Au Pair in Sweden: contract and insurance

Have you signed the contract yet? Do you already know how to purchase an Au Pair insurance? If you are confused about the paperwork, read this post - we will do our best to help you.

The Au Pair contract

There is no official template of the Au Pair contract in Sweden. Therefore, we highly recommend using our contract, which can be downloaded from our website.

Host Family and Au Pair should meet up during a Skype video-call and discuss all the details together. Remember to think of the following points:
  • Schedule - what is a typical day going to look like?
  • Working hours - when does the Au Pair need work? Are the working hours flexible?
  • Holidays - how many days will the participant have off?
  • Time-off - when can the candidate enjoy their free time abroad?
  • Duties and responsibilities of all participants
  • Travel costs - who should cover the expenses?
Have a look at our contract and try to fill in the gaps. If you don’t reach a mutual agreement during the first video-call, do not hesitate to meet up again!

Termination of the contract

The contract between both parties may be terminated with a notice period of 2 weeks. In case of a serious breach of the contract or some other unexpected events the contract may be terminated without notice, but we do not recommend this.


The Au Pair insurance in Sweden

The Au Pair should register with Försäkringskassan - it’s the Swedish state agency responsible for social insurance where the participant needs to register upon arrival. The participant will not get the same social benefits as permanent residents, although they will receive health care, disability coverage and other benefits if necessary. 
Participants from EU countries are strongly encouraged to apply for an EHIC and take it to Sweden. They can always purchase an additional private insurance for extra protection.
We have two insurance companies working with us. Both offer special Au Pair insurances for many countries and nationalities. Read more about Dr. Walter or Care Concept

Driving a car in Sweden

If the participant has to drive a car in Sweden, make sure their driving licence is valid in Sweden. 
There should be no problem with the driver’s licenses from any EU / EFTA country, but in some other cases the participant’s driver’s license is not valid after crossing the border of Sweden. 

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Susanne's family
❱ Sweden     ❱ Italian Au Pair

Susanne's family

Silvia is fantastic. The perfect fit for our family. She is mature, independent and very grateful for th experiences Sweden can offer. She ❱❱

Jennifer, Swedish For Registered Members
Au Pair in Australia

Jennifer, Swedish

They included me in their daily life and welcomed me as a part of their family. I was brought along on trips and when there was a social ❱❱

Lotta's family
❱ Sweden     ❱ Italian Au Pair

Lotta's family

Experience both with the and with the Au pair herself was great and we became good friends. Unfortunately she couldn't come ❱❱

Nga's family For Registered Members
❱ Sweden     ❱ Filipino Au Pair

Nga's family

Yin was a friend to our children, and us too. She was wonderful in everything, always full of energy, fun, interesting to talk to, and very ❱❱

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