Au Pair in Italy: contract and insurance

The contract is the legal base of the Au Pair program. It will help to express expectations and to reach an agreement. 
The insurance is equally important! If you are looking for some essential information regarding the Au Pair insurance in Italy, you are in the right place. 

The Au Pair contract

There is no official Au Pair contract in Italy, but since it is important, you can use the template. If you have additional points, you can always add the necessary details. 
Host Family and Au Pair have to discuss the contract before the stay begins. Participants from Non-EU countries need to clarify this before the visa application. 
Along with the statement of insurance, the contract will be mandatory during the visa application. Therefore the Au Pair should receive the original version of it, signed by the Host Family and present it at the embassy.

Termination of the contract

If an issue has occurred and both parties can't find a solution to it, they can terminate the contract. There is a 2 weeks notice period for both Au Pair and Host Family. During the fortnight, both parties should be able to find a solution and look for a replacement.  


The Au Pair insurance in Italy

The Au Pair will need insurance during their stay in the host country. The insurance should cover the whole length of the program.
Italy belongs to the European Union, therefore Au Pairs from EU countries are insured by the EHIC and can receive medical help in Italy. We recommend to get an additional private insurance, because the EHIC does not cover all necessary treatments. You can find more information about this case in the next section.
Au Pairs from other countries will probably need some additional insurance - read more about it here.

Health insurance for EU citizens in Italy

All the Au Pairs heading abroad within the borders of the European Union should have a European Health Insurance Card. The EHIC allows the Au Pairs to use public health services in every country of the European Union on similar terms to local people. 
Nonetheless, the participant should keep in mind that the reimbursement of national health services may be different in every country. Even if the service might be free of charge in the Au Pair’s homeland, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is in Italy.

Health insurance for Au Pairs from other countries

Au Pairs in Italy have to be insured. Otherwise, the cost of medical treatments may be overwhelming. 
To receive extra protection, you need to get a private health insurance. In this case, the Host Family should cover the costs.
There are two insurance companies that normally insure Au Pairs of, whether they are from a EU country or a Non-EU country. Feel free to read about Dr. Walter or Care Concept. These companies offer special Au Pair insurances, so the participant doesn’t have to worry about anything during the stay.

What else?

  • In case of stays longer than 3 months, the participant should register with the Italian National Health System (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale). The family should cover the costs for registration.
  • To be covered by the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, the codice fiscale, a tax number is necessary. The Au Pair can apply for the number at the local tax office. 

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Benedetta's family
❱ Italy     ❱ Spanish Au Pair

Benedetta's family

It was our first au pair experience and it resulted very very useful.

Natalia Estefania, Italian
Au Pair in Italy

Natalia Estefania, Italian

In 2019, when I had not yet obtained my Italian citizenship by bloodline, I was an Au Pair in Brentonico, a small mountain village in the ❱❱

Alessandra's family
❱ Italy     ❱ British Au Pair

Alessandra's family

It was a good experience. Very easy to use, I found the au pair perfect for our needs

Viviana's family
❱ Italy     ❱ Austrian Au Pair

Viviana's family flawless service Perfect Au Pair and well integrated in our family!

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