au Pairs and Host Families and offers people all around the world the opportunity to work abroad and broaden their horizons. However, it is important to remember that misunderstandings or problems can occur when you are meeting new people, especially those from a different cultural background. This also applies to Host Families and Au Pairs, as it is not always the case that a positive relationship develops between the two. But do not worry! It can happen to anyone and no one is to blame. The important thing is to find a good solution for both parties, e.g. a change of Host Family/ Au Pair. 
It is important to try every other option first to work things out with them. Read this article to clear up any misunderstandings with your Host Family/ Au Pair BEFORE looking for a new placement.
Terminating the Au Pair program and changing Host Family/ Au Pair
Please, remember to always be respectful and discuss the situation with the other party in order to help each other work out a good and uncomplicated solution. 
  • Discuss the situation: It is important to have a formal communication to let the other party understand that you wish to terminate the contract, whatever the reasons may be. In case of any objection from the family/Au Pair, remember that you are free to terminate the contract. You should respect the Au Pair contract and the notice period, but if you find it impossible to do so, you can even end the contract earlier. Although such extreme situations are very rare, some Au Pairs/ Host Families feel threatened or endangered. In such a case, you should not wait for the conflict to escalate, but take action immediately.
  • Search for a new Host Family/ Au Pair: Reactivate your account on or simply log in again if you have not deactivated it. You can easily search for a Host Family/Au Pair who already resides in the country you are currently in. Always remember to be cautious and have at least three video calls with a family/au pair before you choose them
  • Visa procedure: The Au Pair visa is only valid for two weeks after the end of the contract. Within these two weeks, the Au Pair must find a new family. If the Au Pair does not find a new family by this time, he/she will have to return to his/her home country. If the Host Family finds an Au Pair who is still in their home country, they will have to apply for a new visa at the responsible German embassy with all the necessary documents.
  • After finding a new Host Family/ Au Pair: Once a new Host Family has been found, the Au Pair should contact the Residents' Registration Office in her old Host Family's town/city and register in the new family's location. In addition, the Au Pair's visa must be transferred to the new Host Family at the relevant immigration office. The “Agentur für Arbeit” needs to be informed about the Au Pair’s new occupation in written form and the new Host Family needs to fill in the questionnaire of the Agentur für Arbeit.
  • Start a new experience: While it may be true that your last experience with your Host Family/ Au Pair was not the best, it does not mean that this one will be the same! The best thing you can do is to learn from the last experience and start the new exchange with a positive and open mindset.

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Charlene's family
❱ Germany     ❱ English Au Pair

Charlene's family

The site is very clear and easy to understand. Super, nice service on the phone. The staff was very helpful and friendly. They also gave me ❱❱

Aolina, German For Registered Members
Au Pair in China

Aolina, German

In mid-November, I familiarized myself with a few families on the website and decided on Fiona's family in Shenzhen. Once ❱❱

Fate's family
❱ Germany     ❱ Costarican Au Pair

Fate's family

Many au pairs don't know the requirements for being an au pair in Germany. Also a lot of especially philipino girls think they can support ❱❱

Lisa's family For Registered Members
❱ Germany     ❱ Indonesian Au Pair

Lisa's family

Great website to find potential au pairs. Many of them unfortunately don't read half the information provided but I think we found a great ❱❱

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