Au Pair in Canada: salary, working hours, holidays, etc.

The Au Pair program connects different cultures and  gives the chance to welcome a new family member. Although there are regulations, you have to take into consideration some aspects:
Being an Au Pair means a lot of advantages: You do not need to pay for accomodation and full board and receive a monthly or weekly pocket money from your Host Family. Moreover the working hours and holidays are regulated as well. Have a look at the details: 

Working hours

Even though, the participant should always put the Host Family first and see them as a priority, and there are no specific regulations of how many hours the participant is allowed to work, the Au Pair should still not spend more than 30 hours a week on Au Pair duties - babysitting on up to 3 evenings included. 

Pocket money

The Host Family pays pocket money which is regulated by minimum wage and varies from province to province.The full board and accommodation are not included in the pocket money. In addition to that, the Host Family will pay employment insurance and income tax. 
The Au Pair and the Host Family need to check out the minimum wages of each part of Canada. In general the salary is about 330 CAD a week. At the end of the year, the Au Pair can submit a tax declaration in order to get a tax refund. Click here to check the minimum wage in Canada for Young Workers.
The participant should actually pay for the flight to Canada and the flight back home. Yet it is possible to talk to the Host Family. Many Host Families are happy to help with the travel expenses. It is not obligatory for the family though, it is only a recommendation.  

Time off and holidays

An Au Pair in Canada should have at least 1 day a week off. At least once a month this day should be Sunday.    
Although the Working Holiday program does not have specific regulations about the Au Pair’s holiday, it is recommended to give the Au Pair 2 weeks off for a total stay of 6 months, and 4 weeks off for a total stay of 1 year. However, if the Host Family wants to give more time off this is totally acceptable. 
If the Host Family invites the Au Pair to join them during their holidays, it should be discussed if this time will be taken from the Au Pair’s holidays or not. It is important to write those regulations in the Au Pair contract so there won’t be any problems or misunderstandings. 

Language course

An Au Pair in Canada should attend a language course or, something similar if your English is already very good. Usually the participant pays for the language course, but of course it is possible to talk to the Host Family about it. Please remember that it is not obligatory for the Host Family to pay!

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Authentic experience reports from Host Families from all over the world

Nadia's family
❱ Canada     ❱ German Au Pair

Nadia's family

We were very lucky to find our first Au Pair within only a few weeks. She has been a great fit for our family and we are looking forward to ❱❱

maissa, Italian
Au Pair in France

maissa, Italian

My stay as an au pair in the south of France with an Italian family was an exceptional period in my life. I had the responsibility of ❱❱

Heidi's family
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Heidi's family makes it easy to search for specific countries and skill sets. This was a huge asset when I needed someone with a physical ❱❱

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Website is easy to use and provides detailed information about how to go about searching for and hiring an au pair.

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