Au Pair in England / UK: salary, working hours, holidays, etc.

Are you interested in the Au Pair program in the United Kingdom and want to know more about practical moments of your Au Pair stay? In this material you will find all the necessary information regarding:
Although the Au Pair program is usually a win-win cooperation between the Au Pair and the Host Family, there are rules that both sides should respect. In this post we have gathered the most important information about being an Au Pair in the United Kingdom.

Working hours

The participant should spend 30 hours per week on the Au Pair duties including babysitting! 
Although it is not recommended, the participant can also work part-time; as an EU citizen the applicant can work in the UK, and the Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme visa allows non-EU Au Pairs in the UK to work up to 20 hours per week in addition to the participant’s responsibilities. The Host Family should always be a priority, though.

Pocket money

According to the official Au Pair program in the UK, Au Pairs are entitled to the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage. Host Families can take into account the accommodation rate when calculating their Au Pair’s salary. Click here to learn more. 
The Host Family cannot deduct from the Au Pair's salary the cost of the full board, nor can the Host Family deduct optional benefits such as the cost of public transportation or the use of the family car. For all the latest and up-to-date information on the Au Pair program in the UK, visit the official government website by clicking here

Time off and holidays

The participant in the United Kingdom will have at least 1 day off a week. This day should be a Sunday at least once in a month.

The participant will also have the right to holidays, although in the United Kingdom there are no clear requirements regarding this case.

It is recommended to grant 4 weeks of holiday per 12 months of the program, but the participant needs to discuss the details with the Host Family. Make sure to note this in your contract as well!

Language course

The participant needs to have the possibility to attend a language course in the United Kingdom. A daily schedule of activities will help them plan their classes.
The Au Pair has to cover the cost of the language course, the Host Family doesn't have to support them. The participant can always ask the Host Family to take it into consideration though!

What else?

  • Au Pairs may have to pay Income Tax depending on the amount they earn. Click here to learn more.
  • Au Pairs may have to pay National Insurance depending on the amount they earn. Click here to learn more.
  • It’s the responsibility of the employer to keep records proving that they are paying the minimum wage.

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Becky's family For Registered Members
❱ United Kingdom     ❱ French Au Pair

Becky's family

Esther was an amazing Au Pair. She bonded with my 2 children and treated them like family. She walked them to a school, sorted out meals, ❱❱

Natalia, Brazilian For Registered Members
Au Pair in United Arab Emirates

Natalia, Brazilian

The experience was indescribable! Meg's family is sensational, they all welcomed me very well. I improved my English, immersed myself in ❱❱

Matthew's family
❱ United Kingdom     ❱ Zimbabwean Au Pair

Matthew's family platform made finding our 1st Au Pair very easy, Brianna was also super efficient in her communications.

Sara's family
❱ United Kingdom     ❱ French Au Pair

Sara's family

This has been our first experience of hosting an Au Pair and it has been just fantastic. Our au pair has become a member of our family and ❱❱

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